Other urls found in this thread:

Correlation does not = causation

I've seen all the latest movies months before they were ever released and I never paid a cent.

Gee I feel so dumb, I mean who in their right mind would want to save hundreds of dollars per year on their Talmudic entertainment?

>tfw this is slashdot in 2016

Oh I better stop pirating, don't want my IQ to get any lower
Thank you merchant for the research

why don't correlate piracy with poverty instead?


How the fuck would you IQ test people in some of those african countries lol. Is that picture a joke?

You think that's bad? Global warming has literally been caused by the lack of pirates recently. See pic related for proof.

You're choice: global warming and no pirates or pirates and a few retarded people. Choose wisely.

I passed the interview, I'm literally a genius.

what about poor Ukraine & north korea
why so smart

Let me guess, you live in Africa.

They should do an IQ study on people who parrot this all the time. I'll bet they are fucking retarded as well.

Oh ok I guess better stop

china must be cheating


>above average iq
>torrent cause broke all the time
>why waste money on 1's and 0's

it's because only dumb people (with a low iq) would admit to pirating

Going strong tonight eh schlomo?

>americans can't even average 100


Lack of content to legally available content increases piracy rates. Big surprise.

lack of access I mean

It's only gonna get worse as CPUs become faster, cheaper and HEVC becomes more optimized. I remember a while back there was a thread where someone got like 10fps encoding 720p hevc on their fucking laptop.

The good ole days of news for nerds is long gone now...


>high iq
>steal cause broke all the time
>why waste money on element's and compound's

>shaming tactic

Come on goys, why don't you pay ? Dont you want to be smart ?

>10: go to place
>20: find person
>30: ask if they want to do a test in return for currency
>40: ascertain demographic details of person
>50: if sample is representative of population GOTO 70
>60: GOTO 20
>70: exit


Oh well, paying for it now won't make me any smarter

>people with higher IQ make more money and can buy more stuff
this is not a surprise

Perhaps there is some other explanation for both phenomena. For instance, maybe countries with lower IQs are also economically economically impoverished/run by a totalitarian regime, and this explains why these countries would both pirate more, and have lower IQs.

Low IQ country = poor country = less education = less knowledge about piracy = poverty = malnourished people = less mental growth