Need I say more?

Need I say more?

is this that hipster woman with the mighty adam's apple?

Dead serious I'm still baffled whether she's trans or not

Hi Pistol, we dont really give a shit about you anymore.


If she was really a woman she would just flat out say it.
Real women don't like being accused of being a tranny.

speak for youself


Speak for your shelf

Who the fuck is pistol? Is she some camwhore who pretends to care about technology?

Or xhe thinks it's funny and wants to keep the joke going

>Sup Forums only talks about pistol when Logan start shilling every 3 months

Protip: It's a man


I'd wreck that shit, or die trying.

die in a fucking fire with all of your degenerate kind

I've been here since 2008 and I have no fucking idea who this person is...

Who dis bitch

no one? okay..

>past times


Can't wait for summer to be over so that finally all those fags from 2008 will leave again.

What, are you upset that we no longer talk about you? Do you miss being relevant?

It has/had a dick or not?

Yes or no answer.

Why would logan get so angry every time you bring it up?
Of course pistol has (or used to have) a penis.

Who gives a shit about what some tranny says. Being a faggot is degenerate anyway. Anyone have the email calling him out on pistol?

that's because you didn't get shilled by logan into watching his terrible youtube show

>Pistol Slamfire

Discussing /fem/ on Sup Forums
> fucking degenerates

>twitter screencap of a person baiting for attention in the same vein as tripfags and anons assuming we're supposed to give a shit about e-celebs
>on top of that it's about youtuber consumer show shit

The only thing between that person's legs is a penis.
Whether it is their's or someone else's is the only real question.

I met logan in a quake con 2 years ago and i think some random guy commented something about that and he "got stressed out" and returned to his hotel.