The free wifi at the coffee shop I sometimes work at has a router with 'admin' as the login and password...

The free wifi at the coffee shop I sometimes work at has a router with 'admin' as the login and password. What could I potentially do and what software would I need to do it?

>What could I potentially do
Well, you could always kys. Don't need to be at the coffee shop to do that, either.

hack the gibson

Change it to a better one and leave a note informing them of the change.

login with your phone and you can scan for other devices on the network via hostname.

Install Gentoo on it.

set up a clandestine web server in the janitorial closet


Install dd-wrt and turn on capitive port
l to start on some weird porn site

You can get fired ;)

>I discovered an error in your public wifi security and too it upon myself to correct it

setup a fake facebook/twitter website in your computer and set it up to phish logins

change the password so they cant reverse what you do without resetting
setup a captive portal
make it go to a fake facebook/email/popular website
have the page forward the login attempts somewhere
after 1 failed attempt redirect the webpage to the real one to avoid suspicion.
plenty of guides on how to do all the above steps skid

>admitting you commited a felony

And this is why I intentionally enter wrong information every time I log into a website and then proceed to enter the correct information the 2nd time.

no need to write a novel

>i have autism
>using public wifi
>not having passwords saved in a manager

you pro

>ctrl + f
>public wifi not found
I don't use public wifi. Using a password manager is retarded. You're essentially using one password for everything. Also, you're admitting that you lack the capacity to memorize passwords. It's not that hard.

>not using a SHA2 + salt of an MD5 + salt of the website address + salt
>2001 + 15

There was a "hacker group" a year or so back that did that with internet exposed systems.
Updated firmware, changed to secure passwords and then sent the details to the IT department from their own internal mail servers.

There award for "too much free time" goes to...

>Not using your own secure VPN for when using other people's internet.

Well, you could potentially not do anything, and continue to use the free wifi while enjoying a cup of coffee. And this wouldn't need any extra software, either!

you don't need to do that to be sufficiently complex that your password won't be cracked by brute force in a human time scale.

Moreover, such a long string of gibberish makes it that much harder to input on mobile or new devices. Or are you saying that you trust that mobile applications will continue to be maintained forever?

DON'T DO THIS OP. The current cybercrimes law equates good samaritans to black hats.
If you know the owners personally, try teaching them about security, but don't tell them you found that their router password is weak, they'll have to figure that out by themselves.
Otherwise just stop connecting to their network for your own safety and never mention your findings to anybody you don't trust.

just open every port