Why do webdevs like shitty technology?

why do webdevs like shitty technology?

write less, do more

bootstrap is more wtf

Javascript has such an anaemic standard library that it pretty much forces you to pull in something. jQuery was one of the earliest, so it gained marketshare before everyone realised how shit it was.

it's pretty cool actually, i wish it was integrated in original javascript and jquery deleted
raw javascript sucks

which unemployed hobby programmer are you? The lisp faggot?

t. Amateur web dev

>Google 'how to do X in javascript'
>get StackOverflow results
>every answer: 'get jQuery'

This is the most aggravating part.

>reinventing the wheel

>This is the most aggravating part.
I hate that shit.
It doesn't help that jQuery is written in JS, so it doesn't add ANY functionality to the language.

desu html, css, javascript, php should be redone from scratch. Having to learn over 4 languages to do one little crap on a website is bullshit. Not only that folders are filled with tons of crap files so one language can talk to the other language and vice versa. Fucking annoying. Coding websites is a cluster fuck. I am literally hoping for web 2.0 where this shit is solved. One language for everything, two max! One language for design and one for coding. There should not be more!!!

For me, I know javascript and learned it way before I actually realized there is jQuery, ever since I use jQuery, it just saves me time and money.

If the client or the task requires something more than that, or special feature etc. sure I'll just use flesh and bone good ol js but if thats not in the mix, I'll just throw a shit ton of jquery and bootstrap

I hope you step on a Lego.

If you knew how to use the latest CSS and ES6 with polyfills, I don't see why you'd use JQuery. JQuery is a mess and horrible to use.

Face it, you're just a poorly educated web dev.

>not using asm.js

don't you want to be a true patrician?

You don't seem to get the point of jQuery, It's all just a collection of objects and methods.

jQuery is raw Javascript already, and unless you're a complete novice in JS or programming in general you'll just use jQuery to traverse the DOM and make AJAX requests, I don't see the point of using jQuery for anything else.

> Open Jquery source code
> Find the method
> Get inspired

As a wannabe PHP back end dev I despise JS, jQuery helps with not breaking everything in front of me when I wish to do some AJAX or do some interactive forms.

Nobody "uses" asm.js as anything but a compiler target, and it's already outdated.

>not writing asm.js by hand
come on now


there are examples with simple shit all over the web, normies like to copy-paste, it quickly went from a helper for specific scenarios into the "default" js lib to include in a webproject (or you can't copy-paste anything from stackoverflow)

jquery normalizes everything in the browsers
honestly browsers should just add the jquery library locally.. it's not the web developers fault browsers are so fucking all over the place. web chome vs desktop chrome has insane differences and that's supposed to be "the same browser"

>You don't seem to get the point of jQuery,
No, you don't get MY point.
It's a fuckton of extra software noobs use to prevent themselves from actually learning how to do anything.
It's a solution in search of a problem.
It's one more thing to keep patched.
It's one more avenue of attack.
It doesn't do ONE THING I can't do without it.
But when I need help from the "community", I all I hear is :"why learn to code? just get jQuery to do it", or "lol, I dunno, jQuery doesn't do that, guess it's impossible".

Fuck jQuery and its users.

oh, as an addendum to , i bet most of jquery usages can be replaced with
var $ = function(param)
var name = param.substring(1, param.length);
if (param.startsWith("#"))
return document.getElementById(name)
else if (param.startsWith("."))
return document.getElementsByClassName(name)
return document.getElementsByTagName(param)
its just stuff by lazy folks. there is proper use cases, there always where, but stackoverflow normies like to copypaste smaller chunks of shit they dont understand, as long as it "works".



I bet you're just a noob who just spouts things without knowing what you're saying.

If you're doing simple things, sure you can avoid jQuery but for big projects, you're gonna want to use it to save yourself the time from reinventing something that's been done before and publicly available