We should be like Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Let's add OS flags to every post, down to the distro if using linux

We should be like Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Let's add OS flags to every post, down to the distro if using linux

I support this idea

Can't we just have a label for your posts that say "faggot"?

This is a great idea, who do we pass this suggestion onto?

Most flags should be spoofed anyways because
>letting your browser leak your OS

this is a very good idea, actually. Someone should make a thread in /qa/ with a poll.

You're just afraid no one will listen to you when they see the little W10 icon

lets do this

Could be fun. Not like serious discussion ever happens anyways.

Someone contact Hiroshima Nagasaki.

1000 times this

Fugg ye do it. Who cares if insecure plebs fake their browser

It would be bad news for discussions. Everyone who's losing an argument would just post OS memes

Each different windows OS should get a different flash


*Different flag

>mfw this actually sounds like a decent idea

I wish I can upvote this more than once fàm. XD

Only winkids would get upset because of flags and it'll be pretty easy to tell if they're spoofing their flag.

pretty much this
flags are cancer on the boards they're enabled on
OS flags would be pretty similar (and would end up being routinely spoofed, especially since it's even easier to spoof than your location)


Please, I would love to have something like this

it will be funny for a while (I can already picture all the gay macfags making gay posts) but it will bring the board's quality down to Sup Forums and Sup Forums levels

maybe implement it once every year for about a month or so

>you'll never have a temple os flag
Damn it terry just add networking already

The best thing is, no one will be able to tell you to "Install gentoo" if you have a gentoo flag!

Very good idea. We could use the User Agent string to power the flags.

It also makes blocking autists easier.

It's in public domain, implement it yourself.

Then it would just show how no-one actually uses linux on here

Someone with half a brain make a thread already

This. If you know assembly, do this yourself.

Go make the goddamn thread yourself you autist.

I'm legit retarded and every time i make a thread the first 30 posts are a circlejerk about how shit the OP is.

OP here, made one

>my thread died
Just once I wanna reach bump limit. Where do I download Maki pics?

Your thread died because it was shit

Email nagasaki.

What about other platforms like wp and bsd?

>adding anything useful to the site

Any recognized OS would get their flag.


And this board would get even worse.

If you're having "arguments" on a technology board you're already cancer and belittling you can only improve the quality of the board
>I won't be able to make fun of pajeets if they see I use W10!

This, shills are scared of being discovered.

Nope, this encourages maladjusted Sup Forums users to further identify themselves by their software, like a gay person whose personality is being gay.

I actually really like this idea. Hiroshima pls implement


This would also be a great way of weeding out the tech retards.

Or in your case it would allow you to extend your identity beyond being a faggot

Sounds like you're scared nigger

Isn't that cute, winkid is scared he'll get smug anime girl replies when Sup Forums finds out he uses windows 10.


Boasting in a soon to be famous thread

Windows users will spoof a Linux flag to avoid getting mocked and won't be able to talk about windows or games without their cover getting blown. Why weren't OS flags implemented a long time ago?

It will cause even more shitstorm. Just look at 2ch:hk/s/

No it won't

How difficult would it be to implement the BSD networking stack like Microsoft did?

Is this thread autosaging?

seems so, but is doing fine

You tried.

If it happened I would spoof W10. And Sup Forums would degenerate into retards hiding Windows posts that are making up half the content of the board.

>Being this autistic

**XD** cannot believe I upboated


Hijacking top comment for that sweet, sweet karma.

>Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0
Certainly enough information in the user agent for OS flags.
Linux should have both Tux and the distro logo though.

Good idea