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>inferior maple money

What did you expect? Your currency is a joke.



You're doing something wrong


>spend 90% of my time on Sup Forums now trying to filter shitposts
>OP keep finding ways to post without using any keywords in the title, file name, or comment

>dump literally all your gold and give it to Muslims
>hur dur why everything so expansive??//

I didn't think it was possible to be so upset with a currency. I better fucking move to dubai or the states because apparently even if I'm making slave wages there it'll be worth more than my salaried pay here.

You might as well go to China or the UK.

All sold out

Nice budget card xD

then wait for it to be restocked

literally WHO wastes their money on GPU scalpers? you can wait a week or two

>buying AMD

Retard alert everyone
Retard alert


Canadafriend here. OP is an idiot. EVERYTHING is more expensive here compared to US dollarydoos.

So the cheaper card is 4GB, the 8GB card is more expensive... and then also Canadian dollarydoo factoring.

>331 EUR in Croatia

just cuck my shit up senpai.. just cuck my shit up

The 1080 has been sold out for a month straight, you won't be able to buy the 480 at anything below $350 for months

implying the demand wont split up between nvidia and rx480 once the 1060 comes out


he talks about Justin Turdeaux (your pm you fuck) selling all the canadian gold reserves

>AU $320 for 4GB 480
>AU $380 to $450 for 8GB 480

not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be 2bh
thought the 4GB 480 would be starting at $400

>using maple leaves as money

it's 300 dollarucks in mexico with taxes included

do newegg and canuck sites include taxes in their prices?

Next Erection in 4 years VOTE for JIM LAHEY your Trailor Park Suppervezer

In BC our taxes are 12%. A 300 card becomes a 332 card.

no, us dont pay taxes.. lucky fuckers

american education

are all blower-type coolers considered the reference cooler? I have an EVGA 660 ti with a blower-type cooler and it has been pretty good so far.

are AMD reference coolers any better or wose than Nvidia's?

240 usd to cad = $310

+ 5% GST tax = $325

Looks in line.

Do you not know your own tax code and your own currency conversion?

Whats with euro cucks, aussie cucks, and canacuks not knowing what their currency is worth. Seriously, tell me Sup Forums, are these faggots retarded?

So I am Canadian, and I literally didn't even calculate. 4 bucks off. That's egg on my face.

canucks have 5% GST tax on all items with some exceptions. Then there might be local tax.

newegg does tax based on local state tax.

Some states dont have sales tax. Others can go up to 10% or more.

MFW im charging people @ work 15% tax becuase "Hospitality tax" :^)

>are all blower-type coolers considered the reference cooler?
No. There are some aftermarket blower cards. If it looks the same as the reference design, it's a reference design, though.

>are AMD reference coolers any better or wose than Nvidia's?
The nvidia NVTTM cooler (used on the reference cards since the original Titan) are probably the best blowers ever made.

$311 and $271 here

I didn't mean that the card was 300 bucks, it was just a basic number. I was basically just slapping the keyboard.

forgot pic

so is there any reason to pick a brand over another when it comes to buying those reference cards?

I am just going with Sapphire because their customer service is far better than ASUS over here.

i second this, american companies got thier heads up thier asses cant give us a breaky waky

out of curiosity i searched how much this was in my country. some computer store in fb says the fucking 2GB version is 347 and the 8GB is 399 fucking dollars

motherfucking piece of third world shithole. thr gtx1080 goes for only 1100 usd

>Check Sup Forums
>$230 for 8GB
>Check local retailers
>$303 for rx 480 reference 8gb
>$319 for R9 390 Nitro Tri-X OC 8gb

Dunno if Nvidia purposely bribe retailers to sell AMD products higher, I'll just wait for 1070 3rd party and get my money's worth.

who cares you whiney bitch, if you love the company you will support them no matter what, pull your pants up and deal with it!!!



fucking mexican intellectuals buying from Amascam

What a steal

>mfw I just sold a 550 ti for 2,000 pesos

I was gonna give it for cheap to a gamer qt but then she told me that his baby's father was gonna build her gaymer PC for her.

at that price? only a literal retard would do it

I just wanted to shitpost along

nice sale I believe, some dude was giving me 2,800 for my gtx 960 which I buyed a couple months ago and I was kind of tempted to use it to buy a new rx 480

sooo, how much do I have to wait for lower prices, or should I buy it now that our fucking joke of a currency exchange is still """"""""""""""""""low""""""""""""""""""""""?

I bought mine during Black Friday in the US so it was a pretty damn good sale.

Reminder: This isn't a paper launch.

Scalpers man, they buy up like 20+ GPUs at launch and try to jew you during the hype train


fucking hell

Hahahaha hahahaha

Fucking idiot

are you dumb?

>he fell for poojeet's bait and switch