I'm one of those shitty MS employees. Ask me anything or tell me why all of our products suck

I'm one of those shitty MS employees. Ask me anything or tell me why all of our products suck.

would be much more interested in knowing.

I'm a PC gamer though and all those plebes are probably console playing queers.

All gaming belongs on .

Do you make much bank ringing up strangers and telling them their computer is virused?

Why is Windows 10 so locked down?

I get it, MS wants to keep all people inside a small place, but why subject people to such shitty UI? Windows 7 allows at least some customization.

>Implying gaming tech isn't technology-related.

Who is your favorite Touhou and why is it Flandre?

Unless he works for the gaming division, it's not Sup Forums related; you're just autistic.

Windows is a gaming software platform. It belongs in .

We do not care, we use gentoo. Go to

>gaming tech
Please end your pitiful existence

Creating a microsoft account for Office requires that I give them my phone number. Office must be registered with a microsoft account, instead of installed and activated offline line they used to be.

Windows 10 couldn't quite get rid of the control panel, so you have to look through both the new configuration thingy and the old control panel to find what you're looking for.

No global disable updates setting that I know of. Have to set each individual connection to metered if you want control over when and where you download updates.

Windows 8 has this too, but the microsoft account login thing is annoying. I get so many people at my store that have forgotten their passwords, and cant login. They're just idiots that didn't connect it to wifi before logging in tho.

When someone sends in those crash report things, does Microsoft actually do anything with them? I like to imagine they have a giant industrial printer that spews out page after page of these reports faster than you can blink. Then all the printed crash reports get shoveled into the furnace of the boiler room, and used as fuel to keep the CEOs nice and comfy during the winter.

What group? Office here

One of the best C++ compilers in the world. Stay mad freecucks.

What do you do at Microsoft? I'm currently looking at one of their data center jobs since I plan on moving to that state eventually.


Is it true that the code is as much of a mess as is rumored and that there's a shit-ton of legacy code everyone is scared to do anything about or even look at?

Do you remember to always poo in loo?

Hello lincuck shill.

I just upgraded an older laptop to win 10 and it actually runs faster and uses even less resources than win 7.

Is Microsoft going to actively be developing / supporting the Linux DSC modules?

Azure actually looks pretty neat, and I actually like most of the Windows Server set as it makes my job easy. Being a sysadmin for Linux end users would be a nightmare. I mean if your just supporting a Server Ops team it's fine, but I think people who want to see entire orgs using Linux Desktop infrastructure are severely out of touch.

is it true that nobody knows how the kernel compiles and that it's still running on some perl scripts written in the 90's?

Probably, not just because of shitty code, but because different people take over thus it becomes shit.

You forgot to mention that you must have and use email before you are allowed to use Outlook

>not Sakuya
Fucking flandre plebs.

Will the "free" windows 10 offer really end next month?

Google "razzle.cmd"


Point is. the microsoft account isn't anonymous. Have to be tied to some identity, and they will send a verification code to make sure you're you.

That's not as big of an issue as you needing a microsoft account just to use office anyways.

How true is this?

>Microsoft Visual C++

What part of the company do you work for?

PSS, or actual dev? MTE core reporting in.

It's not.

why fs4 was so good?
what went right with windows server 2003?

The kernel code was leaked a while back. It's actually pretty good. Not surprising, Cutler's actually an incredibly smart guy and good designer.

Are you also an administrator at a gayming related website?

>no fucking replies

fuck you

Not much of an opportunity to shitpost I guess.

Sounds about right

I want to work for MS. As evil as it is, its only political agenda is money. How hard is it to get through the HR process?

What does it feel like to be a piece of shit?