The chinkboard I just bought has an odd set of front panel pints

The chinkboard I just bought has an odd set of front panel pints
Can someone help me?

It depends, do you like your sister?


I love one of them and hate the other. Why?
>It's a chinkboard
The manage is asigning numbers to each pin but these numbers aren't there on the actual board, making me assume the manage isn't made specifically for this board.

>I love one of them and hate the other. Why?
Ok, good enough. Can you give us the model number of the board? You should see it somewhere on the motherboard or box it came in.

Dude I'm not that amateur. The board doesn't exist on the internet. I know how to Google.
The picture I posted is all I have to offer

is there anything on the backside?

I've always wondered, but would putting them the wrong way fuck anything up? My shallow electric knowledge tells me it would.

Jesus man, then I won't be able to help much then. I have no idea what the fuck that shit is. Thought it might be the led/power button connectors but it doesn't really look like it.

Anyway, please spend as much time as you can with the sister that you love. Don't let her get lonely without you else she'll throw herself at wolves like mine did. Maybe if I had been there for her more she wouldn't be a single mother, college dropout at 21.

also, see

Where did you get your chink mobo from?

That is the F_PANEL pins
That much I know

The manual doesn't say this
I feel stupid, though.
Also, thanks a bunch
Some store in Tripoli, Libya.

get Asus jumper block.

Also provide picture of the full layout of the motherboard.

>mfw ive helped a terrorist
n-no problem, j-just dont b-blow it up, o-ok?

btw, is there any reference to a brand, make or model on the manual? (front or back-side, small letters running along the side, etc.)

Welcome to Sup Forums, I'm glad you could come here for the summer!

Why don't you Google your model and read the manual...

OP said he can't find any info on the board. Also he said he loves one of his sister so he's okay.

>the "didnt read the thread" and "shitpost is fun" post

Read the damn thread you gook

I'm white.

More like he doesn't know how to properly use a search engine and looked only at page 1. Don't help retards.

right, you need to go back

What the fuck is this meme? I've been working all day.

Are you retarded? The pins are clearly labelled.