Why is there so much Sup Forums shit here? Can't you faggots take it elsewhere?

Why is there so much Sup Forums shit here? Can't you faggots take it elsewhere?

Video games are technology asshole

Video games are for Sup Forums asshole

There are 4 fucking boards for vidya. and Post your vidya there you prick.

There are like 15 boards for weeb shit yet you faggots still post your Jap faggotry everywhere

wikipedia.com/Sup Forums_history

This is an anime website you cock sucking homo

No, gaming hardware is technology. Filter out gaming-related words if you don't like it.

Mods aren't doing their shit.
Sup Forums + reddit gaymer community, are hands down, the biggest source of retards and tech illiteracy in this board.
I'd get lost if I try to point out all the reasons

Don't forget about makifags

>There are 4 fucking boards for vidya. and 5 actually. You forgot Sup Forums's tech support board.

The last few weeks LITERALLY 40% of the first page is motherfucking GPU threads, but nooo, mods banned me for suggesting splitting Sup Forums into Sup Forums and /consumer/

That's only because mods simply don't care. It still doesn't belong here.

Just add to the filter becasue mods won't give a shit about it.

>implying Sup Forums doesn't contribute the sickest battle stations to Sup Forums


damn what a nice pussy repellent

so effective it works even if they never see it.



awful. rather not see that shit. just take it to Sup Forums.

this board is dying, and i haven't find a place to replace it.

There is /tech/, but the place is too slow.


>w-wow user, you are really into gaming
>well, it's getting late, i'll text you

I guess even if you're as tall as a third grader you can still fuck some pussy if you're loaded.

sounds about right

what the fuck, seriously

i prefer slow to shit. i'll try /tech/, thanks


great thread :3
bumpity bump

lainchan is pretty good

Why is there so much Sup Forums shit here? Can't you faggots take it elsewhere?

another good suggestion. wondering if there is something like Sup Forums x for this chain clones.