Hey Sup Forums I'm about to purchase the rest of my PC. Should I go for an i5 6600K or an i7 6700k...

Hey Sup Forums I'm about to purchase the rest of my PC. Should I go for an i5 6600K or an i7 6700k? It will be mainly for shit posting and of course gaymen. Any other suggestions are welcome as well.


This belongs in /sqt/.

gay ass fuck disgusting shit

I3 6100 will be plenty for those.
No joke.

6600K for shitposting and gaming.

If want to multi-task the i7 is better, also the out of the box performance is quite superior on the i7 due to higher clocks, but you can always OC the i5, lastly the i7 will scale in the future as games utilize more cores.

Thanks, I'm just trying to decide if its worth the extra $100 to future proof. I plan on must-tasking but I doubt I will use any more than one demanding program at a time.

If you want to stream or record your gaymen, you may be better off with an i7. If you don't, i5 is probably fine.

This is probably true as well. The even faster i3 (6300?) is another solid choice if you want to save a few bucks.

How about you stop being a poorfag?
If you are a poorfag go buy amd. If you are buying nvidias top end card dont be an idiot and skimp on other parts.

Have you used cryorig coolers before? I would like to know more about them but their stuff isn't nearly as widely reviewed as some other brands

god you're a fucking sheep

6600k is good for your use

Here's a better case for your build Alec

Seems like a fine build OP. Honestly at 1440p a 1070 is more than enough horsepower but there's nothing egregious about the list you've put together. Maybe a little overkill on the power supply, but ehh it's fine. Enjoy your high end machine. Keep it clean. Don't be a retard and push a gigantic overclock.

How do you get enjoyment out of this?

They know they are pissing people off. They're basically the kid in 3rd grade who shoots rubber bands and you and runs away giggling when you get mad. Don't get mad. Ignore.

I won't be overclocking much. Thanks! The only reason Im getting a 750 watt power supply is so I have the option to upgrade to sli in the future.

What am I skimping on?
No it is my first build. I have heard really good things about them especially noise wise.

>What am I skimping on?

>Not 8 cores
>GAYMING motherboard instead of a high quality one
>Acer monitor

6600k and spend the extra $100+ you save on a better GPU.

This is always the answer to "Should I get i5 XXXX or i7 XXXX for gaming?"

You will literally not be upgrading that shit for 5 or more years. Just buy whatever is the best.

Luckly for me the difference between a i5 6600K and a i7 6700K in this shithole is 35$ so it was easier for me to pick up the i7.

Forget about "future-proofing" at this point. Nothing has really moved in the CPU world in some time. I just went from a 3570k to a 6700k and the performance difference is exactly zero in anything beyond shit like Cinebench.

If my 3570k wasn't dying and and I didn't just start a cool new job I would have returned this thing for a 6600k in a heartbeat.

this is a troll. do not feed the trolls.

get a 1070 instead of 1080, then buy the list you already put together.

>giving advice based on your specific situation

For most people the 6700k will be at least $110 more than the 6600k. That money is better spent on other components if you're mostly playing games.

But OP, what's with some of the mediocre components if you'd going to spend the pile of cash on a 1080?

Fuck that 250gb SSD, go at least 500gb even if that means forgoing the HDD. If you plan to play any games you will want that SSD space. If I was putting down $600+ for a GPU I'd also drop down some money for a 1TB SSD

Not op, but what do you think about a 5820k over a 6700k for gaming/multitasking? Is it really a marginal difference aside from shit like video editing?

For nongaming tasks it might be worth it to go with the fastest possible CPU, but only if you know you will use it. It's personal. I use my PC 80% for gaming so I spent my money on the components that benefit that task the most. Mainly the GPU and monitor. If you honestly feel you will use the extra CPU power go for it, but keep in mind where that extra money could have gone. Maybe into a larger SSD or a better monitor, both could benefit your video editing more than the small increase in CPU power.

Well, the problem for me is that there's only a $40 difference or so between the two. Plus the potential that games use more cores in the future, but who knows about that.

>less than 4k resolution monitor

stay away from this man, children. he's a filthy animal.

Is your budget that strict? If it is, think of the components in your build and analyze which ones are not benefiting you as much as that $40 CPU upgrade. Like with OP, is having a HDD really worth only having a 250gb SSD? I'd find a way to get that SSD size up, which takes away from other parts of the build. Maybe the CPU cooler or HDD size for instance.

Nope, my budget is like $2k, I'm just wondering if a 6700k or a 5820k is better going into the future. The 6800k doesn't seem bunch better than the 5820k and its $70 more, $100 more than the 6700k so I'm not even considering it

What 4k monitor has 144hz refresh rate?

What games in the future will utilize 4 cores much less 8? When will multicore games stop being a myth?

fuck off, Nick