/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Meet the /fglt/ team:

IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nth for your least favorite distro

New linux-user here, what's the Sup Forums opinion on openSUSE? Is it good on the privacy front? Can't seem to find too many opinions about it.

is it possible in wifi-menu to log into a network that requires a username additionally to your password, since wifi-menu usually only asks for the pw.

I am trying out ncmpcpp. Is there a way to have global keyboard shortcuts so I can for example start it in tty6, then press ctrl+num5 to stop playback, even when I'm in another tty?
Also post ncmpcpp screenshots and configs pls.

Are samba shared folders visible in a home network? I mean with sftp, you have to log in to view the files. Windows share, however are visible.

What do you guys use for NFS? Sftp is just too slow

just keep a terminal tab open.

or connect to it via mpdroid or similar thing, to remotely control it.

I made a happy script.

happy() {
printf 'Thread %s made %s people happy.\n' \
"$1" \
"$(curl -s "$1" | grep -Eio 'thanks?(\syou)?' | wc -l)"
Usage: happy

Open SUSE is an okay distro. There are two cons about it though

1. Not really easy: It's not as simple as Arch or Debain. By hard I mean it is a bit different than mainstream distros.

2. Since it is not a mainstream distro, it needs a good wiki. Unfortunately the wiki sucks and NOT up to date.

I don't recommend it for beginners

I do recommend ubuntu though

Curl or wget?

Don't relay on ncmpccp shortcuts, just control mpd directly via mpc from your tty.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

You use the right program for the specific task.

Please don't interject in /fglt/. Better just use GNU/Linux when answering a question. Newfriends will most likely adopt it. If you interject them, they will go in defense and end up converting to "just linux" persons.

neither, both.

The ones I'm not using.

What's the deadliest bullet you've ever dodged?
>Trying to fix audio playback
>"Why don't I reinstall Phonon?"
>apt remove -s phonon
>Nearly everything would have been removed along with it



Basically this .

cURL is good enough to click webpage buttons, upload stuff and "cat" webpage sources, while GNU wget is good enough for downloading, mirroring, and working recursivly.

Ofc both programs can do more or less simliar things more or less easy.

just walked into the wrong neighborhood nigga

do you guys also sleep in your feather/bed, driver your fuel/car, read tree/books, wear fabric/clothes and write with ink/pens? This naming scheme is seriously the most retarded thing that's ever been forced onto people.

I'm on gentoo right now, twitter somehow can't play videos on firefox but I'm pretty sure it could before, wtf is happening?

no, i use a legs/bike, but other than that, you got me.

it works on 49.0a2
maybe try using mpv through "open with?"

> proprietary spyware social media

This is MY bait.

Free software falls pretty much out of the general naming scheme where one project is distributed that gives the product it's name.

With GNU/Linux distributions it's different. The most popular base system is GNU in combination with the Linux kernel, but sometimes GNU is combined with a different kernel, hence GNU/Linux, GNU/Hurd, GNU/kfreeBSD, etc. But that's not even enough, it's just the base. A GNU/Linux distribution adds different package managers, DE's, window managers, standard programs like text editors, terminals and browsers, Everything together is a full GNU/Linux distribution; something that under Windows or OSX would be a single project.

apt-get install english

Install ffmpeg, enable everything.

How do I get pixel-sharp fonts like many people post in screenshots? I played around with the font settings in my xfce menu but it doesn't really change anything.

You are searching for xfonts like unifont or terminus.

Copy this into your ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf and then re-log.





I'm using terminus but it's washed out when I zoom in with no anti-aliasing and strong hinting.
I'll try this, thanks.

Holy shit, ncmpcpp is horrible.

>connecting to a local server from another computer
>accidentally hitting 4 while in the library view goes into the album view, but gets stuck and freezes up completely
>sometimes it crashes for no good reason after scrolling the library

I also get ridiculous delays when browsing and I don't think it's a problem on mpd's end or regarding my connection (computers are on a LAN).

You're using a bitmap, monospaced font for non-programming usage in your UI. Of course you're asking for trouble.
Why do people do that? You see someone do something and then you start doing the same without even thinking about it. It's naive and pretentious as fuck.

Is there a guide for an optimal Gentoo kernel configuration? I can’t update my VM anymore because there is not enough space left to emerge GCC (even after deleting obsolete source code and shit).

I don't really have trouble, the standard fonts look even worse. It fits nicely with my desktop and it's useful already for just playing around with config files. It's the same in a terminal as well as GUI editors or my taskbar. Even if I used it for programming I would have this problem. Also I'm not one of those people who parades his riced desktop and laptop stickers around so it's hardly pretentious. Don't project your habits on me.

Your bitmap font is going to look blurry and washed out when you zoom in. That's a fact and it has nothing to do with projecting or whatever you're talking about. Those fonts aren't meant to be used for those things.

If you are not running X, I don't think you can.
You must have some IPC that can send it commands

This is the most underrated part about the new package formats.
Everyone talks about how easy it is to install, but the real feature is how easy it is to remove.

What is the recommended ftp daemon to use? Need something with tls support too. vsftpd?

Any way I could make wget download multiples things at once with one link? Running multiple instances of wget doesn't seem like what I would want. Would race conditions even happen?

This probably belongs in /sqt/

I'm new to GNU/Linux and am a bit lost when it comes to repositories. Specifically Fedora's COPR's, I know that they are individual user repositories, but say for example, I downloaded Firefox Nightly from a COPR, would it be updated with DNF or would I have to wait for the creator of the COPR to update it first?

Second question, are these repositories safe? Would it not be easy to bundle malicious software into them?

