Found the new JewTube

Found the new JewTube.

what do you s say? what is site that?

looks awful. can't believe some people actually prefer this shit

That looks like YouTube ten years ago.

Gonna go on a whim here and say it's "Vidbit"

Quite impressive how well it mirrors the YouTube I remember from 7 years ago. I welcome the modern touch as well.

What the fuck.
This site looks horrible, that's just a ripp-off of the old Youtube.

I was always a little surprised YT took off despite looking like a digital trailer park slum for years.

Circumcisizing kids in the park

how can your side be "better than youtube" if you're directly ripping assets?


>not being a early adopter if this shit blows up.

it's going to blow up in the owner's face when the lawsuits start coming in. not for mimicking youtube but for the inevitable copyright claims.

Yeah you are probably right.
How was original YT able to stay afloat before the Google acquisition?

about 4 years. youtube began the mass takedowns in september of 2009 if i remember correctly

Going to be honest, I liked the 2006 youtube design the most.

user, the old youtube was much better. I really like vidbit right now. There is no google+ bullshit, the description is on the right, no cultural marxism being promoted. Holy shit, I hope this seriously competes with and even destroys youtube.

the upload limit is stuck at 200mb right now with plans to work up to 750mb MAX. youtube's current maximum video size limit is 128gb. even after uploading within vidbit limits, the videos lose half their detail after re-encoding due to bitstarving. and this is leaving out all of the blatantly ripped html/css. coupled with the owner of the site being 18, and the only apparent source of revenue being adsense, i cannot see vidbit competing with youtube without serious changes

>youtube's current maximum video size limit is 128gb

Is that per account or per video?

Couldn't someone just spam upload a series of 128gb videos?

Well, I hope it becomes a serious competitor.I hate so much how jewggle took what was once a major source of internet culture and turned it into a place to shove their agenda in everyones faces.
