This is going to be the greatest video card of all time

This is going to be the greatest video card of all time.

For just $200 you will have a card more powerful than $600 alternatives of the present.

With this plus Zen following shortly, we are truly about to enter a golden age of consumer electronics.

Other urls found in this thread:

>they didn't go allin on AMD at the start of the year

Laughing at you all desu. You still have a chance to get in before Zen though.

This would be great for a 5 yr old. Give your balls a tug Sally.

Raj is going to Fuck Shit Up!!!

i'm really conflicted towards amd

at one side, there is my immense hatred for poo in loos, at the other side, there is my immense hatred for jews...

Eat Indian food then eat Jewish food. Then decide.

jesus my wallet is happy

t. TGTG (Team Green Tough Guy)

AMD has the purest tech related waifu
Nvidia has nothing

Agreed. What does Nvidia have? Some Chinese guy that uses Ubuntu?


Curry whitefish.

All Nvidiots get is that tranny fairy

>immense hatred for poo in loos
>immense hatred

I get they're filthy disgusting street shitters and all but why 'immense hatred'?

Are you Pakistani or something?

You don't work in IT, do you?


But what if 480 will be great at synthetics and shit at games like AMD usually is?

it's going to be garbage with DX11
DX12 it should be really good.

man i swear the rx 480's performance keep increasing every day

zoom out to 5 years, realise amd is still in decline. yeah good luck with that.

It wont even be half of the AMDrone projection once it comes out

and thus as it goes with AMD, "maybe next time"

>wait for polaris
>wait for zen
>wait for our marketshare to fall below 5%

at least i can thank amdrones for one thing, their company makes sure that our superior nvidia cards are still reasonably priced


>comparing cards with clock speeds

also how much power is this shit gonna draw? youd literally spend a 1080's worth on power in a few months with one of these housefires

Just bought a GTX 1080 and I'm still hoping you're wrong.

Nvidia needs the competition and badly. They keep fucking us on prices and need to be taught a lesson.

I already bought this


AMD's sole purpose is " competition", since their survival is basically based off of Intel monopolybux

but they dont even compete

what's wrong with the 1070?

I'm not sure but they said it's the reference card with 1-6 pin connector. Should be some where between 100 to 150w

Man, don't hate on Pajeets. Shitting on the street is their nature. Being a shifty jew is a choice you make.

im only buying this card because im a poorfag

I thought Fury X/HBM1 was overhyped but now seriously I'm ready for a second disappointment...


I'm buying a XFX version.

>anything but Sapphire

will this outperform a 980 ti

no i mean specifically am getting this card because im a poorfag

that wasnt a dig at you or anyone else

Two of them most probably will.

no. maybe in cf

i would understand if it were for the lifetime warranty, but they don't even have that anymore.

i guess it's because of miners

>Oh this is gonna be good
>enlarge the picture



Sweet god I'm vomiting a little

what's the gigabyte equivalent for AMD cards?

>yfw nVidia cuts the price of the 1080 down to $199 just so they can crush AMD

overpriced af compared to RX 480/490

>cutting prices

I'd buy 3 of em

sh sh we aren't cutting prices


>Are you Pakistani or something?

White people hate poos the most.

I'm brownish and a white guy asked me "why us brown guys are taking all the jobs from the white guys".

TFW power draw is 150 Watts max

Implying the RX 480 is going to be anywhere near Nvidia's 1080. If anything it's 1060 tier

>1060 tier
>tier of a card that doesnt exist
NvIDIOTS are so foolish sometimes. x^P

Implying you crush your competitor by offering the same product for the same price

Name one thing wrong with PowerColor.

generally noisy

>yfw zen will be a disaster just like bulldozer
>yfw stock will drop hard

According to "leaks" it will be somewhere between the 980 and 1070.

That would be absolutely amazing for a $200, 150W card, although I kinda doubt it will be that good.

