Son takes programming class at high school

>son takes programming class at high school
>jews try to indoctinate MY SON with OBJECT ORIENTED "PROGRAMMING"

How do we stop this?

Indoctrinate him with assembly knowledge first, everything he learns afterwards will just be an extension of his knowledge, not the base
Also don't teach him x86 assembly like a faggot parent, teach him assembly for something like an avr or 8051 or other 8 bit microcontroller so that he can appreciate and visualize the power is assembly

there is literally
nothing wrong with object oriented programming

Nice try Pajeet

>implying there's anything wrong with OOP

I'm surprised you can post a thread from the command line.

might as well get it over with and expose him to javascript with codemonster

i see Sup Forums is reading through "head first java" for the first time and cant wait to drop some dank memes about it

haha epic xd cant wait to uploaed this to /r/Sup Forums and maybe le_donald

why 8051?

Not specifically 8051, but any 8 bit microcontroller assembly because they're clean, easy to understand and follow

I took 8051 as an example because that's what I learned assembly on, there are simpler chips out there so you could use those too

Ain't nothing wrong with OOP mate. The problem is the way people are taught to use it.

Just teach him better practices.

5 object points have been deposited in your C++ account

>calling people jews
>picture of sam hyde
>fully integrated into Sup Forums culture

It's genuinely concerning that a parent with a son old enough to program still hasn't grown out of this type of behavior. You're a fucking middle-aged man, act like one

What do I stand to gain from growing up?

health problems

not being an outcast
being a good role model for your mentally disable son.

sounds shit

> calling his wife's son his son
That's some new level of kekoldry.

but honestly
my daughter is turning 12 this year
and i havent tought her any language yet
im afraid she doesnt get it
she is smart but her attention span...

any advise

Have you heard of these things named knives?

>tell millennial son to learn assembly
>starts writing in atom to run in a simulator in JavaScript

I bet kids learn all this OOP bullshit from their helicopter-parenting stories like Harry Potter and The Hungary Caterpillar. My kid will only read SICP or face the fucking consequences

>or face the fucking consequences
Like working maintainable code?

>asking random neckbeards how to raise your child

shit dad desu senpai.

Teach him the ways of Haskell and enlighten him

when people ask me for parrenting advise i always say
>it just happens

like really it just happens

you forgot to say wifes before son for maximum memeing

I prioritize my son over my wife

Is 6502 a good instruction set?