Member of some random message boards

>member of some random message boards
>admins always begging for donations to pay for "server costs"

How much fucking bandwidth does a forum with maybe 20 posts a day actually use? Are these niggers just trying to scam money out of people who don't know any better?

Other urls found in this thread:

They are.

If they want to offset costs, they should charge a subscription fee.

I think the same thing when people ask for donations on the radio. If you can't afford to be on the radio maybe you should get a real job. Don't you think I'd like to be on the radio running my mouth too. But I'm not rich. If I was I wouldn't spend my money so you could be on the radio. I'd spend my money so I could be on the radio.

This, Sup Forums should be subscription only

How much does Sup Forums even cost to maintain a month? $20?

Moot was just a jew

We could even give it a snappy name too. Something to identify it as the fee for entering the depths of the internet cess pit. A lowtax, if you will.

>server costs
a 15yo child could handle it, so take a guess

Current Users: 202,642 Active Content: 762 GB

Lol, just get an unlimited data plan

neck yourself my man

whoa whoa whoa now WHATS THE SOURCE

end you're existance

>the owner doesn't have a job
>lives off of autism dole and donations
>doesn't pay anyone anything
>volunteer labor pool dried up years ago
>site languishing in the past

we all know you're talking about eatawiki OP

also post RyRy's pic of her holding that large wad of cash

Ryan Newman.

This is what she looks like now.


i really wana eat pussy but hookers don't let me, what should i do Sup Forums?

Did someone try to extract a soda can out of her or something?

kill them first

I'll never get over her weird fucking face

They're doing you a favor retard.

>hi I'm 15


lotax respond ;~;

Stop being unattractive and get a gf

You know how I know you're gay?

I know you're trolling, but I will bite.

You'd be surprised how much shit costs. Look at how much all our shitty hentai costs, for example:

>$56,000 per year
>for hentai

I pay 36 bucks a year for all of my servers, kek
dumbasses probably buy a dedicated server from some kike host with the most expensive .com they could get from godaddy

Now I'm starting to think that co-locating my Raspberry Pi at a datacenter was a bad idea...