I expect it to be slightly less powerful than a 980. Probably about as strong as the 390x, but even that is crazy if you consider the 390x draws double the power.

Anyway you look at it it will be the king of price/performance by a mile and the go to midrange card.

Shit, I actually never considered that. Been riding Fractal Design's soundproof dick.

>yfw Zen is actually amazing but Intel employs their jew tactics again and it dies a silent death

> For just $200
> implying $200
More like $300 at first 6 months.

The RX 480 is equivalent to the R9 390X in benchmarks right now.

Here's the link.

Looked up firestrike extreme results for a 390x, and it's 5400+


Have you even read up on Zen?

All signs point to Zen being an 8 core with similar single core performance as the i7.

I'm not sure just how big of a success that will be, depends heavily on the price, but at any rate it will be nothing like the Bulldozer disaster.

underrated post

lol wut?

Yes it is equivalent to the 390X.

Just don't respond.

He'll get bored soon.

AMD CPUs are literal shit. Single core performance is nonexistent, and they try to justify it by stacking the core count, which does nothing. It's like having a bunch of monkeys solve math problems compared to two humans.

How is a $200, sub 150W card being on par with a $450 300W card a bad thing?

We haven't had this sort of price performance since the 8800GT.

You are absolutely retarded if you don't realize what an amazing card this is.

lel what did I say that wasn't true

Are you daft? That's the point. Zen is going to fix the single core performance.

implying the 390X is being sold for $450 now. More like $220 or less on /r/hardwareswap

>$200 you will have a card more powerful than $600 alternatives of the present

So delusional. For $200 (plus $30 or so for 8GB and probably another $30-50 for aftermarket cooler/PCB) you're going to get around 980 level of performance. A great bargain, which is what this card has been marketed as since day one, but no flagship killer.

To put it in perspective, for $250-275 you're getting performance equivalent to a $550 (980) card, or around 50% cost:perf increase in two years. Fantastic.

With the 1070 you're getting performance equivalent to a $650 (980ti) card for $380, or around a 42% cost:performance increase in a year. Fantastic.

AMD has the WORST marketing. What, a few shitty powerpoint slides make you come to that conclusion?

>buying a video card some ledditor repasted with his wife's boyfriend's son's semen

>people actually buy used hardware

>The RX 480 is equivalent to the R9 390X in benchmarks right now.
>$220 or less on /r/hardwareswap

Your comments are getting stupider.

>1070 for $380
yes sure

For my first point it absolutely does. Or maybe we don't know thanks to AMD's retarded marketing team.

Pic related, it's AMD's marketing team

If you think you're going to be able to buy a 480 at MSRP within the first few months you have obviously never been through a hardware cycle before.

Fuck I should have listened to you and not respond.

> still in decline
Someone didn't do their research

I'd buy it if it was 980ti tier, but that's a stretch.

when the fuck is 490 coming out?

that's what i want to know

>not fury 2

fucking casual
Cant wait to be setting the biggest housefire I can

I still keep seeing Gtx980 thrown around on other sites as the Rx480 equivalent. Everyone that has the card and are leaking numbers say that it can be pushed past it too. Anything less and you may as well just wait on Vega and Zen.


> it's the day before release
> a new 'leak from an anonymous source' is released

Reference card June 29th $199-4GB / $139-8GB

Sorry thought you said 480 -=x

>$139 for RX 490

it's a Raja bankrupts his R&D division episode

>Raja bankrupts his R&D division episode

Nothing a little overclocking can't fix. Like sure, it might not be ON PAR with a Ti, but I'd be happy as a clam if it came close. I'm running a 760 at the moment, so I've got a lot to improve.

The 980ti is roughly 30% faster than a 980. You're not going to get 30% more performance out of an OC.

The 480 is going to be a great card for people like you but people thinking it's going to compete with Pascal or even a 980ti are smoking PCP.

I'm also running a 760. Approximately, how much larger of a boost will this be?


why buy 480 when i have pic?