Because those are the best choices.

Fuck off you stupid mobilefag.

They are more developer friendly than retard friendly

Because software that compiles on my Mac also compiles on Linux, so I don't have to run a virtualised environment just to develop the simple user-space stuff I do.

For kernel-level stuff, I obviously only use Linux.

you are what is wrong with the developers these days.

hasn't visual studio got the best debugger?

Because windows is for the technologically inept

But, that's wrong OP.

Sure, maybe if you're only looking at silicon valley startups.


Good shill, but unless you are developing microsoft related software, unix systems (Linux/BSD) are far superior.

I'm sure not everyone is, but it really is true that they make for great development environments. All the tools for everything right at your fingertips (as in, typing one command) and a lot of them are installed by default. That's with documentation too--the equivalent of MSDN, for all intents and purposes, is installed because that's just the way it's always been.

I guarantee you won't want to go back to windows after getting comfy with Linux / Mac OS.

If I have to write one more command on command line prompt i will destroy the universe.

Getting a proper development environment on Windows is a pain in the ass. There's no package manager for easily grabbing libraries, so you have to build them from source, which is a pain in the ass when MSYS Bash is broken as shit. Also, Cygwin is gross, and everything you build with it is auto GPL'd.

Visual Studio is a bloated piece of shit, and many open source libraries won't build in it because they don't have build scripts for its toolchain.

It is easier to build and test on Linux, and then port to Windows with MinGW, testing the Windows port in Wine.

Linux is basically a dev operating system
wangdows is only for gaymez

if being intelligent and competent makes one "wrong" then you're totally "right" senpai

>hurr durr what is makefile

thankfully Mac OS X/OS X/MacOS has a solution for you!

If you can't stand using a CLI, stop developing software forever. Go do something else.

>Frogposting OP is a winkid and isn't smart enough to handle the command line

So what you're saying is that. If you're good and not retarded, you code on windows.

If you're a little sissy boy who needs everything handed to him on a silver platter, you code on Linux or Mac.

God I fucking hate that piss of shit software... The person that originally designed XCode should be fucking mutilated and killed all while being raped by 72 developers.

> Want to link a button to a view? Not so fast. You have to draw a fucking big blue line and almost sprain your wrist while trying to find a place to drop it
> Have hidden views? No More! Let me unhide all of them again after you barely touch any of the visible views, forcing you to close and reopen the document
> Want to open the story board? Might as well go and make yourself a coffee while I'm opening it. Any app with more than 5 view controllers is basically impossible to develop with XCode. Storyboards are the worst fucking idea that has ever come into existence. It violates literally every single principle of application design, and separation of views and controllers

>look at me, I LIKE making shit as hard as possible for myself
Windows is a piece of shit to get any kind of programming environment setup on unless you like using IDEs that have way more shit than you actually need. No thank you

Windows still has a very, very great number of developers, let me assure you, Madam.

visual studio is shit. Only use of it is if you're programming with some microsoft bullshit language for a windows only program. Also it adds telemetry to your program, so fuck it.

and yet you'll get better performances on linux despite de state of the drivers (when devs takes the time to make a good port of their games).
Windows just got the quantity, which will not be the case in a few years

Because most developers do their work in the confines of an office or cubicle, not a fucking starbucks or library where you probably see them.

Are you being sarcastic? Babby can't handle command line interface?

Probably because it's a hell of a lot easier/simpler? Unix-like systems seem like they're designed for development. Windows was designed to run Microsoft software, everything else was just tacked on afterwards. As a shitty programmer I can't even program without an IDE on Windows because ever since I've found out about Unix/BSDLinux/MacOS it's the only thing that doesn't give me a headache. Windows definitely has more games that I like, I'll give it that.

I think the main reason is that with the advent of mobile applications, devs realized that running something on all platforms makes $$$. The easiest way to get something multi-platform is programming it on Linux. Windows/Microsoft wants everyone using Windows/Microsoft. GNU/Linux wants everyone to do whatever they damn please.

Have you never found it simpler/faster to type something into a terminal than boot up some shitty GUI and click the right buttons? what if you want to test your ping? Are you going to use some shitty program to do that, or are you going to type "ping" into a terminal? The more you learn about bash/powershell/whateverthefuckshell the more you realize that typing shit in is so much easier.


mom help, the scary terminal looks nothing like the App Store and apt-get is too hard

Because that's now the dominant platform.

Microsoft is going the way of IBM. Forever in the shadows, doing business shit.

what are scripts
what is tab completion
what are aliases

Only rubes fall for the typing meme

Do you watch Silicon Valley? Did you notice how all the engineers liked pied piper? That's because it was built by engineers for engineers. Like linux.



No it actually places a bug in your code