You Rage You Lose - Tech Edition

This USB cable is 1 metre long, and costs $500.

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audiophiles are the dumbest fuckers in history, the difference in quality is never worth anywhere near what they pay

It's called diminishing returns you poorfag.
It's still better.

It's a USB cable, all signals sent through it are digital, so past a certain pretty low point, there is no fucking difference

You just can't hear it you pleb.

with analog cables, maybe, but with digital cable ? 100% retardation.

Fuck off, it makes my ATH-M50's sound worlds better.

Do you mean your Beats™?

that's fucking pleb tier.

> 2016
> not having different-braided audio cables for different acoustics



yeah, it does nothing.
> python_nest.jpg

My favourite is the 10inch thick power cables that I've seen some use.

The connection from the audio device to the power socket is the fucking best electrical connection known to man, but then from the power socket to the local substation is barely held together and in some cases (which I have actually seen) insulated with shopping bags.

> It's really expensive
> I don't know what these batteries do
> Oh they're still alive!
I bet they only power the fucking led

>tfw my uncle in law is an audiphool
>tfw almost busted all his bang and olufsen trash with a bat after he cheated on my aunt

How heavy is that shit

This little shit and UEFI locked BIOS are the worst.

>shielded cable for 3000 dollars
>cable holders for 500
>contacts exposed

people also say that 200 year old violins sound better but it's been scientifically proven to be bullshit, If you spend 400 dollars on a fucking audio cable then you're going to hear pure sex no matter what it sounds like.

If you want to see the dumbest shit that mentally retarded people buy,

please tell me this is satire


That's completely different.

An instrument's sound inherently changes with age, particularly with wooden instruments.
A 200 year old violin sounds likely has a sound that is almost unique to it. If you want a violin that sounds old you can't just pick up a newly manufactured violin, even if it is more accurately in tune.

The guy is pretty well known in the audio world. He's bullshitting and its a joke but he will sell this stuff because he doesn't mind taking money from stupid people.

Why the fuck doesn't python enforce types? Pycucks will defend this:
def add(x, y):
assert isinstance(x, int)
assert isinstance(y, int)
return x + y

Do you know what a weakly typed language is?

It isn't different. There's been many studies to disprove this. On in particular showed how a Stradivarius viola sounded identical to a modern high temp laminate pressed $240 viola. It's all about density. Anyone saying otherwise has no clue what their talking about. This is also the case with the tone wood guitar myth

these cables are for professional musicians, not for you to listen to LoL's sound effects better on your gayming rig

So you're defending having to manually check whether everything is the correct type? Tell me one way in which weak typing is useful. Are you ever going to use a variable once as an int and then later as a boolean? Is it useful to create a function that operates on two integers, but have that function also accept two strings and produce some weird garbage output that only gets caught later in some obscure runtime error?


>more open sound
Even foodies make more sense with their "mouth-feel" bullshit.

> he fell for the M50s meme

are you saying all of your food has the same texture


Fun fact: Nordost is on the "value" end of audiophile cable brands.

>user why did you plug the poor seal into the outlet?

At least this example looks nice. Wasteful bullshit, yes, but tasteful wasteful bullshit.

That may have been doing him a favor.

How did the bourgeoisie squander their money before recorded audio?

throw this in a flash drive or sd card along with a portable image viewer. open it up
on family/friend's computer. done did all I could. no viruses I could find, bye

Why would those make me cry when live performances don't?

i came here to rage but i laughed instead, do I still lose?


We all lose, user.

Fun fact: Nord Ost means northern cheese in Norwegian.

Audio cables only require shielding if they're in an electricially "noisy" environment. The Shielding will add a to the cost, but only a few extra dollars. The connectors make a difference, but will be fine if they use conductor that doesn't corrode. The connector must also be robust if it is plugged and unplugged often. I wouldn't pay more than $10 on a cable.

The only real difference in cables is between balanced and unbalanced cables. Consumer audio equipment doesn't use balanced connections.

A USB cable will not affect audio in any was at all. Even a shitty cable will have data restored by error correction, if the data signal fails, you won't get anything from the cable at all.

They call live performance and whore.