Favorite editor?

favorite editor?

I like nano for most things.

sublime text for local stuff. vim for remote stuff.

I like nano because it describes Drumpf's hands.

nano if I just have to quickly edit something, config files for example, emacs for everything else

I do quick jobs in nano but bigger stuff is handled with Geany. It's not out of love but rather simplicity's sake. I might well go with emacs instead at some point.

I use Atom, but for some reason Sup Forums hates it.


I liked atom when I used it, but it doesn't run well on my laptop.


the lisp machine emacs

> atom

why on earth would you use atom when there is a superior product:sublime

everyone hates it and everyone hates you for using it, see this

> sublime
you've written emacs wrong m8

xemacs is based

im really liking vscode. its quite nice imo

the only people who are still fans of emacs are those who don't program enough to develop RSI

nano for quick edits, vscode is growing on me for everything else. Atom is still installed in case I change my mind, though.

I went through a phase of loving Kate but that died when I stopped using KDE.

Never tried kate.



It's good enough(tm).

Isn't sublime proprietary?

Nano sucks, Emacs is my personal favorite. Sublime not even once, Atom is literally web dev cancer, VIM is good but not as good as Emacs

Vim for quick edits. It's a great editor, emphasis on EDIT.

Emacs or a proper IDE for actually creating something. Modal shit and vims dated plugin architecture (and its UI in general) just get in the way of actually accomplishing things without opening a separate program. Compare vim's fugitive and emacs' magit. Terrible. Enjoy constant context switching with your vim+tabbed urxvt+tmux mess just to develop.

[acme users laughing in the distance]

Atom has a nice theme store, thats why I use it. I use nano for command line/remote stuff and Netbeans for bigger things.

notepad ftw!

> Vim for quick edits
Why not vi?

I use Microsoft Word 2007, I've never heard of this nano things and this "e-macs", sounds like an apple product haha.

1/10, try again pajeet

>I'm so leet

Because it's worse if your computer can store and run vim?

vim, of course.

totally and closed source

What benefits does nvim have over vim?


Roast me.

I find graphical vim faster than terminal vim, it works the same in every OS, it integrates better with my DE (so I can take advantage of my desktop's search and file browser), I can resize/maximize/fullscreen/change font easier, I can use Alt-Tab, I have more keys to map without having conflicts and it looks better without having to dick around with the terminal emulation.

If I have to SSH I can use terminal vim but I don't SSH often and why should I use tmux when I have multiple windows and alt-tab provided by my desktop? Seems backwards to me.

It gives you reddit karma

Other than that it's shit, stay clear

Vim is chock full of so much legacy code that it's just as bloated as emacs but without the powerful scripting language and extra features like image support and proportional fonts, it's just that it's all in #ifdefs so it compiles out and still gives you a smaller binary.

Vim is maintained by a shitty programmer that backed himself into a corner with spaghetti code and can't upgrade his own project to remain competitive with emacs in the slightest. nvim only exists because vim users wanted true asynchronous plugins and something better than shit tier vimscript with half a dozen shitty bindings for other scripting languages (that weren't complete and eventually led back to vimscript).

Vim's maintainer wants to further the nigger's quest for the destruction of civilization and propagation of ubuntu over arch, debian, and gentoo. Nvim's maintainers want to build a pure white republic of freedom where using ubuntu is not allowed, ever.


Is there a graphical version yet?

The new design will let you embed nvim in literally anything so yes

You might even be able to embed nvim in emacs, finally blessing it with a decent editor will circumnavigating its shitty ass elisp terminal emulator


nvim is shit
>let's drop support of platforms because why not?
>let's drop support for graphical version because it's hip to use a terminal on a mac
>put as many library dependencies as possible
>libuv is kewl
>json is too mainstream, let's use msgpack, this will give us cred
>donate if you want to us to work full time on nvim, oops, disregard that, no refunds
>we have too few dependencies, let's pull lua in too

The way nvim is being shilled you know there is something really rotten with it


>let's move support for platforms from the editor to the IO library
>let's drop the graphical version because there's a better way to write it now
>let's move shit out of the bloated editor
>json doesn't fit our needs but some neckbeard wants us to conform because he was shoved into a locker for liking sailor moon
>vimscript is shit, let's pull in lua instead of doing what the emacs fags are doing

Their only mistake was acknowleding linux users

Those faggots care about package counts first, megabytes second, and truly harmful software dead last behind some bullshit like config file format.

>Vim is ... bloated
what world do you live in that this is either true in principle or practically relevant? are you in situations where vim's performance deteriorates in some noticeable way?

I use nvim for most things. I don't see the appeal of something like Atom, as I can have nvim set up with essentially all the features from that kind of editor that I need.

>>let's move support for platforms from the editor to the IO library
Yes, let's use all the libraries, this will give us github stars and reddit karma
>>let's drop the graphical version because there's a better way to write it now
Subjective, And there still isn't one that works. But muh community.
>>let's move shit out of the bloated editor
And at the same time let's put a terminal emulator in the TERMINAL ONLY editor along with all the bugs and bloat that come with it, amirite?
>>json doesn't fit our needs but some neckbeard wants us to conform because he was shoved into a locker for liking sailor moon
json is too mainstream for us and it's syntax too easy to read, we are special snowflakes
>>vimscript is shit, let's pull in lua instead of doing what the emacs fags are doing
Attacking vim and emacs in the same sentence, nice! But you can't actually drop vimscript because you want to be a drop-in replacement for vim, only more bloated, with more dependencies, more bugs and less features, but those github stars and donations

>Their only mistake was acknowleding linux users
nvim, the only editor hip enough for the node.js, ruby mac hacker. Linux, *BSD, Windows users not welcome

>Those faggots care about package counts first, megabytes second, and truly harmful software dead last behind some bullshit like config file format.
These donations sure are nice, let's spread some more FUD and why you SHOULD switch to nvim today

Whenever it has no actual asynchronous plugins because bram is too busy supporting all 0 of his SPARC users

>emacs shill seriously believes using an editor means it will get donations

Because open source

all the open dev in the world and it's still a giant web page that comes with its own browser

Linux newbie here, ended up inheriting a Chromebook. How do I rice nano?


:noremap k works

that's seriously the only reason I use it at all over vim. Everything else I do not care about

Speaking of editors, why on earth is vi still the default editor suggested by people?
for the true noob, nano is much better and really should be included as the default for most distros.
Imagine being brand new being told to use chsh to change your shell, then getting stuck in fucking vi's interface - "how do I type text", "how do I save", "how do I exit".

You know that there's the EDITOR environment variable, right?

I love emacs because of how insanely powerful it is. Emacs in evil mode is god tier.

you don't

Nano is just notepad with syntax highlighting and other basic features