Even though this is technically a game I feel it belongs here more than on Sup Forums

Even though this is technically a game I feel it belongs here more than on Sup Forums
TIS-100 is a program in which you solve puzzles using a very limited assembly language, I was able to get up to the signal multiplexer and am completely stuck, maybe some of you will have better luck

I've heard of it. Extremely difficult, right?

It started off pretty simple, but then HOLY SHIT, here's a screen from the multiplexer I'm stuck on
also there's no fullscreen mode

No. It's pretty easy to get the hang off. The architecture has very few instructions, so they're easy to memorize.

I can help you with that if you can help me with the signal peak detector.


The problem comes from the limits inherent in the instruction set, for instance the lack of a divide or multiplication instruction, granted you can repeat add or sub, but there's a limited number of lines a given node can contain

I've tried pretty much everything, I doubt I'll be much help, but post a screenshot anyway

>also there's no fullscreen mode

>The problem comes from the limits inherent in the instruction set, for instance the lack of a divide or multiplication instruction, granted you can repeat add or sub, but there's a limited number of lines a given node can contain
Wouldn't a conditional jump instruction allow you to do multiplication and division without too many lines?

Are you fucking kidding me...
Thanks, that's such a standard shortcut...
In my defense it wasn't in the manual

There is fullscreen if you press ESC in the menu, it says "Toggle Fullscreen mode" or something like that.

The idea behind the comparator is pretty simple, just pass the input to the last node.
1st node JGZ send 1 down
2nd node JEZ send 1 down
3rd node JLZ send 1 down
else send 0 down

Conditional jumping is a line hog, and it's limited to a greater than zero, equal to zero, and less than zero instruction, as opposed to a 'less than given value' instruction which would allow for multiplication
My comparitor works

there is also free version simila to this stockfigher jailbreak on stockfighter.io

Oh, my bad. I thought you posted the screenshot because you had trouble with it.

Well, here is the signal mux if it helps. To be honest, I cannot quite comprehend what I did here, it was a while back.

Okay, now I figured out what I did. Just read the IN.S and pass through the needed input, throw the other one away.

Now, about that sequence peek detector, can anyone give me a general concept how am I supposed to save/compare the max/min number to every other? I know how to find the maximum number in a given sequence, but not in assembly.

It never occurred to me to use Jump Not Zero


>you never asked for
They know.

its fucking homework tier shit, but so fun
I need to get back to the image node problems

It feels stupid but it works.

was just looking at this, then came to Sup Forums.


>using ABP unironically

As a Python/JS babby that wants to go low level, does this game give an accurate image of how difficult x86 assembly is to follow or is it more of a case of obtuse for the sake of obtuse (or rather, obtuse for the sake of puzzle difficulty)?

>there are actual literal seeds for an indie game on linux
now i've seen everything

>quick reply never deletes names until you reply again
fuck you quick reply

>signal multiplexer
That is just the tutorial...
I've finished the whole game in 8 hours, including going back making more efficient solutions.

That was my first solution, here's the more efficient one (cycle wise)

It's on my list, when I finish the other indie shit. This guy is a god, I have finished or got very far in all his games(codex(but magnum opus is fucking insane), kohctpyktop, bureau, ruckingenur, spacechem, infinifactory). There's also a game for Android called Hacked, it's literally programming(its language even has lambdas). Story mode is kinda easy though, the hardest task was to flatten a list.

Pretty sure that was similar to my solution, just 3 jumps, easy AF. Haven't played it in forever though.

OP here, stumbled across it by clicking the "Hacking" tag on steam, hoping to find an uplink clone, was not disappointed, this is great too

I'm a LITTLE peeved that this is using so much of my CPU.
I understand why, but still.

I don't know how limited filesize is in low-level stuff, but that's there.
the rest that I've seen from the first five puzzles seems like the sort of thing that you get when you can't do real OOP.

It's harder because it's parallel, but simpler overall.

seeing that other people did much simpler solutions after spending half an hour on mine is kinda depressing