Is there any advantage to using MongoDB over postgreSQL? (or no-sql vs sql)

Is there any advantage to using MongoDB over postgreSQL? (or no-sql vs sql)

I'm learning Node.js and can see that using mongo for a single language implementation would be ideal, however this this is hardly an advantage.

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hipster cred.
if you're using node.js, you absolutely should use mongodb since there is no other reason to use any of those

>single language implementation


its not written in js, there are mongo libs for node sure, but there are libs for postgre too which have pretty much the same interface

NoSQL was a meme and lots of people are paying the price today.

Not really.

There are limited domains where key-value stores, graph databases and document stores make more sense than relational DB and where you not necessarily need ACID but prefer BASE, but for every use case ever there is a technical better solution than MongoDB.

Not using SQL (or a similar query language) doesn't offer a benefit per se, because everybody who is pleb enough to let injections happen will fuck up with direct APIs or Web-APIs as well.

Also, Mongo is not a single language implementation. It's just used by Meteor etc because they are clueless fags.


All the real database libraries for node suck dick so using mongo is easier. Node and its ecosystem are pretty fucking awful.

postgres isn't distributed. Mongo is better if you are willing to give up reliability for performance.

Please fuck off.

What's wrong with Knex? Not that I disagree with your last statement.

This love how the schemaless hype died down so quickly. Turns out it wasn't as useful after all.

And last month postgres implemented json loading that was faster than MongoDB. I ended up using postgres for an application instead of MongoDB. Bretty gud software desu.


NoSQL isn't a meme, but usually SQL is simply the better choice

this thread reminded me i have to do an exam on this shit.
holy fuck, i hate sql.

It doesn't really give you any advantage over concatenating strings and using prepared statements. It has no optimization phase and happily lets you generate completely invalid SQL.

There's nothing that comes even remotely close to SQLAlchemy, Hibernate or JOOQ in Javascript.

Hope you're not in anything computer, science, or administration related field then. Even English literature students need to learn the basics of SQL querying where I am from.

Give this a read

Same here, but I think sql only gets bad if you use the unnecessary, advanced features and some of the extensions.

He's talking about writing queries. You can't escape writing queries in any computer science related field.


I'm surprised they haven't run into problems with that name

can you make some example? maybe if i get why they are that useful i'll be less bored while studying it.
to me, it's all about tables and web programming. literally one of the worst field of cs in my opinion.



>Is there any advantage to using MongoDB over postgreSQL?
if you are a Sup Forums tier retard then you shouldn't touch Mongo. Use the india friendly SQL variant of your choice. One asswipe ITT referred to dynamic schema as schemaless. You really want to take advice from these jobless kissless losers?

In summary the only reasons to use SQL are:
you hate learning

you are indian

you plan on having high concurrency updates where data integrity and consistency are requirement.

not that user. and i've never heard of english students learning SQL. however

all computer applications require interaction with a server now unless it's something super simple like a calculator.

i have friends who got useless degrees in shit like economics working some shitty office job and they have to interact with a MySQL database that their company uses to keep all of their internal data. they tell me they wish they knew sql well so they didn't have to call IT whenever they need some piece of data.

>mfw my firm uses lotus

>hating on mongo

you need to go back to r/programming this is a js friendly board and your hatespeech is not tolerable.

for op:

use rethinkDB, its has all of the mongo advantages but also supports real time.

Why why the fuck are so many companies hiring for mongoDB?

because mongodb is web scale