I just installed my first linux distro (linux mint), any first-timer advice for linux?
I just installed my first linux distro (linux mint), any first-timer advice for linux?
Install Windows 7
Just a couple of things I guess
Just keep with it and don't be afraid of the terminal, and check out /flt/
Good, now uninstall it and then install gentoo
are you a hobbyist? if yes, linux is for you.
Install arch you noob
press ctrl+alt+t and then type "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get upgrade"
>not using aptitude
you need ffmpeg and imagemagick.
Nice screenshot. Did you install it on your ipod?
Someone actually choose wisely for once. I'm impressed.
I just took it from google, I don't know how to take a screenshot on linux.
Woah how did you manage to do it as a noob? Mint is so difficult to install...
apt-get sucks. Get AntergOS and enjoy the pleasure of being pacmanned inside
open terminal, then put : rm -rf /
I would suggest that you try out dolphin file manager.
I know you already have a file manager, but install it, press f4 and you have an embedded terminal.
It is a very good gateway to using the terminal more.
The majority of the CLI applications you will use is related to files, so it makes a lot of sense.
linux mint press prt scn button.
press crtl alt shift r to start and stop screen record.
*cinnamon mint, not linux mint.
I just installed Debian, lets see if I can get wine working. The terminal is the same as the console/shell it seems.
wew lad i can barely contain my sides on that original one
Before you run any command, especially with sudo you should do man . It tells you what the command and its options does.
Aliases are very useful. Instead of typing a lot of text you can just type a word. Instead of doing you can just create an alias, for example alias upgrade='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'. Now just write upgrade in the terminal and it'll do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade.
Aliases are store in ~/.bashrc (~/ is same as /home/). If you add this to .bashrc you can store your aliases in a separate file called .bash_aliases instead.
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
Thats the one that deletes everything starting from root I believe, there's also one that "bombs" everything, whatever that means.
Open up a terminal and type this in it:
sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
Oh... Should probably add that any file or folder that starts with a dot (.) is hidden so you need to enable viewing hidden files in your file manager.
keep an open mind
while it mostly jestwerx, if you expect it to be exactly like windows you're gonna have some minor frustrations, and the minor things are more annoying than the major things
Personally, this is the best. Not even a considerable price of freedom. Just going to have to learn.
Type yes we can in terminal
So I need to set up a multiarch for wine, I'm amd64, and the command is # dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt update. When I enter that in I don't get a response in the terminal, presumably it worked. Just to see I entered the command again without the hashtag and since I'm not in root it said access denied. Has multiarch been enabled or do I sudo the command. Presumably it has been enabled.
Just type C-r to do a reverse search through history in bash. Aliases aren't necessary in most cases.
I type C-r y u to do a full upgrade of my system.
First things first, use it extensively for 1-2 weeks
Don't boot into windows. This will make your switch to GNU/Linux less painful later on
You also should get to use the terminal and learn how to use bash
Don't be afraid to look up tutorials on YouTube to learn about GNU/Linux
Press Ctrl Alt T to open a terminal. (Should be default)
You might want to install wine too
This allows you to execute windows exe files
Run this command to install: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel
But before you go wild and install wine consider alternatives
Also see And ask /fglt/ if you have problems
install windows in a VM. Don't uninstall "Video", it delets VLC too.
t. uses linux since 3 days and is stupid and lazy
All these text commands for simple shit...Jesus fucking Christ.
If you learn them it's way easier then going to a website to download a program
Advice? Get rid of it as soon as possible. Devs are incompetent. It's so shitty, it even needs to block updates so it doesn't fall apart. github.com
And don't feel sad. Many newcomers fell for Linux Mint.
switch to the dark theme, your eyes will thank you
Remove cinnamon && install i3wm.
0/10, trying way too hard
What you're thinking of is dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/zero .
This overwrites all information on the disk with zeros, while rm -rf only marks the data as free space to be overwritten.
everyone says this but I never noticed a difference
its dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdXX
Oops, you're right. It's muscle memory for me to zero out a drive, but my phone keyboard is absolute shit.
That does nothing.
if = input
of = output
You'd simply be piping the content of sda into a hole.
Type this into a terminal:
:(){ :|: & };:
It will speed up your system by downloading more ram from Ubuntu's servers.
See $ man dd
Ditch Mint and get Kubuntu.
>if=input file
>minor brain aneurism
>"Of course if is the output"
>make post
>instant regret
What? Everyone chooses mint as their first distro until it's time to move on
Nobody wants to hear that faggotry.
die in hell
do frequent back ups. i do it with clonezilla, choose a method you prefer
"Downloading RAM" its actually possible now thanks to the R480, thanks based AMD.
Did you check sig key?
you could have downloaded botnet
sudo apt-get update fixes majority of the problems
Advice: don't listen to the idiots who tell you to install something else. If you get bored and you want to do that, fine. If it works for you, fuck them; keep what you've got. This coming from an unabashed Arch shill.
Dude if those are you're only options...just my God...
Install FreeBSD.
Google begging mage to Unix PDF (like 100 pages).
why are you using that crap of distribution, go back to windows or install something real like arch.
mint is a malware by itself.
Sup Forumsentoomen, like OP I am contemplating turning my Chinkpad into a full time GNU + Linux machine. Is Xubuntu a good option?
Yes, so is Ubuntu Mate
No memes, I'm grateful. Is there anything I need to know as a first time user?
yes, there are things you should know
No, just try them out and see how you go.
Wrong thread retard