Learn to code

Hey Sup Forums!
Just finished my studies and found out I'm useless.
I see the labour market is hungry for software developers. I can code in C/C++ but nobody would employ me with just these two. What to learn next? Preferably something that I can pick up within a few months.
I am unemployed so I can learn to code all day every day.

Java you dingus. Everybody asks for Java programmers. Python might be a good investment as well.

I'm a hybrid mobile dev and the framework I use is Ionic/Angular with Ionic2/Angular2 just around the corner. For web dev I like the Meteor framework. These frameworks use javascript and typescript. All of these have great google results for tutorials. JS is trendy and you have to keep up with new shit in order to stay relevant.

Yup, been thinking about python as well...
Is Java of any use without things like SQL or other web technologies? I saw it mainly as a combination with these.

I'd like to avoid webs as much as possible as I have close to no experience with HTML/PHP/CSS/SQL and other web technologies.

Swing for GUI application development, and I've seen ads asking for GUI Java proficient programmers.

I guess take a look at ads around your area in the software department and see what they ask for the most, and then learn it.

Also, take the fucking time to learn HTML/CSS/JS/PHP/SQL.

If you are a quick learner, you can be done with them within two weeks, and I'm stretching it a lot here.

>can be done with them within two weeks
well if anyone can confirm this I'm up for it


LISP and Haskell. You'll never get employed otherwise.


You either become useful to the society or you an hero. It's that easy.

with an attitude like this just don't bother with software

Python makes a good addition to almost any skillset, but python alone wont be opening any doors.

The thing is that some areas take years to learn to a level where you can say "I can do this". It would be great to learn something, get employed and then keep on learning my whole life. I just can't afford to be unemployed for five years while I learn everything and just then try to find a job.

Dude, same fucking situation here... just finished my carrer and found that I did the wrong choise... one year ago I started with C++ while finishing my last year in university... Today I still learning new things of this... If you want we can share some things... let me know if you want...


i've been making 50K a year for the last 4 years with no college experience

I develop complex backends for web applications while someone else does the design work

pretty comfy job to be honest

I don't suppose you work only with PHP, do you?

How is web backend, what kind of tasks does it involve? I've considered web dev a couple of times but I really dislike html and css

Why do so many Sup Forumsanoo people dislike html/css? Is it because you can't into design at all? Because they are easy as fuck (but I'll admit that in the beginning CSS can be infuriating as fuck).

You're a graduate, as long as you know how to program, have any kind of programming experience (freelance, internship, personal projects, university projects), you can pick up any graduate/junior developer role in any language.

mainly PHP and SQL and the ability to maintain linux servers

(being a "full stack" web developer gets you more jobs in the beginning, then eventually you can specialize)

once you get used to it, its like babys first C++ (and i came from C++)

I also need to know a fair bit of javascript since a lot of shit needs to be wired back to the server from the client.

you also need to know enough HTML/CSS to fix shit when it breaks

but its a markup language not a development language so its really fucking easy to pick up as long as you're not trying to be a designer (inb4 CSS FizzBuzz)

If you have the skills to run pointers, objects and climb a binary tree you have 5X the skills of most other PHP developers and you just need to wrap your brain around the server/client ideologies rather than"durr text show on screen this is program"

basically how to jump in too fucking deep and learn a lot, would be attempting to build a Sup Forums copy (dont worry about the fancy features, and make it text only)

shouldn't take you more then 2 weeks if you've never use PHP /SQL

PS: babys first webstack (HTML/PHP/SQL servers all pre-configured, and its 5x eaiser to develop on a local sandbox than a server)
mac: MAMP
linux: LAMP
windows: WAMP

just remember to google any time you have a problem

thanks mate, this helped clear some things a lot

>I can code in C/C++ but nobody would employ me with just these two.

Maybe you should have more reference projects?

"I can code!" is good, "I have develloped an application for.." is better.

If you already have C++ references you might think about Python (you can get half decent pretty fast) or some Web stuff. For example PHP. Oh yeah, databases are also a thing. You can get some basic knowledge in SQL pretty soon.

But it all depends on where you want to work. If your goal is writing software for the car industry, web technologies might be pretty useless..

Java is always a thing, but if you want to work as C++ develloper, you only need some basic undersating of Java for the records. Maybe make a small desktop app?
A simple minesweeper clone with a Swing GUI, and also you can load/save your game in a txt-file.

Next step could be a "Pacman" clone (you can use almost the same GUI), implement an simple AI (for example A*) and use the Java Collections Framework (LinkedList, TreeMap, HashMap.. and so on).

This won't stun them, but it is definately enough to show your various interests.

But IMHO you don't need Java to get a job if you are good enough in C/C++ and something like Python.

Or get into C++ frameworks more?