Europe's robots to become 'electronic persons' under draft plan

>Robots are being deployed in ever-greater numbers in factories and also taking on tasks such as personal care or surgery, raising fears over unemployment, wealth inequality and alienation.
>Their growing intelligence, pervasiveness and autonomy requires rethinking everything from taxation to legal liability, a draft European Parliament motion, dated May 31, suggests.




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Just don't read or watch the news and be safe, user.

>Europe's growing army of robot workers could be classed as "electronic persons" and their owners liable to paying social security for them

>robots will pay taxes so i can get neetbux

Based nippon. What an age we live in.

jews gonna jew

The singularity is upon us!

Robots are not cute! They're pure evil!

Don't date robots!

>ProTip to all people waiting for waifus becoming 3D
They won't consent. Meaning having sex with your latest purchase is illegal. Literally rape.

One of these is not a cylon.

So are all cylons flatchested bitches?

Dumb welfare leaching anime poster

Makes sense to me. As jobs become more automated, unemployment will skyrocket. We need some way to keep people who are unemployed through no fault of their own from being impoverished.

This system may sound strange, but it would achieve that.

until the raw butt uprising. People can only sit on their asses for so long before they start plotting a Coup d'état.

How common will robots be as workforce in 10 years?

Ever read the book "Player Piano" by Kurt Vonnegut? It deals with exactly this issue.

It's not his best work, but it's pretty good.


What do you mean by this?

Which is dumber? "Robots are people" or "corporations are people"?

I'd like to know what happend in the book.

I get the feeling a robot will be making my food at McDolans within 10 years, especially if they raise the minimum wage, self checkout machines will also become near universal within ten years

people in corporations are biological equivalent of robots

He/She meant "Please, do elaborate dear Sir/Madame"

We're actually experimenting with scaling back self scan because people are thieving bastards and/or incompetent.

Here's an interesting book on the story.

You could look up the synopsis yourself, you know.

Basic idea:
Automation increased the standard of living but made people unemployable. They have wealth but have no purpose. Since they are useless, they have nothing to be proud of and nothing to strive towards.

It's about the "raw butt uprising" and how devastating people would find it to have their jobs automated away.

This is just stupid. If governments need more money to pay welfare to people put out of work by robots, they just need to put a tax on purchasing or owning industrial robots. No need to consider them people.

This is called a "legal fiction." No one is saying these robots are actually people in any moral or philosophical sense. All they are saying is that, for legal reasons, it may be wise to treat them like people in some respects.

It's purely a legal turn of phrase, just like "corporations are people."

You can teach a robot to pretend to be a person
Corporations can't. They have to lie.

>we need immigration from third world countries because our current economical output is unsustainable
>we will tax machines like they're people because the unemployment is soon to skyrocket on unknown scale

Still tho in most cases it would be cheaper to just tolerate the increased theft rather than to pay someone $7 an hour to work checkout

A corporation is not "people" by definition, because a corporation is a legal artificial entity, a company that has been legalized as an artificial entity.
A "business/company" that hasn't been converted into a corporation, meaning that the owner/owners share financial responsibility in case of failure that also covers their properties, can be referred to as "people".
The difference in collateral responsibility is what defines these two categories.
This is the 101 of Management and Business.

The dumber one is robots, because most people are uninformed, uninterested, or simply too retarded to understand how business works.
While thinking that robots are people takes something that makes even the word "retardation" look intelligent by comparison. It takes a complete lack of self-awareness in addition to unfathomable levels of retardation.

>how to destroy whats left of western manufacturing

Why don't people welcome the robots and the neet lifestyle with open arms? The alternative is corporate hell.

This can be dangerous, if robots/electronical devices can be considered "persons" is some way feminist will use it to ban or fuck the sexbots for men or any kind of related technology in the future

>"that at least the most sophisticated autonomous robots could be established as having the status of electronic persons with specific rights and obligations"

It's brilliant. They're thinking about the consequences of fully automated manufacturing and servicing and the impacts it would have on people. Yurop is evolving forward. If only they could fix pic related and kick britain out, that would be great.

Why should britain leave?

because they don't want to be there, I don't want them here if they're unwilling to follow the same rules as everybody else.

You don't get to join the boyscouts and not do anything the boyscouts require of you because you feel like you're better than the other ones.

they dont want to be there, never have. let them leave and if they don't kick them out.

