What went wrong with Phonebloks?

What went wrong with Phonebloks?

Its not an iPhone.

black people

Turns out some people like buying a new phone every year or two.


Manufactures wouldn't want to make individual parts. Less moneys that way.

drop your phone, your camera pops off and falls down a drain

Jewgle bought it and stopped it to stop competition for their phone industry

My guess would be the motherboard.

> what happened to this technologically and economically infeasible product that got shilled to by stupid people from reddit and Sup Forums?

This. Its flawed on principle. Phones should be slim and resistant. Blocks go the opposite way.

You replace the whole device faster than just the block. I think it will be a fad. It's nothing more than "neat". My 2 cents.

Could have had a case which holds all nice and tight together.
This isn't a flaw

The moneyZ Argument surely is.
Less shekel if you can Upgrade certain parts

>Sup Forums being seriously upset about this
>not being smart enough to solder in replacement parts and upgrades

It's stupid and just doesn't work. Not even the chinks are doing it.

Its just not feasible, from a hardware point of view.

-Every month or two
>the are some idiots that change phones every two weeks.

Moto's Project Aria if I remember correctly.
An ongoing project for now.

Also it is not slim enough and would be shamed to death in /fit/ if the Phonebloks was ever released.

Not economically feasible where upgrades are concerned and a full phone upgrade will work out better for costs overall.

Also some machines are becoming more efficient at recycling old devices and this might become feasible for cost reductions of new devices by some companies.
Apple started doing this with their Brian device with some success.
Simple point is that in comparison with cheaper overall for new device and price reduction via recycling the continuous upgrade path probably won't work out so well overall for a device such as Phonebloks or Project Aria.

yeah a smartphone is really resistant.
>slim =/= better

Can we focus on software before we give a shit about hardware?

We are at a time of record-breaking low for user configuration, and a record-breaking high for bloated, nightmarish code.

Hell, you think it's bad that you can't even officially install a clean version of Android for your phone? You've got Lenovo wanting to make it so their laptops reinstall the bloatware you thought you got rid after reinstalling (clean) Windows. You now also have to be careful which laptop you buy, since some will not allow consumers to boot from a CD/ USB drive. This shit is getting dreadful.

Does anyone have that cap of the Windows 10 UI developer?

What kind of massive drawbacks would there be for this to be even hypothetically workable? Could you make it feasible to get the equivalent of a $400 midrange phone for sub $1000 and have it be thinner, then say, a closed flip phone from 1999? Would there be other, non-phone uses for such a device?

>Graphic designer with basic understand of electronics makes a kickstarter
That's what happened, just like every other bullshit, retarded, lolsoomgamazing piece of tech on crowdfunded websites.
It wasn't feasible for a ridiculous number of reasons.

Lenovo doesn't even let you replace wifi cards without it being on an explicit whitelist.

This guy gets it. I bought a $200 laptop on Amazon. Ran Windows 8.1. Everything is going great until I try to install Ubuntu. I boot into the bios and shut off secure boot. Then I go to boot override and select my USB flash drive. The screen flashes once and nothing happens. I'm still in the bios. I can click enter all I want and nothing happens. That's disgusting. I'm never buying anything but used thinkpads and Nexus phones ever again. I might make an exception and try a moto x pure. I'm so fucking sick of this shit. I spent my hard earned money. What's next? I can't use it after 9PM?
>hatred for Microsoft and Apple intensifies

Recycling was the idea, but Google ditched it and now it's just phone with detachable gadgets which will made them lots of monies.

They said they would do a thing and they
preceded to not do said thing.

>slim and resistant. Blocks go the opposite way.
Never had legos eh?

it's not LEGO

Big Biz Shilling really. "Why cut profits for logic & reason?"

>Same principle that has been working for PCs for decades, to which we transitioned from the time when computers were a single piece of hardware
The fuck you guys going on about?

>What's next? I can't use it after 9PM?

Not unless you send the manufacture a letter from you employer regarding why you need to be awake past 8pm and then wait three weeks for approval

NEETs have to go to bed

>popeye was goku and majin buu

Because phones are totally like desktop PCs, right?

You can't even customize fucking laptops. The trend is actually to solder more and more onto the main board.

>will work out better for costs overall.
mine or the companies?


The biggest issue with phones right now is that the customers are fucking normies that go with brand recognition.

