
how do you hack a computer?

sudo pacman -Syyu

With an axe.


like this OP

*loads hacking tools*

You talk so much about programming, but you cant talk about hacking because you cant actually do anything. I run a hacked network of computers that I programmed to click on googles ads in my secret website. I even write my own viruses to make people get hacked into my network. I work at home and have a bunch of screens showing me what people on my network are doing on their screens. I can even set it so that i can see the code of their computers. can you guys do any of that? I dont think so. I bet you dont know where all the websites real hackers hang out are either? if you name them, I just might tell them that marshviperX sent you.

like we would ever tell you, autism boy

i hack your mum's vagina every night


God, you're pathetic. It's not the first time we've seen you post about your shitty "skillz"

All of what you just said is wrong.

Install gentoo.exe

kys tripfag

is hell 1 of those sites

i can smell your newness

>uses a trip on Sup Forums
>calls other people new

This is golden.

ip addr and you're in


nmap -T5 -O -Syua -proxychains -ssh -p 80 -apt -get -npm -git -Tor --force --HEAD


Social Engineering is the best way, sadly having 'elite haxzar skills' wont get you anywhere compared if you can con someone into doing what you want.

>get an axe
>Swing at it

Call the Feds. They have a tutorial.