Status 0xc000000f

So windows automatically forced a restart on my laptop (even though I've been vehemently denying it) to upgrade to Windows 10, and during the upgrade it crashed due to a "fatal video error" and tried to revert me back to windows 7, and then broke my laptop. It's Stuck on this screen (pic related)

What do I do?

I've tried restating holding f8 and going to last known good configuration, as well as "repair computer" I also have the windows 7 install disc.

All attempts have led me back to that screen

Install Gentoo and remove Windows, Windows is trash

Better yet, install Ubuntu or Mint


Is there any way to get back to where I was without changing Os?

boot from Windows 7 install disk. Select repair your PC

You should have prepared and updated when you had time, sorry you are a retard.

How do I boot from install disk? Do I put the disk in, hold f8 on start up?

Put it in, boot from it, then the installer will ask you wheter you want to install a new instance of Windows or tinker with the old one

Come on baby you still got some life in you, I know it.

Thanks for the help guys, I'm hoping this will work

No problem. But remember to unistall updates that are prompting you to update to W10, because it will happen again and again.
And, if you are doing any important work/process critical data, you better start learning linux, because after W7 get's deprecated, you will only get 8/8.1/10 bullshit, sadly.

Not important for work , don't worry.

Also, this.

What should I do?

Sorry to say user, byt for me it looks like "we fucked up and now we cannot unfuck up this thing". I cannot help you anymore, because I haven't used the advanced options (but my common sense is saying that you should use something from there). Anytime my Win installation broke, I just reinstalled the shit out of it.

Download the windows 10 iso and install via usb. Keep the current windows partition so you can get your files back.

Or remove the hard drive, transfer files to a safe location, and install with a windows 10 iso via usb.

Or get to a command prompt and run sfc /scannow and chkdisk and shit, although it's 99% not going to help it might be worth a try.

Or save yourself the effort and nuke everything/start from scratch.

If I nuke everything, and reinstall windows 7, should I try to upgrade to windows 10 then? Or?

Thanks again for the help guys

i upgraded like 2 months back. 10 is pretty nice. It's like a prettier version of 7. Like i said i would download the ISO and try a fresh install of 10 from a usb stick if you plan on just reinstalling 7 over the current messed up installation.

If a fresh install of 10 doesn't work from physical media it could be some laptop model specific fuck up with specific and/or the winPE drivers that windows 10 doesn't like. No idea if that's the case but this is what i'd try.

good luck friend

From my experience, W10 runs smooth even on some older hardware. You get extra DirectX version (12 one as far as i remember, but I don't know if it's available already), but also opt-out telemetry and ads. Of course there are options, that allows you to disable this, but some system uldates are said to restore them to default.
If you are comfy on W7, just don't. There is plenty of time when this OS will have updates, and I think that before that, this install will break anyway.

*specific hardware and/or the winPE drivers

Try running sfc /scannow from the repair screen.

farbar recovery scan tool at read tutorial or get help there.

lol @ no mention of offline switch