Got one of these things lying around and need an operating system. Any recommendations? This thing runs on a 1...

Got one of these things lying around and need an operating system. Any recommendations? This thing runs on a 1.6ghz 32 bit Atom, has 2 GB of RAM in it, and still has the original 8 GB SSD it came with.

Windows XP


Running strong for days on ancient hardware, pic related

What's that, why not Lubuntu or something

Not hipster enough

Runs horribly believe it or not.

>An installation from the live ISOs uses approximately 2.1G of space on the hard drive.
That's fucking huge.


Sadly pretty standard now, unless your looking at Damn Small or something

If OP will be able to find drivers for DSL, that would be nice.
What do they have in those 2.1 GB? Drivers?

Not really standard considering most distributions give the option to use a minimal CD.

arch with a lightweight wm would take up around 1g
maybe less if you're careful about it


Crunch bang linux. I have one of those exact models. Runs fine

I use Simplicity on mine and haven't had any problems so far.

I have one with 1 GB of RAM instead of 2 and the same processor and run Archbang with Palememe for the browser, it runs well even when I swap the 1 GB RAM stick for a 512 MB one. Also, if you go with Linux you should seriously consider a WM optimized for keyboard navigation like most tiling WMs as it definitely beats using the small touchpad.

try gentoo

Back to red dit with you

#! was abandoned nearly a year ago. There are a few distros that tried to carry on its legacy, but most users just went to Debian or Arch.


Win7 classic or WinXP

*POSReady 2009

Fedora with lxde

Debian, minimal (without x, without gdm, without DE, without wm).
Then, install bare minimum and light. So, X and a WM. MAYBE a panel. Maybe.

I suggest openbox

XP is still pretty fucking good.

Yeah, and POSReady is the same thing except it's got security updates, dumbass.

Never heard of it dumbass

Google's a thing, dumbass.

I run ubuntu from my lelonvo S10, thats with unity fuckers

(send help)


Why would you do such a thing to yourself?

Nice netbook though, I've got the same one.

Windows 10, runs fine on 1gb of ram

as a side note some of these netbooks with atom cpu have 64 bit cpu´s where only for the uefi it runs as a 32 bit cpu

check the specifications and you might be able to install amd64 build of a distro

>Why would you do such a thing to yourself?
curious is all, i had Xubuntu oh here and wanted to see if it could handle Unity, it can, sort of a bit too heavy.

Okay dumbass

This. #!++ is also a thing. Prericed Debian+Openbox is a good combo, especially for old hardware.

I've been running LXLE on my HP Mini with the same processor, same amount of ram.