No root/sudo access

I'm not able to access the root folder or use sudo in debain jessie even if i enter the correct password. help?

Other urls found in this thread:

Should have installed ubuntu , op.

Are you sure it's the correct password? Use the password for system1, not root

It's not the correct password.

boot from cd
change sudoers

It's the correct password.

su words, sudo doesn't.

can't change sudoers, it shows in ls but isn't shows if i use cd.


>can't change sudoers, it shows in ls but isn't shows if i use cd.
ok whatever
edit pwd file or
use chroot and just chpwd root or visudo

Also, sound isn't working. I,ve installed everything, pulseaudio works fine.

visudo works, what do i edit?

The motherboard is MSI B150M

If you have two sound cards you need to set the default one by pacmd

Maybe you tried this already but in case you haven't:
$ su
# cd /etc
# nano sudoers
change sudoers appropriately

apt-get install alsa-utils
then press M

add system1 to it
or better
usermod -a sudo system1

I don't have two sound cards, only the motherboard has onboard sound. pulseaudio shows everything plugged in even when nothing is.

>change sudoers appropriately


About sudoers:

apparently, i have two sound cards.

nope, pacmd says there's one.

Pic related is screen with HDA Intel PCH selected. Nothing is plugged in.

Just use su.

I know, su is working but sudo doesn't, and i don't have root access. I tried to install aplemoon but failed because it won't take my root password.

I'm a noob, but nothing happened when i typed that in.

Apparently you aren't a member of sudo group. Either add your user as one, or just type system1 ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL after the root specification.

So, i unmuted everything in the intel option and it still isn't working.

This is the file
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# Please consider adding local content in /etc/sudoers.d/ instead of
# directly modifying this file.
# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
Defaults env_reset
Defaults mail_badpass
Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"

# Host alias specification

# User alias specification

# Cmnd alias specification

# User privilege specification

# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command

# See sudoers(5) for more information on "#include" directives:

#includedir /etc/sudoers.d

on the end of the sudoers file add
in place of you would put in your username then save the file then log out of superuser or "su" then sudo will work. Was setting up Debian with a much more complicated setup with Openbox than a manual XFCE install, always do this if sudo isnt installed

then two tabs then ALL=(ALL) then only one tab then ALL

I did that, It's still not working.

try putting the text directly under the "#includedir /etc/sudoers.d" so it recognizes it, reason it doesnt work is because it is another space below the text. Personally if you are a beginner I would just start out with Xubuntu, starting off with Debian which is a poweruser OS, that would probably ruin your first impression on GNU/Linux.

pacmd set-default-sink 0

It still isn't working.

It says sink zero not found.

You mean:
``Time Sink - you are a Zero''

>Sup Forums - Tech Support


As root: usermod -a -G sudo system1
As user: newgrp sudo

If it doesnt work post output of 'id'

That is where all the advice is coming from found in this thread.

"noob installs debian" the post

not working.

uid=1000(system1) gid=27(sudo) groups=27(sudo),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),108(netdev),110(lpadmin),113(scanner),119(bluetooth),1000(system1)

Okay, now this is happening when i try to launch vlc.

system1@deb1:~$ vlc
VLC media player 2.2.4 Weatherwax (revision 2.2.3-37-g888b7e89)
Failed to create secure directory (/run/user/1000/pulse): Permission denied
[00000000014ae0b8] pulse audio output error: PulseAudio server connection failure: Connection refused
Failed to create secure directory (/run/user/1000/pulse): Permission denied

newgrp system1

You've fucked up your entire system listening to these dipshits.

Just reinstall.

still not working.

uid=1000(system1) gid=1000(system1) groups=1000(system1),24(cdrom),25(floppy),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),108(netdev),110(lpadmin),113(scanner),119(bluetooth)

I've already have, twice. in the last 24 hours.

You could try to change the line to: %sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL

Otherwise I'm out of ideas

Then stop trying.

But it worked with my user passwd, and not the root pasword
I just ned to configure the audio now

sudo is supposed to work with your user password

lol, it is the same everytime. is this some homework for a Psych 101 class or something.

I thought it granted root acces, so it required the root password?

Anyway, I used both root and user passwords every time, and this is the only time it worked.

>>lol, it is the same everytime.

The idea is root changes the file to give users special access to some commands with their own password. (If the users have the root password there isn't much point to giving them commands to run as root since they can su to root anyway)


Is the future weird and scary to you?

i think you're not meant to use nano to edit the sudoers file but sudoedit instead? cause if you fuck up the file you can fuck up your permissions completely and wont be able to do shit

or something
like that

Should have installed Ubuntu, op.

make sense


nothing's happened yet.


Remove Debian and install Gentoo.

i still can't get the onboard audio to work, help?

Also how do I install themes? Pic relted is what I get. i followed instructions from the xfce themes wiki.


Reboot and make sure sudo and permissions are working. Then, check your audio.

welp, I rebooted and now it just shows some hex numbers on screen.

RIP, reinstalling.

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/themes
Mkdir creates a directory, the -p flag tells it to create the parent directories if not found (w/o -p it'll error if there's no ~/.local/share/, w/ -p it'll make ~/.local/share)

because that fuckturd fucked that command up
usermod -a -G sudo system1

Do this as root.

Keep updating the thread.

su asks for the password of the user you are changing to, in this case the root password. sudo asks for the current user password.
Nothing else to see here.

yep, I'm reinstalling my system and will update.

I tried using sudo with both user and root passwords, and none worked initially.

It worked fine after

If it fails again you should consider other distros. There are better options than Debian in my opinion.

okay, OP here.

Everything's working now except the sound.

Log in as root and check sound.

Sound's not working.

aptitude shows some suggestions, so I'm downloading those now.

I need more info. Copy and paste the output of
#lspci | grep audio
and alsa config too.

the first command did nothing/ Literally nothing happened.

output for the second

Also, now pulseaudio is detecting when a jack is plugged in, So I gues that's an improvement.

the first command did nothing/ Literally nothing happened.

output for the second

Also, now pulseaudio is detecting when a jack is plugged in, So I gues that's an improvement.

Uhhh... I have to leave Sup Forums for now. Read this page or something:
Good luck.

>not using visudo to edit your sudo file

as someone said press m
they are muted

I already unmuted them, now all i get is static even if i play anything. At least ther's some output

>not reading the thread I already did it, senpai

hi, pretty sure debian is not prepared to work with sudo by default. did you already created the group wheel? did you already add your user to the wheel group? do you created the
%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
line in the sudoers file?

Also regarding the sound, debian doesn't ships proprietary firmware by default, i think that may be your problem.
>Some of these firmware are free and open-source, and some of them are non-free, which means that you need to add the non-free and contrib components to /etc/apt/sources.list; see sources.list(5) and Debian archive basics (Debian Reference) for more information.

hope this helps.

Try playing sound with aplay, it only plays wav files though. Try finding something with "find /usr/share -name '*.wav'" and play with "aplay file.wav" how's the sound then?

fucking almost...


You need to be in the sudoers file.

not even once

The sudo group is the debian equivalent to the wheel group, as you can see in that sudoers file. The first normal user is added to the sudo group by default.

>inb4 arch
Don't even.

You messed something up op.

I know, i edited the file with visudo and now I have root access. the problem is that sound isn't working.



vlc refuses to play video, but I can watch youtube in my browser. All I get now is static from my headphones, and playing a file down't seem to affect it.


cat /var/log/* | aplay
>we merzbow now