Script Kiddie

>Script Kiddie
A completely arbitrary term used by egocentrics.

Now from what I remember the term script kiddie was used to refer to people who would impetuously copy and paste some code into their software without learning how it works. It was a common mistake that some newbies would make because they acted hastily and didn't know how to clean up their own mess. Today I hear people say "If you use tools that someone else developed then you're a script kiddie." So basically everyone is a fucking script kiddie by that definition, unless you develop you're own kernel, core libs, utilities, programming language ect. Congratulations everyone, here's your daily reminder. You're fucking retarded.

t. node.js "programmer"

>So basically everyone is a fucking script kiddie by that definition, unless you develop you're own kernel, core libs, utilities, programming language ect
Correct, glad you finally understand.


You're missing a crucial point, script kiddies are what's referred to when you use tools with the purpose of exploitative made by some other hacker, not when you use software in general

That's almost just as retarded because that makes network professionals and pentesters script kiddies. Some of us use those tools to test our own security. We look for exploits so that we can patch them.

Script kiddie was always a term for kids who ran scripts without understanding how they worked. It's literally in the fucking name.

A lot of software are just scripts. Screenfetch for example. People don't even know what it fucking means anymore. I feel like anyone who calls themselves a hacker and/or calls other people script kiddies are fucking retarded.

Well most pentesters probably don't need to test past "script kiddie" expertise anyway, considering most of their clients aren't the target of any APTs.

But pentesters and network professionals aren't script kiddies anyway, because they actually have jobs that benefit society.

>you're own kernel

holy shit. please tell me you're ESL

>Edited post and made a mistake
>Everyone makes mistakes
I don't know if you can wrap your head around that one. It's a doozy! It's much easier to just assume that I don't know the difference between your and you're. I hope it makes you feel good about yourself to point out something so trivial.

It's that the user (the script kiddie) gets labeled as a hacker, a rather prestigious title, when all they did was use a method devised by someone else, the actual hacker. Some may also take credit for performing the act when it's completely undeserved.

>Today I hear people say "If you use tools that someone else developed then you're a script kiddie."
No one actually says this. Or if they do they're being ironic and spouting Sup Forums memes.

Script kiddies are the kind of people who post a lot on Hackforums. Usually under 18, little understanding of computers or programming or security. It's usually very obvious to tell who's a script kiddie and who isn't.

That said, some legitimately skilled hackers sometimes call other fairly skilled hackers script kiddies, just because they're dealing with different kinds of skill gaps.

HF is filled with script kiddies that use .NET and sell HTTP REQ spammer as "Cracker" for $9.99 a month and make at least $5k/month from skids that buy those tools.

Script kiddie is a kid who thinks he becomes a badass hacker by utilizing RATs and other tools to be a nuisance.

Yeah, a good portion of the people on that site don't care about the culture or computers or security at all. Just the money.

On one hand I can't fault them much for that desire, but on the other they're empowering worthless skids and making the world a worse place. I won't deny it's an effective way of making money, but fuck them.

OP you can't even spell, I bet you are one of those idiots that use word literally to prove a point.

/r/nodejs is that way >>>>>>>>>

Fucking skid

Notice the word exploitative, as in, used for nefarious reasons. Pen-testing in not that at all.

Yes you are a script kiddie.

Script kiddie - Noun

One who uses existing software because they lack knowledge of computer programming.

See also: Talentless hack

Pentesters make the tools used by skids in an effort to remain employed. Proof me wrong.

>Proof me wrong.
pentesters aren't employed

Contracted then, autismo.

Not all exploits are registered in the exploit-db or as CVE's. It's called fuzzing and reverse engineering. You have to break it in order to see what bugs can be exploited.

companies that offer pentesting services will employ pentesters

I guess you idiots completely missed the fucking point. Script kiddie and hacker are arbitrary terms that egocentric assholes use to act superior. Nobody in the professional world refers to themself as a hacker because it's edgy and retarded.

The term "Script Kiddie" was and still is used to describe Sup Forums tier teenagers who want to be 1337 H4xx0rz so they download LOIC and HOIC. They think using pentesting tools to poke the bear and accomplish nothing is somehow changing the world.

>not using the true definition of the word hacker


I thought the term related to hacking, not general programming.
But to determine if you're a script kiddie in a programming context, just check if any of the following apply to you:
-You don't understand bitwise operations
-You don't understand assembly language enough to usefully debug it
-You are a "web developer"
-You don't understand heap/stack allocation, or know what the stack is.
-You can't into basic college-level math

>I really hate how "generic insult" works in more than one situation because it gets thrown around everywhere
Who fucking cares?