Why are you still using outdated technology?
Why are you still using outdated technology?
Because it's cheaper than paying for a "subscription" and getting jewed on a reoccurring basis.
Because it's useful and just works.
I don't. I've been using networks to deliver data like a nonpleb for a very long time.
Literally who makes up with this shit?
Both cloud and flash drivers are usefull for there own things. Can you install windows with cloud based service or use toolset to fix broken pc, which doesnt have access to net?
Really pity that nobody except apple implemented pxe over wireless (albeit only on certain models, with certain limitations).
Because they're dirt cheap, fast and convenient as fuck.
This. Plus if a friend wants to transfer something to your machine or vice versa, and it's not already on the cloud, it's much more convenient to just throw it on a thumb drive. Just werks
do you even netboot, pleb
lol y wud u do that just bring it to the genius bar
someone who's computing knowledge does not exist beyond using the internet for social media
Because I bought one of those fancy flash sticks that have an SSD controller in them and it's way faster than the internet.
because i don't have a high speed, unlimited internet everywhere
actually, i don't have a high speed connection anywhere
it'd be faster for me to mail dvd's than upload any substantial amount of data at ~70KB/s
(and if someone is wondering, yes, i have actually mailed dvd's to people for this reason a few times)
-- oh, and those people have shit download as well, so it's faster to get dvd's from me than to download things themselves
though not in all instances was the data already available on the internet (i produce data as well)
Nice try NSA.
This is mostly right as long as you hold the encryption keys and not the companies.
you can install operating systems over the internet from these theoretically.
>some server with your data dies
>can't access it for days
>tfw in 10 years your locked down UEFI will autimatically bottWindows 10 "anniversary edition" from THE CLOUD
Because I actually own the information I have on my USB.
With suscription services if I upload something they don't like they'll take it away. Just see how Mega deletes things all the time because of "TOS agreement" and copyright shit
Also they're a one time, cheap as fuck buy
What was that saying again... Never underestimate a wagon full of tapes rolling down a hill. Same with USB and cloud
But why would you?
USB 2.0 speeds are still higher than the average household net.
And having with you a USB stick with emergency tools is far better than downloading them every time you need them
>Server that held your data goes bankrupt
>You lose all your information
This is why I don't trust those subscription cloud storage services
I can buy dirt cheap 8 or 16gb flash sticks and carry it around, without worrying if I will get access to internet or not.
Plus, if something is "in the cloud" nobody knows where it is exactly and you dont really control it.
Author was dump, probably on purpose to make people rage, read and comment.
I don't give a fuck
>local storage outdated
Sup Forums
Only idiots use them as primary storage.
Never stated it was the primary storage tho. You'd rather have your data stored somewhere you know its safe.
Unless you're irresponsablw with your things then you could use cloud storage, atleast it wont be your fault when it all fades I guess
Oh shit, call the cops we've got one.
If you lose all of your "information" because the company went bankrupt that means you were using it for primary storage idiot. If you were using it for backup you wouldn't have any data loss. Your lack of understanding on this subject is very poor. Enjoy your data loss when your HDD dies.
>falling for the cloud meme
These fucking websites aren't even hiding the fact that they're shilling.
How do we kill the corporate internet?
I hope this dumb shit catches on so flash drives become even cheaper
Sharing a file over the internet or your local network is vastly better than plugging a stick into a single device. Direct attached storage is shit.
>Direct attached storage is shit
And cloud storage is a waste of bandwidth.
Enjoy that house fire taking all of your data with it.
No usb key
>Good goyim, keep all you personal data on *cough*NSA*cough* Microsoft and Alphabet ehh, I mean Google cloud services! You will only have to pay a few shekels!
>Microsoft offers free cloud storage
>if you give them a hundred dollars a year
Has that author not even seen Mr. Robot yet?
Normies use office software so it makes sense that they'd word it that way. You're paying for Office and getting the cloud storage for free instead of a separate subscription.
>posted on 1/19/2015
>on a literally who tech news website
lol okay
It's also vastly slower
Not if you need to share it with multiple people. Also, in reality USB3.0 often compares to gigabit network speeds so for a local transfer I wouldn't use "vastly" at all. 10GbE crushes USB3.0 as you never ever hit anywhere near the theoretical limits even when using a SSD to remove the read/write bottleneck.
Because all those usb sticks I've already purchased over the years are a sunk cost. I already own them, so for future considerations, the current price for me to continue using them is zero dollars. The current price for me to use these cloud services is not zero. Case closed.
