Thank You for Using Adblock

>Thank You for Using Adblock

Have we reached a new meme phase?

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Passive-aggressiveness is the sign of a complete limp-dick beta

This is how it starts.
This is how they came for piracy
Eventually it became more frowned upon by public
Then it became illegal

I knew a cuck that refused to use Adblock so he could help fund these websites.

How many layers of irony is this image on?

>Not using plus
Good luck with that.

Life would suck without adblock

>implying I'm going to feel guilt over this

What website?

You really should be using ublock origin. Much better than adblock+ or anything else.

wow, that's quite manipulative, I guess you're better off not visiting that retards website

Thank you as well for serving me a website that tells me to fuck off. Did you know I'm able to close the tab again so I do not have to put up with your shitty whining?


Yep, every time I recommend adblock I get called an asshole by friends and relatives for taking away their revenue stream.

Blocking packets from entering your machine will be made illegal in your lifetime mark my words.

There's actually people who watch youtube ads because they think they're stealing content otherwise.

I'm assuming then that registered users have to pay? Or do you just treat your unregistered users like trash?

I have youtube red :^)

>completely useless
It's like they are admitting that all they want to do is get money.

You realise he'd be entirely okay with you doing that? It'd be a net win for him, has he'd stop having to pay to serve up data to your freeloading ass.

You Gaymergaters are hilarious.

You're on the wrong board m8

It's called an appeal to morality. What they don't realize is that it doesn't work on random strangers over the internet.

Why should I give a shit about the person hosting the site's kids?

good on them

and I'm saying this as somebody who's been using adblock his entire life

>completely useless
So you don't care about the content you're providing? Thanks for removing any guilt I had left about not supporting your site.

You are if you expect not to be laughed at.

They did this to themselves the normies didnt learn enough to block adds without being pushed.


>"I'm supporting your site!"
>by blocking ads

You realize sucking down their bandwidth isn't support, right? Your patronage is less than worthless if you are.

>countless sleepless development nights


Here's what an HTML page looks like to a browser:
this is a paragraph, please display this to the reader: blah blah blah something something news article blog post etc...
this is a link to an image, please also go get that and display it to the reader:
this is a link to some javascript, please also go get that and run it:
Note that there are no ads, just links to scripts which load advertisements. If you want people to see the ads, serve them with the page.

You should be happy. I actively encourage people not to use ad blockers whilst using one myself. The more other people are watching ads and paying server costs, the better for us that don't want to. Less chance of sites disappearing behind paywalls.

Nice trips, bad reading comprehension. Care to try again?

what a fucking pussy.

jesus christ.

"I don't have the balls to tell them to fuck off outright, I've got to couch it in pithy irony."

fucking web developers

Bandwidth costs fucking nothing. The exposure you get from people using your site and linking others to it is worth far more.

>he thinks he's bestowing a privilege on others by consuming their content.
Fucking white teens.

But he never said he was supporting anyone

TRUMP 2016

You know it used to be that people made websites with no expectation of recompense and they were delighted by people coming to "consume their content".

>the more people who steal your content, the better!

A moron who actually believes in potionomics.

Adblock is a reality of the market. If you can't make money in a market where adblock exists, your business is flawed. People have no moral or legal obligation to prop up your flawed business model.

Share the link, OP. I really want to see on what they've spent countless sleepless development nights.

Ads have been a part of the internet since nearly the beginning. They were funded by venture capital of people who were waaaay optimistic about the value of ads The market crashed, and now sites are making fractions of a cent where they once made dollars.

Make your ads non-animated banners that you host yourself or fuck off.

>not loading ads is stealing

My machine, my connection, my rules.
You are not entitled to my CPU cycles. It is my right to control what operations my computer performs.

If your content is worth money, charge for it. If it isn't, cry somewhere else about how people are getting fed up with malware infested clickbait blogs.

>Content for free, just with ads? NO WAY! That business model is flawed! MAKE ME PAY FOR EVERYTHING!
You are really not very bright.

Fine. You're stringing me along, but I'll bite.
>Thanks for removing any guilt I had left about not supporting your site.
Based on the OP image and other context, we can assume this is from a perspective of using an ad-blocker myself and seeing this message. In this sentence, I openly say that I'm not supporting the site. However, such a message would remove the guilt I occasionally feel for doing so. I like to (and do) support sites that provide content and services I use and enjoy, but I feel little attachment to a site that sees its only purpose as being a source of income for the creator. In this case, I would be relieved to see this message, because while I still know that I'm not supporting the site, it's made clear that it's not the type of site I care about supporting.

>Narkive collects, archives and processes public data to provide easily accessible knowledge to it's users in the form of threads. The organization of this content is a completely automatic process with no human intervention. This model allows us to archive and provide the world with, at the time this webpage was generated, 921,213,781 messages in 283,116,498 threads.

>hobbyist websites won't exist without ads

>If your content is worth money, charge for it

They are. And you're in here crying about it.

Do you have a point? Lots of people used to make websites as a hobby, without running ads, and considered it a privilege that people came to their site to consume their content.

Showing an ad != charging the consumer
Calling you out on your bullshit != crying about it

>not simply using a tracker blocker and using that as justification
It's like a get-out-of-guilt free card

>here, have a webpage
>now that you already have the webpage we delivered with no strings attached, pay for it
>h-hey where're you going?

