How do I use tor without getting b& from my beloved Sup Forums?
How do I use tor without getting b& from my beloved Sup Forums?
you don't, tor exit-nodes are filtered.
How about shutting down tor before using Sup Forums?
leave and go to...
2.that polish version of 8gag
6.MMmmasssttterrr chan
Then you would just be browsing on your ip
what's to elaborate?
Will I get b& if I shut down tor before shitposting?
you won't be able to post at all. all tor exit nodes are automatically banned.
I don't intend on running a relay.
I'll use a separate browser for shitposting, not tor.
rip your opsec
So will I get b& or not?
why would you. The way it works is this - some TOR user posts CP, the IP of the tor relay gets banned. Everyone using this relay will be banned.
They don't care if you're using TOR.
>Everyone using this relay will be banned.
as long as they use it
I'm not dumb enough to post CP on Sup Forums. It would ruin this nice place.
So if cut off the connection to the exit node, I won't get b&?
Nigger do you understand how tor works?
You can't post at all using tor, your normal IP won't be banned if you browse using tor.
Completely shut down tor first, then go to firefox to shitpost. b&?
you are already banned now, bitch
Nope, I don't even have tor.
So will I get banned even if I shut down tor completely before shitposting?
you don't have to
No shitpost away you just have to reset tor when you are done
Are you retarded? The fuck is wrong with you?
So it's a yes?
You won't get auto-banned if you aren't posting thru tor.
its what I do.
If you get banned just run yourself through tor again, it assigns you a new ip address when you are done.
> browsing Sup Forums
Thanks, Anyway, what browser do you use when shitposting?
Just delete this thread.
Chrome when I'm not in tor, tor browser bundle when I'm shitposting.
I turn it on then back off after every shitpost. The mods can't catch me.
What he said, mods might see this.
Make sure you only use tor browser when you are shitposting, you won't have your fake on other browsers.
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