The initial challenge is to convince people that your austic modules, which look ugly as hell unlike how they appear in the concept art, are somehow a good idea when your average smartphone user is a literal inbred retard who could not care less about any of the benefits of this phone.

People buy iShit because of the power the brand holds, it is a way faggots and women use to tell society "look at me, my daddy makes money than you and he got me a whore phone". When you get into points like long time savings, waste reduction, future adaptability and benefits you already got people bored. They would need to get the kardashians or some one retarded inbred normies can recognize to advertise this, perhaps sheldron.

Most people barely do use any of the benefits that go from using any phone made in the last years. Apple and Samsung could theoretically spend less in R&D and more in marketing, not to mention people like to buy and forget, expecting normies to adapt to a similar "PC" environment where they need to research every part in their phone is fucking stupid and a failure because it fails to understand the core market.

They are marketing this to a broad audience, when in reality only a group of basement dwelling mouth breathers who buy used think pads, for some fucking reason, show any interest.

anything worth adding on to a phone is already built into the phone

in b4 DACs or some limited-use shit, or batteries (we all know why this isn't happening)


Tech as a whole is going down a very, very dark path. More restricted, more dumbed down, and less free.

Us Sup Forumsentoomen are a dying breed, soon there will be nothing left for us.

It will be 20 years from now and I'll still be using my T420, fighting the good fight

>new block phone with 50% block connection

Because phones need integration to be as small as possible and all that making things unnecessarily modular will do is waste space.

>Muh thinness
TFW manufacturers could easily double or triple their battery life and still make phones reasonably thin but don't because smartphones are for fashion rather then actual use

can someone explain whats the lightning bolt module supposed to be?

Lightning port.

>all those modules 10x bigger than they actually are

Why would anyone buy this instead of a normal phone/

This. Making a universal connector in the back of the phone capable of handling anything from CPU'e to storage to extra batteries is just not possible in such a small device like a phone

>This. Making a universal connector in the back of the phone capable of handling anything from CPU'e to storage to extra batteries
This was never necessary.

It could be the top 1/3 for processors/etc (high speed data links), middle 1/3 for sensors and cameras (low speed data plus power), bottom 1/3 for battery.

With increased modularity usually comes increased size.

not with that attitude

Put your phone into a vase like a normal person

>drop phone
>modules pop off and go flying into urine puddle, cow shit, Ganges

how can anime even compare?

Normfags are too stupid/lazy to deal with this. They just want the most popular shiny things.


Better than losing your entire phone down the drain. With blocks you could just pop a new camera in.



they say Project Ara will hit the market this fall.


fucking jews

This shit. I swear to fucking god. Cut battery life in half so the phone/tablet is 2mm thinner? Oh fuck you stupid niggers. I'd rather have a 2lb 15mm thick tablet with a 24hr battery life than a 5mm thick tablet with a 5hr one. So would anyone else once they realized how little they'd have to fucking charge it.

"But it's thin!" becomes a marketing meme which illogical shitheels focus on.

That's what they said last year and last year they updated more than they do now.

It's dead. Like Wave and Glass.

I've dropped my phone (LG G3) dozens of times with and without the case, never broken or damaged it. The only time I've ever bricked a phone was at a waterpark. I have no idea how people even break phones 2bh

>there are people who treat their phone like a fashion accessory

The real answer is:


Good luck selling the concept to women. They just want to buy a new shiny box every year, like their frenemies have, as they do with everything else, after all why would they waste time with this "boring computer shit".

Despite enjoying its benefits.

Why doesn't Bluto just eat spinach?

Daily reminder that women make up 85% of all decisions in regards to consumer product purchases.

This means that all commercials are aimed mainly towards women.

This means that all media products are mainly aimed towards women.

This means that men will ALWAYS be portrayed in a bad light, while women will ALWAYS be portrayed as saviors.

What else would you treat it like?


I mean, is this not similar to like gaming rigs? I understand some stuff can't be hot plugged, but you can certainly "build" your phone and work no?

Care to explain why this is different?

Customization is such a fucking meme. There are literally thousands of phones to choose from, one fits your needs fuck off.

>Put your phone into a vase like a normal person

Tell me about it.
The worst thing we as a society made was to allow women to be put in decision making roles.