Thanks chaps

Updates work with versions.

If a community package has a newer version, you get the community package - if the main repo package has a newer version, your get the main package instead.

It's possible to bundle malware with community packages, therefore you should only enable community repos you trust.

Volume control doesn't work in Mate for my USB sound card.

How do I fix it?

drunk guy from the other day here
reminding you all to check out the thread on /vg/ as well :)

I'd just like to interject you for a moment. Who the heck do you think you are to tell someone to not interject someone?

Is xubuntu still the best distro for beginners that doesn't look like ass?

yes or fedora cinnamon spin

>Try to install Debian
>Trackpad wont work because its "nonfree hardware"

What the fuck do I do
Babbies first "real" Linux here

It's more like we're objecting to people calling a motorboat a "motor"

You don't drive your motor, you drive your fucking boat. Calling it a motorboat is just being specific about what kind of boat it is.

use a keyboard for the installation, add nonfree sources and install whatever weird driver you need.

how do i share a folder on the external drive with soulseek fagits?
it doesn't show up on the file picker. this is ridiculous.

You're stuck in the Windows mindset.
Find the directory where you mounted your external hard drive and point to it. Simple.

>qt file dialog
And people complain about the GTK file dialog.

ah shit, i didn't see the /media/ folder in which it was mounted. thank you mate.
yes i am stuck in the windows mindset as well, it has been like three days since i installed xubuntu.

Is Bunsen Labs just a preconfigured version of Debian? Or does it have it's own special snowflake stuff like Manjaro does for Arch.

What is a not garbage image viewer for linux? Something like honeyview and it needs to have fit to width and I shouldn't have to select it for every image

what's wrong with feh?

I am working on an elaborate shell script and I'm starting to feel like it's getting too complicated and that I should start making it for binary compilation instead.

What would be the go-to way of doing this? I have never programmed on GNU/Linux before so I have no idea about the tools out there. Are there free programming environments, or will I have to use mere compilers? Is there a platform/architecture-portable way to make console applications

how do you make it fit to width

i'm pretty sure it does that automatically

>tools available

it opens full sized

Thanks. Any recommendations?

maybe you should explain your definition of fit to width then and provide a sample image

are you saying it is opening beyond full-screen?

I use eclipse and heard a lot of good stuff about intelliJ but i dont really know anything about the rest.

i should probably add that eclipse is pretty heavy-weight for an ide. On my machine it uses ~580MiB right after starting up

I want long images to fit to the width of the window not the height

Views like this are useless

so could you provide a sample non-porno image so I can open it in feh and see what your talking about? because with my config feh does exactly that, but I need to confirm it with an image


i use geeqie, haven't used honeyview so can't compare



I just tested this image and feh does exactly what you want by default. how is it not working for you?

its opening it at full resolution I have to grab it and move it side to side to see the full image if I restrict the window size with -g it does this shit

Also just realized scrolling doesn't work

You might want to learn how to program and a specific language first instead of focusing on those bikeshedding questions.


ahoviewer is the best Linux image viewer tbqh

It can also optionally view webms etc. It probably won't be packaged for your distro though. I built it from source, wasn't too hard (then again, I use gentoo :^))


what are some really good themes for GNOME 3 (not just shell, but icons and GTK3 too)

numix-circle for icons


How do I install this on Xubuntu? I'm a noob.

I forgot my root password on Ubuntu mate. How do I reset it?

>Is Bunsen Labs just a preconfigured version of Debian?

As far as I can see, Bunsenlabs is basically just Debian with a pre-riced window manager and themes. Bunsenlabs has some very limited additional repost for some scripts, which are added to your sources list.

If you ask me, if you want a out-of-the-box debian with openbox and some nice eye candy. Bunsenlabs is the way to go.

>Or does it have it's own special snowflake stuff like Manjaro does for Arch.

Manjaro is basically the same thing, except that it has it's own repos that are delayed some days from the default arch release cycle to prevent breakage and adds additinal patches for stuff you'd rice on Arch anyway.

Come and support the thread on /vg/ Gaming on GNU/Linux


>>what's wrong with feh?
- Trashy programmed
- ugly special snowflake right click menu
- less accessibility
- more bloat
- can't display gifs
- can't display webs
- trail and error keybinding mechanism

I mean, even gnome's EOG is better than feh and this tells alot about feh in general.


>so why are you using feh user?
>for setting my wallpaper!

If it can't into gifs but can do wallpapers is retarded. I better use sxiv that is tiny in comparison and can do gifs.

There's an image viewer most people forget about and it's "ImageMagick can sudo your mother"'s display program.

usage: display

No additional packages needed, since ImageMagick should be a standard install anyway.

shameress bump

look in the INSTALL file

literally read the install file noob

1. Make sure you have Qt 5 installed and working. If you dont know what Qt is,
go to qt.nokia.com/products/. You will need qmake to compile.

1. edit kdocker.pro if necessary. It should be ready to go with no change.
2. qmake
3. make
4. run "make install" (optional)
5. While making shortcuts, use the icons in /usr/share/kdocker/icons.

Please see README for tips and general information

IMPORTANT: Kill all previous instances of KDocker that are running before trying
out this version

>Qt 5
>If you dont know
>qmake to compile
>edit kdocker.pro

This is a friendly thread faggot memer. Be friendly or fuck off.
Always make to to read the INSTALL and README files, those files will usually tell you how to install a program and what requietements are needed.

I've fat fingers, pls no bully.

Ignore what user X wants to install.
Focus on the how instad of thw what; that's basically all what user x wants to know.