Please, I want to stay. I don't trust the Tory government to create a "Bill of Rights", especially seeing how authoritarian the UK already is (for example lolicon is banned and you can be put in prison for possessing it)

Just read it. It's extremely heavy-handed. The system it describes is vaguely plausible, but there is no real story and the writing is bad. It's a rant dressed up as a novel.

>A corporation is not "people" by definition, because a corporation is a legal artificial entity, a company that has been legalized as an artificial entity.
Wrong. A corporation is legally considered to be a person. This is the 101 of Management and Business.

To be clear, "just read it" is in the past tense. I was saying that I have just read it. I was not telling you to just read it.

They're holding everyone else back

>lolicon is banned

user jesus christ, lolicon has always been banned world around ever since child porn was made illegal world arond by some kind of agreement. any image that depicts a sex act or performance with a minor or appearing to be a minor, real or otherwise, is illegal, world around, including the USA but not Japan.

As far as you wanting to stay. I can see why, all the benefits and none of the duties. I don't want you there until you're willing to have all the requirements as other countries, until then you're not a "member" you're just like Switzerland or Norway, and that is fine, I have nothing against brits.

Referendums on EU will always more often than not, come back with a NO vote, and that is understandable. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the USA ever had a referendum to its people about if the colonies should unite to become a single country, they just did it on the backs of its people, that may have flown then, it won't fly today.

>run firmware update on tumblrina bot
>get jailed for mind rape

So I don't have to work and can collect a check from my government. Works for me

this is some bicentennial man tier shit


>Wake up in the morning,1: throw the trash on the floor, clean the floor, goto 1

How can human brainlets even compete?


We free income now


I guess I can send Mickey D's to jail if their coffee gives me 3rd degree burns

>implying Player Piano isn't Vonnegut's best work
It's before he started getting all stupid post-modernist and putting illustrations of anuses between the paragraphs.

>propaganda short story for a futurist cult
>is called a "book"
Wow, you cultists are really dumb. You probably think circular cities are a good idea.

>Meanwhile the robots are already taking our women
>Now they what to take our jobs

pls send robot gf


I am by no means a bookworm or literature connoisseur. Had a read anyway it was alright.

Some of the ideas were nice. I liked how it progressed early on in the dystopian chapters but once he started jerking it to the utopian portion with heavy handed dialog it rubbed me the wrong way.

There were many flaws particularly when he starts delving into technical details.

Every time Australia project was uttered I died a little inside.
(From laughter, my inner voice was yelling FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL SHITCUNTS).

I really disliked a lot of the dialog as well
>"bla bla bla"
>"Holy shit, Wow, amazeballs, you are blowing mah mind jane... and my balls"

On a different note, the whole idea of tampering with the brain directly is a massive fucking nope for me. Despite all the benefits

The utopian portion was basically star trek communism, except somehow miraculously in fakin straya powered by nothing but solar and wind and everything is maintained by robots that through some magic are fully self sustainable as far as shit breaking down is concerned.

A utopian fantasy of a utopian fantasy where robots solve everything by their mere mention.

The lovebots are a-coming boys.

If there'll be special taxes for robots, then companies will simply build their factories outside Europe and Europe will again lose competitive power because of stupid laws, what's the point?

So who is filming the poland orgy, Britain?

well i mean we gave niggers rights and they don't do shit for anyone.........

No, they are an artificial entity.
The "person" part is a misnomer made to rationalize how the entity which holds all the investments of the investors is the one liable to lose the accumulation, while the investors (the people) hold no responsibility beyond seeing only their investment gone and no other personal wealth/holding being held liable (everyone loses except the investors, because investors are never truly punished for doing a shit job while the full quantity of damages is never repaid).
It's an analogy to explain its purpose as an entity rather than the definition of the corporation.

This is also the opening gateway where all management, economics, and business students, realize that the whole system is rigged.

Even Sweden has managed to rule that drawings of imaginary chracters are 'not child porn' back in 2012.

That is not a negative this time, this isn't the steam engine we are talking about, this is total replacement of human interaction in all branches of the economy. From high finance to manufacturing, retail, fast food, distribution, pretty much everything with the exception of civil engineering, farming and mining. Whatever country adopts these automated models without this sort of taxation, will be a country with its people left to die of hunger or boredom.

You want to have possession of a picture that can be ruled as CP on a whim by a lowly officer in the justice chain, be my guest.