I had the definite redpill when my aunt reached out to me once:

>user my computer is too slow
>"okay lets fix it"
> old pentium 4 with 512 ram
> surprisingly clean as shes technologically illiterate, no bloat at all
> machine just cant keep up with current software, thats it
> propose to update her computer
> i3 with some ddr4 and ssd, for banking and office stuff its more than enough
> you can see all throughout the ordeal how unenthused she was about this update
> promised her she would have a day and night diference in speed, and according to her user profile there was absolutely nothing else we needed to do
> "user i'm not sure about this"

At the end I kept the parts and she went on to thrash her pc and buy a new one. She wanted one of those all in ones. When I came over to install it for her, to my biggest surprise: a fucking i3, mostly the same of what i wanted to do, at 5x the price.

But hey it's a new shinny box, so she's happy with buying the same for more. I confronted her about it, and she said:

> "but user this one's prettier"

Fuck women.

What anime is that?

That's how apple and other computer retailers "Ibuypower" etc. make their money because idiots consumer think its the black box that hold the parts is "prettier". pretty sure if apple made a gaming pc the gpu would be a gt 730 and intel i5 for $1500 and put all hte effort in the design of the case and people would buy


>why don't all people have the same preferences as me?

> shitty anecdote about one woman
> thinks all women are as stupid as your aunt

fuck off, cucks

As if there wouldn't be a case covering all the pieces.

It was made by an industrial designer who didn't know shit about electronics and why it it will always be inferior to mainstream choices to anyone but the top 0.1% of autists.

sally the witch - 1966

I wont state the case that men are all unique special snowflakes, there is a lot of herd mentality in them too.

But in women the variation is far less prevalent. Women are overtly social and that influences their choices in the name of social cohesion.

What the group is watching, wearing, using talking, accepting, refusing. and so on.

Too bad reality is not on the side of your political dogma.

So yes, when you choose form over function, at the cost of financial hurt ( it was literally 5x the price for the same benefit ). I'd say there is some criticism to be made. Not misogyny bogeyman, used to shutdown discent.


Google killed it.

>my political dogma
People may like whatever they like, it's called liberalism in Europe.

>saying "fuck women" because 1 woman had a different opinion doesn't make him a misogynist
Yes it does, it also makes him a virgin.

>financial reasons
Maybe you haven't learned about the service dominant logic (marketing concept), but I can help you:
One of the fundamental premises is that value is always co-created, meaning that you cannot say something has an absolute (financial) value of X, because it may have a different value to someone else.


largely what makes this infeasible is what are you seriously going to upgrade on a phone?

for me battery, but a powerbank solved this issue for the most part.

the cpu? ok, there is another one, but will the new cpus be compatible with the mother board, how massive an upgrade could i get before its no longer compatible?

camera? i got a slr for when i want to take real photos, and anything i take with a phone is a spur of the moment who gives a fuck.

space? no, give me a microsd slot and i'm good to go for space. its hard to load a phone up with applications alone.

screen? personally, any screen is good enough. the only need to replace would be if min breaks or dies, and again, how compatible is the motherboard?

basicly what im saying is without a contract i would use the phone till the batter no longer held a charge at all, and even then may strap a power bank to it permanently potentially getting 5~ years of use out of the phone. by the time i upgrade, there would be such a massive amount different with a phone that id be upgrading everything anyway, and at that point, the modular nature of the phone makes it more expensive due to not shifting the same volume per part that it largely makes it pointless.

the only modular parts of a phone that need to be there are a battery, the sd/storage and i think sim.


People were misled to believe that it was going to be similar to a PC, when in reality, the GPU, CPU and RAM can not be made replaceable in smartphones.

Turns out it solves a problem nobody gives a shit about and would be willing to compromise looks, form factor or money for.

>only one dedicated slot for any component
>Components can magically plug anywhere

Yeah, totally the same right?

You must be a woman, or a kike, or both.

You called me a virgin, my feelings are hurt. Also, that surely is a irefutable counter argument. Just brilliant. I stand corrected.

Also, your marketing "concepts", are just that: "concepts", aka bullshit. You could be at least honest and say that your "co-creation of value" means "manipulation and deception", in order to create artificial, baseless, bloated value.

Which in this case is merely the conspicuous comsuption of dumbed down, fashioned up electronics that caters to the vanity of women and normalfags.

Fukken saved

The parts can be put under a screwed cover.

this this cant emphasize enough. just pretty graphics winning over equally stupid people

that's some fucking JoJo shit

A tool, kinda like you.

What anime is this

now water your phone

>Camera in middle of phone
Thank you for playing.