Why do lolis oppose freeware? Are they shilling for the botnet?

Why do lolis oppose freeware? Are they shilling for the botnet?

its a botnet

Lolis understand well that ubuntu is for plebs.

Then why do they keep trying to attack their oniichans?



serves him right for being a pleb who still uses HDDs in 2016

>tfw your imouto doesn't want to touch your penis

All imoutos secretly want to touch your penis user.


Lolis want safety

That's a misconception. Lolis just prefer Gentoo to Ubuntu.

Literally in the image

>tfw no imouto

This is dumb, a real loli would talk to her mom.

anime characters don't have parents

it's not worth it or what you think at all



No one keeps their eyes open unless it's a casual kiss


Loli is only ok when it's oppai.
Shota is only ok when he has a big dick.

you are wrong

Lolis only want their oniichans to be the best they can be. She knows he can do better than be a ubuntu pleb.

What about /ss/?

>tfw too old to be a /ss/

big dick /ss/ is the only acceptable form

was a surprise kiss

not if you get a sex change.

That is fucked up and you should feel bad. Flat justice.

This. Anyone who unironically likes big tits on lolis is a pleb trying to disguise as a loli-loving patrician

cool technololigy thread.