I am going to marathon this Funtoo installation. What am I in for?

I am going to marathon this Funtoo installation. What am I in for?

Nothing remotely interesting.
Nothing that hasn't been done hundreds of times before.
Installing an OS is not a challenge.

Same shit as any other Funtoo install I assume.

A week long marathon to set the OS the way you like it. Have fun doing nothing interesting for a week and getting nothing out of it.

It is actually. Gentoo and it's derivative, Funtoo, is difficult

Nigger there is literally a step by step instruction manual that you copy paste commands from.

How is that difficult?

Fucking this. Everything has been documented. Even gotchas and common problems have been documented.

Wow holy shit, you can follow directions, good for you.

Lol i followed the instructions, entered the command they said to enter on their website and got an error. Funtoo is shit

>running root
>using zsh
Use bash you nigger. Nobody documents your super special shell.

The system rescue they say to use is using zsh by default. How do I switch to bash

man bash

Switched to bash and it STILL isn't working. What LE FUCK

Good job, you failed faster than anyone I've seen.

Kill yourself

>Follow the guide exactly to a T
>it's my fault

Pretty much, nigger. Installing Gentoo/Funtoo is easy as fuck. Literally doable by autistic neet weebs


So please, linux master, enlighten me.

echo ’16i[q]sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx]sbA0D4D465452snlbxq’ | dc

Not an argument.

echo '16i[q]sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx]sbA0D4D465452snlbxq' | dc

Sorry quote marks got fukked up

install gentoo

I might could be

Is jordan a name that lots of anons use as a meme or is it literally the same person each time I see it?


Probably all me man

>copy paste commands from.
Don't do this

>from which you copy commands.