2016: Allowing shit corporations to have your data so they can either lose it when they go out of business get hacked or steal it from you.
Fuck off. I'll keep my own goddamned data you retarded hominid.
Renting is the best way to guarantee you die poor.
Why would their servers be the only place you stored the data? I'm amazed at how many retards in this thread don't understand cloud services and their usefulness. I'm guessing a US holiday weekend means a lot of kids posting here who clearly don't work in the tech industry.
Oh no, my torrented anime and porn!
You can't take money with you anyways.
Grub has support for PXE boot.
Articles like the one OP posted are obvious shills m8. Thanfully not everyone is an applel or jewgle cocksucker who drinks the cloud kool-aid as evidenced by the returnnof microsds.
Tech is about utility not about being a consumer whore and buying the latest and greatest
Underrated troll attempt.
>paying corporations so they can sell you data
but flash drives are the best method for secure storage
>inb4: I lose all of my flash drives
Start looking after shit your parents buy for you.
Don't even joke about shit like that.
If they can make it so they will.
Well for starters, you cannot boot off of cloud storage. Moreover, data transmission speeds are much faster when using local storage when compared to the network.
Flash drives are not outdated, they are superior technology.
Why should I go through the trouble of logging in on every single computer to access my files?
Why should I continously pay to upload my files on the internet when I can just move them onto a flashdrive?
What the fuck am I supposed to do when I want to access my files and I don't have internet?
I'm not even afraid of a "botnet", but cloud storage is incredibly impractical to me. And please don't argue that "it's 2016, people in the civilized world constantly have internet".
No, not just PXE. PXE over Wifi.
like OnLive cloud gaming...
Is there a realistic alternative for transferring 120gb of data to no network attached computers on a regular basis?
Only mac's can do it. PXE on generic x86 hardware is completely broken.
Yes yes let's put even more stress on our fucking adsl lines from three decades ago.
fucking kill yourself, op, and gtfo
>no network attached computers
Come on grandpa, you're supposed to use The Cloud!!! Trust them, dumb fuck!!
>5 dollar monthly for 100 gigabyte
A 128 gb USB is 30 dollars and lasts for years
6 months and you got your money back.
And you won't have to worry about getting jewed.
>still buying mp3 players when radio is free
>still buying redhat linux when windows 10 is free
>still paying for netflix when tv is free
>still buying things when the heat death of the universe is inevitable
red hat linux is free tho, if you are a dev.
How is windows 10 free?
>online storage
>trusting a cloud service
>not understanding that some people carry sensitive data for work that can't be shared over the internet for any reason
Fuck off back to twatter and fatbook.
yeah, want to protect that burger flipping technique right?
how do i install gentoo from the cloud?
> be australian
> mail dvds
fuck you amd your """"cloud"""" storage that is fucking useless
No, I want to protect experimental software so that I don't lose my job.
Because I live in a 3rd world country and I don't always have internet. And when I do, it sucks.
>muh cloud
fuck you thinly veiled advertisement
that journalist was paid to write that shill article
Not everybody has a fast interwebs connection either
kill yourself
i'm in australia, but i'm not australian
>cloud storage meme
Yes, just send all your private info off to be looked after by the literal botnet.
>installing an OS from google drive
Journalists are paid to write all their articles.[spoiler][/spoiler]
i install windows from a server
Because I like having boot devices and boot devices accessories.
Because SD cards are better than USB sticks anyway.
You can't lose SD cards if you just leave them in the device. You can't break them if your device isn't jewish and stores them entirely in the chassis.
MicroSD cards are electrically identical to USB sticks, so you can use them to boot an OS in most devices (apparently not Macbooks because Applel is retarded)
>not applel
By this I mean that you can't use a multi-function SD card reader (the BIOS doesn't support it)
You need an adapter that converts the MicroSD form factor to the USB-A form factor. Since they're electrically identical, it's literally just copper traces. No ICs involved.
>companies still trying to push the cloud meme
Yeah you're not putting me behind more DRM
>Because SD cards are better than USB sticks anyway.
SD cards are dying and will be totally useless in 9 years.
I will always use a flash drive over the cloud.
>Need an adapter for 90% of devices
>Lower storage capacity in every way
>More expensive
I just copped this 128gb 3.0 samsung flash drive for like 30$, don't even need an external hard drive
Because I don't have to worry about having a reliable connection and the transfer rates are way better.
Also, I don't want The Evil Boogeyman Inc. touching my data.
>i still use optical