Post your .vimrc

post your .vimrc

mine is just
syntax on

emacs users need not apply

Maki uses vim?!

$ cat .vimrc
cat: .vimrc: No such file or directory

maki is cute and good, and so is vim—so I'd say it's likely

Funny, because mine is just

syntax off


Ganoo nano master rays, amirite user?

no I use geany because it isn't 1980 anymore nerd

literally who in the ding dang uses nano

>Not using the bloated piece of buggy shit that is Atom

sorry meant to post best girl

>Graphical text editor
>Written using the shittiest widget toolkit
>for TEXT

Me, user.


please do NOT derail my vim thread

Should I learn ed?

>Best anything


>all these posts
>one vimrc

you should make a geany thread I bet you'd get lots of replies

please do NOT troll my vim thread

u already trolled urself when: u made a vim thread

Just stop, you're making all us non vim users look terrible.

don't reply to her posts

you sh*tposters have RUINED my thread

it was ruined when u typed the letter v followed by i and m NERD

shut the fuck up and check my dubs

" set UTF-8 encoding
set enc=utf-8
set fenc=utf-8
set termencoding=utf-8
" disable vi compatibility (emulation of old bugs)
set nocompatible
" use indentation of previous line
set autoindent
" use intelligent indentation for C
set smartindent
" configure tabwidth and insert spaces instead of tabs
set tabstop=4 " tab width is 4 spaces
set shiftwidth=4 " indent also with 4 spaces
set expandtab " expand tabs to spaces
" turn syntax highlighting on
set t_Co=256
syntax on
" turn line numbers on
set number
" highlight matching braces
set showmatch
" intelligent comments
set comments=sl:/*,mb:\ *,elx:\ */
" highlight sage scripts as python
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.sage set filetype=python

OP's a weeb for posting fanmade anime drawings.

I only have an emacs binary

nice. Why turn on line numbers when they're visible as you move the cursor, though?

Because I took the habit of not using my mouse, and I didn't even know that numbers appears when you shake the mouse.
I use vim as my main editor on both my personal machine and when I edit files through ssh.

If I want to use the mouse for lazy copy pasting / dumping a config file on /flt/, I occasionally use mousepad (I used xfce when I was still using a DE and kept the habit).

Ah, I misread. I don't think the numbers appears when you move the cursor, do they?
Are you sure this is a feature of vanilla vim?

I meant the thing that denotes the point at which text will be entered. The caret? When you move it, the line/character numbers appear at lower left.

I can see how having it permanently visible at the start of the line could be handy though, especially if you have text wrapping. Maybe I'll give it a try!

set listchars=tab:│\

It's worked that way out of the box on every platform I've used it on, but that's just three different linux distros and it's quite possible it has some settings preconfigured

That settles it, I'm going to vector Maki

Yeah, I didn't had much thought on it.
I put it in my .vimrc years ago and never considered to remove it.

.vimrc are personal stuff though, there's no reason to modify yours if you don't see the modification fit.

From reading my .vimrc, you notice I don't use tabs at all and indent with 4 spaces.
If you happen to use tabs, or indent with 8 spaces or something, just tweak your vimrc and get started while retards will continue to argue on which to choose.

No idea. putting back my dotfiles is one if my first step when I do a fresh install / change my OS.
IIRC, there was no line numbers when I installed arch and was choosing my locale / mirror though.

Well, I'm trying it out and while I don't immediately like it I can see the utility. Particularly when dealing with imagemagick/convert scripts, where you not infrequently end up with line wrapping

set nocompatible

call pathogen#infect()
" :Helptags to update help docs

filetype plugin on " load plugins for relevant filetypes

set dir=~/.vim/.swap " swap files are written here
set title " set a descriptive window title
set lazyredraw " complete actions before refreshing

""" Colors
syntax on

colorscheme peachpuff

""" Preferences
set number " show line numbers
set smartindent " auto-indent behavior
set mouse=a " allow the mouse in all modes
set ruler " show cursor position
set nowrap " don't wrap lines
set cursorline " indicate current line
set nostartofline " maintain cursor position when navigating

set backspace=indent,eol,start
" allow backspacing over everything

set ignorecase " case-free searching
set smartcase " ... unless string has upper-case
set incsearch " highlight first match as typed

set tabstop=4 " actual tab distance
set softtabstop=4 " effective tab distance
set shiftwidth=4 " autoindent distance
set expandtab " convert tab to spaces

if it disturbs you more than profits, you can just remove / comment the line in the .vimrc

What about Microsoft Notepad?

$ cat your_post.txt > /dev/null



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