Is C written in C?

Is C written in C?

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The ISO C standard is written in English

Fuck me if I know so have some years of story

It's a compiled language you mongoloid.

Interpreted languages are "written" in the language that their INTERPRETER program was written in.

By that notion, I suppose if you wanted to stretch the meaning into logical absurdity, then the original C compilers were written in assembly, but are now largely written in C, I believe.

>If C is so great, why didn't they use it to write C?

Most modern C compilers are written in C so yes

Wouldn't that be a paradox?



What are used to compile C compilers?

C compilers

Older C compilers are used to compile newer ones
The oldest one was written in assembly
The oldest assembler was written in machine code, probably

We have C compilers right now. Compiling a C compiler written in C isn't as crazy as it sounds.

Look up "self-hosting."

They write the initial compiler in assembly, and when this initial compiler can compile basic C, they start writing the compiler in basic C to create a C compiler that can support more features.

They repeat until they get a C compiler that supports the entirety of the C language spec.

no, one of the progress marks of a compiler is being able to compile itself

This thread is so troll

That's like a creation with no creator. Theists BTFO

C was written by Assembly and BCPL

Compilers can bootstrap themselves with some assembly and then continue compiling themselves.

The bare essentials of the compiler was written in assembly. They then used the newly generated c compiler to compile a higher functioning compiler. So yes and no.

> yfw C was written in Swift from people from the future.

What is C?

It has a creation process which is much simpler. I guess sort of like our universe anyways

I hope I die before people somehow manage to write C compilers in fucking node.js.

if they can write binary data to a file, then any language can be used as a compiler for another language.

Just some extra stupidity for doing it in node.js

>$ gcc.js fizzbuzz.c

It was written in Javascript by a pajeet who accidentally sent it in the past along with his feces

Fun fact: C Standard Library in Visual Studio is written in C++.
"We have converted most of the CRT sources to compile as C++, enabling us to replace many ugly C idioms with simpler and more advanced C++ constructs. The publicly callable functions are still declared as C functions, of course (extern "C" in C++), so they can still be called from C. But internally we now take full advantage of the C++ language and its many useful features.
We have eliminated most of the manual resource management in the code through the introduction of several special-purpose smart pointer and handle types. Enormous functions have been split into smaller, maintainable pieces. We have eliminated 75% of the conditional compilation preprocessor directives (#ifdef, #else, etc.) by converting internal implementation details to use C++ features like templates and overloading.
[...] As part of this work, we’ve completely rewritten the core implementations of the printf and scanf functions (now with no #ifdefs!). This has enabled us to implement the remaining C99 features for the stdio library, to improve correctness checks in the library, and to fix many conformance bugs and quirks. Just as importantly, this work has enabled us to discover and fix substantial performance issues in the library."

Maude System is written in Maude System:

nope - at least gcc, clang and visual c++ are written in c++

I am going to write a terrible translator from C to node and let you know just before letting it loose on a small c compiler.

I don't get it.

How can C be real if the compiler isn't real?

C was written in your moms juices.

Really makes you think...

GCC was written in BASIC. Fact.

It's written in C++, if you consider the two main compilers, GCC and Clang/LLVM.

is english written in english?

are eyes visible to eyes?

do mirrors mirror mirrors?

bullshit, I love i3 and good luck starting that without the wiki/someone showing you the default keybinds

i love i3 myself, but when it comes to throw away interfaces like on many websites, the quote is true

>tfw alt+shift+q doesnt work on windows


>the original C compilers were written in assembly
They were written in B, though.

Well, they basically did. The early C compilers evolved along with the language they were written in.

Sun's Java, on the other hand, is written in C++.

I don't know about CLang, but GCC is most certainly written in C. I'm sure the C++ front-end may be written in C++, though.

MSVC++ is a C++ compiler, so it wouldn't be strange at all if it is written in C++.

there are many JVM implementations that are written in Java

so how was the first C compiler compiled?

I'm sure, but I don't think any of them are really competitive.

>write the first one in assembly
>subsequent versions can compile with itself



The language of the gods.

Confirmed for not understanding how this works.

All languages start out in assembly. Most modules and compilers are written in the language that they use, because the basis for the language is already there,

yea but how did they write assembly?

OK fucking retards

A compiler compiles C into 1's and 0's.

Everything that is a program must be read as a 1 or 0

Thus, once you have one program (complier) that is now in 1 and 0 form you can compile the new compiler in C into 1's and 0's



C is a way to make it easy to make the ones and zeros mean something and understand it

C is not a program thus is a language so the answer is NO

its clearly talking about gooeys
i3 is TUI

c compiles into assembler though

Wow really makes you think

>I'm sure, but I don't think any of them are really competitive.

what's assembly written? binary?

what's binary written? switches going on and off? what's that written in?

True although people couldn't understand so I made it as basic as possible

When you get down to that level you start to take into account circuit architecture, and switches turning on and off is not gates etc...

If you want to know more about how that works look into VHDL (very high speed descriptive launguage) which is basically a way of planning the architecture controller. It becomes electrical engineering etc...

I.e. Go to fucking university and learn this shit then come out and earn big bucks, it is not for simpletons

Source: umm I am electrical engineer it my job??

>GCC is most certainly written in C
most certainly not:
>MSVC++ is a C++ compiler
it's both c and c++ compiler

Yes. Thompson and Ritchie switched their compiler over from assembly to C as soon as they had a powerful enough compiler to do it.

Even As a white male ita hard for me to understand these systems I can only imagine how mind boggling is this for black people and other sub human races.
Ita literay quantum physics for animals

Neither Dalvik nor ART is written in Java.

Only as an intermediate language, really. The primary output of the vast majority of C compilers is relocatable object code.

>what's assembly written? binary?
Originally, yes, but these days there's no need to as there are many native code generation tools available to use instead. There's no reason to write an assembler directly in machine code when you can just write it in C instead.

>what's binary written? switches going on and off? what's that written in?
Originally, this is what front panel switches were used for. These days, you'd use a hex editor instead if you'd really need to do so for some reason instead of using a higher-level tool.

Forgot picture.

Go back to quora

Into the micro era, you also have chip programmers like pic related.

Nice read. Thanks, user.

You dumb is obvious
C is written in B
and B is written in A

>Linus' face when

and why not? i mean there is no point but what makes you pick node.js in particular? Its just a bad choice as python would be but it would still work and with enough effort possibly beat gcc.

Thanks for the explanation, user. It covered a gap or two.

I wouldn't say that a window manager is the type of user interface that that's talking about.

no, because adding support for new plaftorms is done via cross compilation, so no need to bootstrap them from scratch.

Assembly just corresponds to a location in memory to write to or read from, and what to do with that data inside the execution unit.

The computer reads it as machine code, which is just 1s and 0s.

Assembly is usually written by the people that made the processor to correspond with the instruction set. Most assembly today is based off of the assembly written for the Intel 8086, which is why it's called x86.

Dumb Lisp/Python/JS n00bs think C is magical because you can write a compiler that can compile itself.

CS students are fucking retarded these days, but that's what happens when schools fall for the SICP meme and think that's a legitimate way to teach CS.

You write C
Then you compile by hand
Then you write some more C
And with the hand-compiled software you compile the new code
And repeat.

C is written in C.

the idea shouldn't be magical to lispers, SICP has a whole section on the metacircular evaluator

It was probably done in somethign similar to BASIC

>Source: umm I am electrical engineer it my job??

and you were doing so well