>buying an i7
>buying 2 gtx 1080s
>buying a 4k monitor
>tfw not a poor faggot that gets off on freegan/poorfag shit (amd/lincux)
Eat my asshole Sup Forums
Buying an i7
>im a consumerist cuck that buys random shit i dont need because it feels good to get shiny things
a fool and his money are easily parted
Do you want a fucking medal?
its his money you fag
Memeing aside, how does the rest of the build look? I'm looking to do an all out build (sli 1080s and custom loop), just researching parts right now.
not anymore
>98% of Sup Forums literally btfo
You are what is killing this board.
>giving your money away to the jewz
Congrats. You're poorer now, and in return, you get some pc components that will halve in value over the next year.
> Overbuying to compensate for being poor
Unless you own land, and lots of it, you're still a poorfag...
Just sounds to me like you only have 1 hobby and it's computers.
If I dropped my next 3 hobbies I could make a build of that level annually, but I'd much rather do a reasonable build and put the extra to other hobbies. Hell, I spent like 2k on other hobbies this month alone.
>Eat my asshole Sup Forums
OP is gay confirmed
enjoy your housefire
>a big deal
If it's not an i7 Extreme you can go jump off a bridge. X > K.
>im a cucked poorfag who buys literal shit just because its a bit cheaper than the actual quality parts because i cant afford to splurge every once in a while
It's short lived when you just buy the best shit and be done with it. It's way more fun if I plan a project out and compare parts that will get me the same/better whatever for less.
>yfw you realize that even with all his money, op still can't buy a 1080 since it's out of stock everywhere
We're so jealous OP.
I agree but not to eat your asshole but to get my asshole eaten.
Mfw the recent GPU threads have revealed how many of you losers are actually poor summer n/v/idiot shills who are still rocking ancient cards.
>2 gtx 1080s
>the sli meme
Now THIS is a shitpost
Sage gaylord
>Windows Shilling and Nvidia shilling go hand in hand
who would have thought?