I am currently on Windows and looking for a great C/C++ IDE and don't know which one is perferred. Sup Forumsuide me

I am currently on Windows and looking for a great C/C++ IDE and don't know which one is perferred. Sup Forumsuide me.

Visual Studio with Resharper for C++ (you can get it for free if you're a student).
Don't listen to text editor only autistic fizzbuzzers.



I use codeblocks. It seems to be the most simplest one, which I like because I don't like a lot of features.

Jetbrains Clion

visual studio and codeblocks are the best by far

I haven't used it but Jet brains make a C/C++ IDE called CLion. Intellij Idea is made by them and is pretty great so I'd imagine CLion is worth a look.

VS if you're on Windows since it is what everybody uses. If you don't like it then either switch platforms or learn to like it.

>visual studio
>intentionally polluting all your code with stdafx.h

No fucking way senpai

Well, visual studio adds telemetryâ„¢ to everything you compile, so i'd choose between anjuta, codeblocks, codelite and eclipse cdt. Btw these are on linux, but someone probably made a windows version

Qtcreator is the best I think. However sublime is also nice with the right packages.

This. CLion has better compatibility with cmake and clang, with the same features as VS.


When writing C++, VS adds #include "stdafx.h" to your code. If you get cheeky and remove the line, it will fail to compile.

Son you can remove precompiled headers from your project.

Sure, if you mess around with the settings, yes. But by default, they make it annoying to do so.

It's literally just a checkbox.

Code:Blocks, Visual Studio or CLion.


you can check or uncheck whatever fucking checkbox you like user but most pajeets (and most plebs on Sup Forums) will not uncheck it, which makes for a dirty microsoft garbage infestation
all this for something that isn't necessary.
Just a way to prey on plebs to include telemetry in their code.

No thank you, not supporting that,


vim actually

>vim with a Unix console
Pick one. Anything else is bloat or shit, usually both.

C development in neovim is divine

GNU/Linux + GNU/Emacs, there's literally no reason to use something else.

I use Cygwin and Sublime but I haven't gotten around to learning Make and Emacs yet. It's an adequate dev environment for simple programs, I suppose.