The web would be a better place if everything was hobbyist, paywall, private funded, or public funded. The ad-driven web is a sea of clickbait garbage.

>funding your site with ads

Until it starts costing real money.

See also: america's tipping system

This shit is illegal in the EU.

Like everything? Do you also try to squeeze ads into your normal hobbies?

Bandwidth is cheaper now than it was back then. Unless you're hosting huge files, it won't cost "real money".

>Why are you refusing to look at the billboard on the highway!
>That'll be a $250 fine and I will see you in court!

>I deserve to be paid for my inane wordpress blog masquerading as "quality journalism"


haha, enjoy you're crappy ad-riddled internet, anglos


Yet you're there, and complaining it's not as free as it was.

What are you even talking about?

You're just blurting out vague protest at this point.

The fuck.
Ad-block detecting is illegal in the EU as it counts as datamining.
Go enjoy your freedom or whatever have you, faggot.

What? No.


>blocking ads is stealing content
Phew, lad. I suppose not buying things with partner codes is also stealing.

>Ads have been a part of the internet since nearly the beginning.
Ads only came to play a big role when the internet suddenly mutated into a entertainment media for sheeples. This is because consumption is the only positive externality they are able to provide when accessing a website.

E.g. if you have a website about difficult math problems (e.g. P versus NP) smart people visiting might benefit you in non-monetary terms by giving intelligent feedback and providing viewpoints that you didn't think about before. However, such benefits can't possibly provided by simple minded viewers of a casual entertainment website. To still extract something out of their viewers these sites implemented ads.

>"They're asking me to turn off my adblocker? How DARE they? Don't they realize it's a privilege to have my spoiled white male teen viewership?"
You're pretty mad there, kid.

Why can't I unblock this video (Warning NSFW)

pic related. My subscriptions

And then you can abuse file hosts to serve your files.
An account with someone like mediafire is like $10 a month to remove ads for your downloads and get more bandwidth, storage and features.

$10 a month shouldn't be breaking your bank.

Bullshit. The way to do it is placing a background image with the text or whatever and overlaying the ad. The ad blocker will remove the superimposed image and leave the background text. There is no privacy intrusion so there is no law broken. It's not illegal.


That's a huge virtue. The fact that you seem to imply this is a negative thing tells me you're an awful person.

> Sleepless development nights
When will this meme end?

You're the only one who's mad.

>to stop their users from reading webpages

>If you don't sell your ass to advertisers, you're an awful person.
Corporate bitch.

Didn't read that lol

But still, doing this shit with Javascript is script kiddie tier. I can block you server-side bitch.

>Did you know that registered users don't see any advertisement
I also know that registered users pay money to get registered

Now that's a strawman. You're free to avoid all advertisement the want, but do so by choosing alternatives that are funded in other ways.

To use services that are provided to you in exchange for ads, and then shitting in the face of the creator by blocking those ads anyway and leeching off the content, yes that makes you an awful person.

Does mediafire have an API for file storage? I would guess probably not, but you could hook that shit up somehow anyway.

I'm guess it is against their ToS to use them to serve files though, do they care?

The services are provided via the world wide web, and I connect to them through a web browser, and I can configure my web browser to connect to whatever I want.

Your post is actually opposite to all these anti-anti-adblock arguments. They offer a content without ads to those who is interesting in it and simply btfo all those people, who want to get it free of charge and without ads. That's fair.

Good goy!

While that is technically correct, it is completely beside the point and does not help your argument in any way. The technical method of connecting to websites and displaying content is 100% irrelevant to whether blocking ads is moral or not. It's like saying "Stores are provided to me via buildings, and I enter them through doors, and I can physically take items and leave without paying if I want".

Keep insulting me using racist internet memes and maybe you will feel better about your life

I agree. I think this boils down to the same question as free software: Should other people be allowed to control what my computer does and how I use it, as a condition of using their software?

First post is best post.

Would've wrote "Fuck you for using adblock. Chop your balls off and die in a hole you transgender kike."

>"This is a nice boat. I like floating around in it. The other people in here are doing some bailing to keep us afloat. That's nice, and I'm really enjoying this. BUT I CAN BORE HOLES IN THE BOTTOM IF I WANT AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME BAIL!"
You're literally too dumb to recognize what you have.

I should add that I only agree that the argument you responded to was meaningless, not the implied connection with shoplifting and blocking ads.

Internet's a pull medium.
I pay my ISP to pull what I want.
I don't have to watch jack shit.
Now fuck off and die you shitty clickbait sites.

And you won't since it's going behind a pay wall. Congratulations on cucking yourself.

No it's actually more like I'm walking through a fairground, and there are a bunch of diseased peddlers around who pay the fair operators a commission for every filthy bauble they sell to hapless fairgoers, and I avoid them.

No, because I CAN control what my web browser connects to, and I CAN'T control how proprietary software operates.

It's more like that elementary OS guy, who complains when people download his shitty linux distribution without donating.

You enter this market, with these rules, and this is how it works.

>implying anyone would pay for the shit these sites turn out
Paywall has never been a viable business model.
Consumers hold ALL the cards.

>I avoid them
>by sucking down every byte of their content I can get

You're not very bright, are you?

>completely useless

So the entire point of this site is to serve ads? Why even go to it then, OP?

>paying for things has never been viable
You're really dense

Yeah, I never tip for a waitress. I call her a cunt and tell her to get a real job.