Hi Sup Forums, i fucked up, i tried downloading some pirated game and got a bundle of malware up my ass...

Hi Sup Forums, i fucked up, i tried downloading some pirated game and got a bundle of malware up my ass, i uninstaled most of it, but i cant seem to find a way to uninstal this chrome clone, when i try to open chrome it opens this clone and i couldnt find a way to stop it, anyone wanna help?

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Download a linux iso

Put it onto a USB

Delete existing partitions

Install the superior operating system

Delete system32


install gentoo


Not tech support.


This is how the homepage looks

It's just a separate Chrome profile you retard, just reset your browser to default settings and kill yourself.


Learn how to use WIN+PrntScr retard and use MBAM to scan/clean your PC.


The pc lagged out really bad, there was a lot of malware downloading at the same time, im using my phone

>windows 10

Reformat retard best advice, You don't know its gone once you get infected. This is why Trump want to build wall.

Then format, you got cucked hard

Most of my friends use Skype

Install Malwarebytes and run it, if that doesn't work reformat

I ask dumb things often on /sqt/, but I don't understand how some of you even made it to Sup Forums

How do you even make your way to Sup Forums if you don't know how to remove a virus?
Why would you even let yourself get one in the first place?

Anyways OP, you have three options.
>download rkill, tdsskiller, ccleaner, mbam, spybot search and destroy all from a second computer, then put onto a usb and run on your infected pc
option two
>restore windows to factory condition
option three, this is not intended as a meme
>wipe drive, install linux

so, did we learn a lesson from this?

Im going to instal a pirated antivirus!

You know you can take screenshots

Scan your pc with malwarebytes and remove the ad/malware.

Wipe and reload, nigga.

Wipe and reload.

lmao this is what you get for downloading The.Witcher.3.Sn!pEs.FPS.INCREASE.Blood.and.Wine.MONEY-HACK.KEY-GEN.INCLUDED


Avg is free dude...

>using windows
You brought this to yourself



The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

Reformat, get a job, install baby's first Ubuntu.

Buy a mac. They're made especially for morons like you.

Option four