I wanna learn hacking

Can someone please tell me what coding languages I have to learn to become a hacker, I am 16 years old and I know c,c++,Java

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web assembly

Hey OP, you know c++, so tell me about vtables without copy pasting.

you must learn lolcode

I'm losing confidence in your wikipedia translation with every passing second. Thank god you're not interviewing for a real job.

I have driving experience and I claim to "be able to drive a car". Does this imply I know the finer details of drifting and grip racing?

I didn't know you guys would reply so I was looking at other stuff

No need to act so self-important. It's not like he's here every second.

Have you tried? You might.

Then don't go on racing boards and don't tell people you know how to drive a race car. If you don't know what vtables are you probably don't know shit about C/C++

The vtable is like the pointers in c

My internet is slow guys I live in India we have 1mbps speeds here not like you guys having 100mbps all the time


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Elaborate it further in your own words.

i think u ref'd the wrong link.

Don't worry i've alerted Sup Forums mods to the issue, it should be resolved any second.


Vtable contains the address of the virtual function In a class like how the pointers in c hold the address of the variable. Please don't cuss at me if I'm wrong

what the fuck does that mean? i'm cracking up but also drunk as fuck

it's been about 15 minutes since i asked that question. I think you've been outed, but nice attempt.

This is an 18+ site

ok so first you become the hokage then you must cast your hacking spells and then you will become the most moot hacker in Sup Forums

well OP, no1 seems to be answering your question so here you go:
Java is hard to reverse engineer. You can decompile older versions but you are pretty much left to pick up the pieces.
IDA pro is pirateable and does a decent job with simple C binaries and the like.
You probably aren't going to become anything but a script kiddie with posts like this.

you have to make minecraft plugins

everybody laughed. is that what you want to hear? yes i laughed

Well I have Kali Linux but I do not know where to start or what to do I can create a simple backdoor that's it but I realised I had to learn how to create it In order to master it so I quit copy pasting commands
Can someone help me in this?

open a terminal and type sudo shutdown -h now

yup. first of all go ahead and uninstall kali linux, because it is useless. report back when u have a minimal resource usage arch or gentoo install going.

It's gonna shut down my computer no thanks

Started downloading Iso for gentoo

whoever suggested that is smart. you shouldn't be running anything you don't know as reputable.

probably more error prone than arch but i've never tried and its probably simpler to install.

Which is best arch or the other one

a backdoor to what? no1 trusts you so you're basically creating a backdoor to a program that everyone already assumes is a virus? what?

decide for yourself. gentoo installs from source which makes it slightly more configurable but error prone (i've never used it and am guessing)


The Gentoo packages and base system are built directly from source code according to user-specified USE flags. Arch provides a ports-like system for building packages from source, though the Arch base system is designed to be installed as pre-built i686/x86_64 binary. This generally makes Arch quicker to build and update, and allows Gentoo to be more systemically customizable.

notice that kali isn't on this page because its basically a newbuntu for script kiddies

>I know c,c++,Java


hit f1 for Sup Forums help system

i have started downloading arch linux and can someone explain what this does

starting the download starts a download for the arch linux installation iso. you will need to consult the very simple newbie installation guide for the rest of the installation. it is very thorough. you will want google.
no1 is going to help you.

no1?? whats that

my installation is done and i am gonna use vmware not gonna install it

great, now you have a resource-friendly OS using way too many resources in your native OS. Out of curiousity, how much memory is left on your native system? I doubt you're using less than 1gb if vm is running on top of whatever shit OS you got.

just learn enough to automate the gui using pyautogui, to manipulate files using os and learn how to send an email. You can learn all of this with Automate The Boring Stuff With Python which is a free book.

What you do then is make a script that tracks every key press, takes screenshots, and then sends all that information to your e-mail.

Then you go to someone's computer, put the script in the autorun so it runs in the background everytime the computer starts and boom. You'll know what weird porn your friends are watching. Next step: blackmail

Use C make a binary because normies don't have python or linux installed.

sorry im being an asshole. Arch is pretty much the friendliest non-ubuntu community in the Linux business. You can probably find solutions to any errors on the first google link.

Your first impression of arch will be similar to ubuntu if you don't know what you're doing. Don't install a display manager. Don't install a desktop environment. Just get a simple window manager that you like and run it straight from the X window system which was built in the early 90s and is still the better than mac's quartz and windows' who the fuck knows what. Display managers and desktop environments are all shitty versions of windows applications anyway. Try this install guide and go with awesomewm if you can't decide for yourself. The guide you are looking for is by a guy named swapnil. I've used it (more or less, with some edits) as a check list for many successfull installs. It misses some things and does some shit I'm not into but will get you running.

int &var1;
int *var2;
*var2 = var1;

Why is this invalid but this is valid
int *var2;
int &var1 = *var2;