What shell does Sup Forums use?

What shell does Sup Forums use?


That's not a shell

You're not a shell


but i have no reason to

The three seashells.

zsh master race

zsh is ok




bash for four years

I've never tried anything else

fish. scripting in bash is a huge pain in the ass. I know how to, I'd just rather avoid it if I can.

I wish there were a good scheme shell but scsh isn't really usable yet and my half-assed effort works but doesn't have any convience features.
If I actually liked python I'd probably use xonsh.

Your experiences with ksh?

Now I know why they said that mac users are gay.

is your conclusion based on bubblegum color scheme or emojis


It just werks for me, but I am not really a power user.
I just want the vi-mode to work, which, on bash or mksh, had some issues with unicode. Tried ksh and it worked fine so I stick with it.
Regarding scripting I care about the particular shell even less, as I target posix sh.

mksh for gentoo

fish. Modern "interactive" shells are an embarrassment. Either you need portability that works on a dumb terminal and use gold old sh, or you take advantage of your terminal features and use fish.

Hell, fish is the only shell that lets you change configured environment variables without having to restart every fucking process.

Bash, keeping it classy (also the first shell I really properly learned at university).

Bash. I only just noticed you can !! to input a previous command


S9me options switched and a happy bashite.


anything else is cancer

>up arrow key and return

Ur welkum

Shell Diesel Motor Oil.

!! will be literally replaced with the last command, which can be somewhat cool. I have no idea when exactly, but yeah.

zsh through urxvt

Zsh + Oh-my-Zsh masterrace

It just works.
Plus my bashrc is comfy.