This OS is the safest shit available around if you setup it up right...

This OS is the safest shit available around if you setup it up right. I'm leaving my IP here to because I bet even Sup Forums can't do shit to me


even italian ip's are disgusting, also nothing makes you safe from DDoS attacks. gentashole.

Such scary reply we have here! What are you gonna do ? Call your mommy while sayng "moomy looks at meez i'm dossing with a bought license program".

Fucking disgusting.

Alfredo shut up, go to the kitchen and make me a good pizza.

Words words words, still no one dossing because seems like you are too unskilled.
Such a shame.

You're just trying to get Sup Forums to DDoS someone you don't like, right? It was a solid plan, at least.

Sorry, i follow the rules. You arn't my legion and that is my ip.
If you got no balls isn't my problem thou.

Is it even possible that someone can harm you with only having your IP?

Seems like no, since not getting even a little of lag. Lol.

Buttati sotto un treno, demente.

La mamma lo sa che usi queste parole per offendere ? Spero che non ti stacchi internet o ti faccia scrivere un post di scuse, coglione.

But how would Gentoo protect your IP from DDoS? You couldn't have thought of anything else?

Fammi vedere i tuoi bei piedini e ti perdono.

How are you going to access the Internet with all these pings? Ehehehehe

you don't know shit pal

Il perdono è per il deboli.

By black/whitelisting IPs maybe?

You don't need Gentoo to do that.

It's not the main reason I installed Gentoo for

Open up a port for me faggot, I don't see one there.

>this is the pope porn machine's IP

user, please try harder next time to not look like an obvious personal army request.

"I need a port" hahaha, damn shit pal.

Sure thing pal, posting from 2 different IPs it's realy hard.

Try 7777

You scared bro?

That IP is probably just some girl who cucked OP.

>not your personal army

Do i look like i give shit ?


Well done being duped into a personal army request, retard.

>Literaly no lag

Ohh OP, Looks like I found your open port. I'm coming in balls deep now.

Yeah, I'm sure I really inconvenienced them with some ICMP packets

Still waiting, faggot.

I'm in OP. I put a virus on the kernel of your system. I'm watching you.

Cool story, enjoi specting me playng KF2.

>OP getting BTFO
kekkity kek

>Getting BTFO
>From no one


>year of our lord 2016


Lol seems like a summary of your life.

If you say you're sorry, I won't do rm -rf /* --no-preserve-root.

>Give to people a challenge
>have to say i'm sorry to let others accomplish the challenge

Have you any brothers almost normal or not ?

tua madre e' veramente una gran puttana. Dio porco, che fastidio le richieste di DDoS dei bimbiminchia che hanno scoperto il ping


Bella storia Frà, fossi in te prima di parlare comprerei i tasti sulla tastiera, capace che ti possano servire.

Do Italians count as sandniggers?

Non hanno ancora prodotto un palo talmente lungo da permettermi di toccare la tastiera italiana con il suo schifossissimo layout senza che mi vengano i conati di vomito.
Sensazione paragonabile solo a quella che si prova quando si leggono thread come questi, cui autori sognano il suddetto palo al fine di infilarselo nel culo.

not yet; germans do though

>Literaly most uncivilized racists

Ignorance is a double edge sword. You won't get into "WELCOME HERE IMMIGRANTS XDDDD" but also will stop any progression to a civilized world. At least brillant people will go away.

Che calde e forti opinioni che hai qui, ma ora lascia i grandi giocare con gli ip e torna a giocare alla tua botnet creando i file .bat e credendoti un haker, cià.

What the fuck does Germany have to do with this?

It's a discussion about being a Sandniggers, everyone knows that the most common name in Germany now is Muhamed.

they are latino too.

anyone? anything?
you guys are no fun.

gli script in .bat li scrivi te, che ti piace la mazza.
>grandi giocare con gli ip
>con gli ip
oook... sei persino peggio di uno script kiddie - almeno loro sono sanno di essere genuinamente ritardati.

Furthermore, all the europe has a large percent of people extremely ignorant and racist. Go visit britcucks, especially now, after brexit; or maybe denmark. Or - even worse - austria, germany... Go see "Look Who's Back" (Lui e' tornato) - a lot of interviews with people there are real.

lisp looks so retard.

for those who do not comprehend it. Also, it's clojure.