How dangerous is this app? Someone is getting access to a fuckton of information

How dangerous is this app? Someone is getting access to a fuckton of information

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work at best buy.

all of my coworkers play it like the faggots they are.

Did you forget your tinfoil hat, OP?

You're not really an important enough person for people to care about what you do.

Like what? They already have all the information they could ever want on your location. Who cares? It's just to make money on the microtransactions.

ITT: Arch users talk about how they're superior for not playing Pokemon GO

I use an old clam phone, couldn't play this if I wanted.

>How dangerous is this app?

It gives neckbeard losers an excuse to go outside.

Somebody could seriously get hurt

A ton of apps monitor your location.
This one is just different because it shows you.
Top KEK, there are actually people who don't realise everybody is tracked regardless of their importance in the modern world.
They think we're living in the 90's or something.
Go to bed, grandpa

I tried to start playing this game but the three nearest poke'centers are all in severe gang hangouts.

For some reason they must have thought that all churches in the united states are safe. In reality, in my area, people declare their homes to be churches so they can skirt property taxes. So all my nearest pokemarts are trap-houses and one is a meth lab i'm 98% certain

Sure your data is tracked, but it's not like anyone is ever gonna take the time to look through it. Your porn history isn't that interesting

It's developed by niantic labs, who used to be owned by google.

They also developed that game "Ingress", which was used by google to analyse pedestrian transit so they can improve google maps and stuff.

I have no doubt they're harvesting all the info they can get from it, but probably from "we can monetise this" rather than "lets spy on all these manchildren" type thing.

I always stop myself from posting alarmist posts where I say oh you can hack it this way and that way etc etc.

I would be shocked if Pokemon Go wasn't already hacked.

How do we track the millennial crowd?

>Why don't we make a Pokemon video game, those cocksuckers are all about DUDE LMAO DAE LE 90'S KIDS, DAE CHILDHOOD WAS GOOD WITH POKEMON R&B????

Sure user, whatever you say.
You live in your dream world where it's A-OK to have a profile of everything you do, say, and think because it's unlikely (in your mind) that a human will actually look at it.

You already got a phone, they already can track you if they want.

I played Pokemon go for 5 minutes and my phone battery drained like crazy.

people like this unoptimized piece of shit

I had to buy a portable battery bank to play pokemon go

really glad I did, though. this thing has been way handy

Haha 3rd world faggot. Enjoy your American freedumbs

A fully 3d game with gps and camera is bound to be bad for battery no matter how optimized



just got back from the beach playing and by playing this retarded game i dropped and shattered my phone screen. at that point i realized it encourages degenerate behavior to the point even a rational man like myself couldn't handle it.

fuck that game and fuck all the retards that play it desu

Well, I mean, you do work Best Buy

ITT Retards who don't use a GPS spoofer to change their location so they can hit up all the pokéshops at once

go to bed, comey


>every video game ever has been a data collection system for aliens
>the better you perform the more likely they are to want to abduct you
>that fatal one thank you guy has spent more time in space than the iss
>japanese are actually aliens look at their faces and culture

No, not really
Root can work wonders sometimes.

how fucking lazy are you? that literally ruins the point of the game lmao

Opinion discarded

It's only dangerous to autistic faggots who have aneurysms over software that uses GPS.

Yes and you'll likely get a ban for that. 1337 h4x spoofin the gps.

I live in a rural area.
Nearest pokéshops is a couple miles away.
I have to drive there.
This just makes more sense for me.

Enjoy the ban.

Niantic does bans in waves and super lazy shit like this is the first thing they catch.

I hope you're not invested in the game.

OP's opinions are piss in the wind, Android and iOS is spyware up the ass

Haven't been banned yet baby
I don't really care anyways, it wouldn't be the first game I would be banned from :^)

One of the developer's principal investors is a firm specialising in geospatial data analysis who have previously held a partnership with the CIA.

Just a tip from a long time Ingress player (and bot enthusiast): When you're spoofing, keep it consistent and make it look like you're moving around. Don't exceed 34MPH or you get speed locked, but for a more realistic scenario you could move at around 7MPH and make it look like you're on a bike. Don't jump around.

However, if you have super autistic shit tier GPS spoof software, you're gonna get fucked if it looks like you're literally teleporting around. You have to look like you're actually traveling.


yeah but what IF i can actually teleport? Will i still get banned?

You work for Google for free, same shit as with Ingress, that's it.

One of these days, someone is going to strap their phone to a rocket to get it to an event quickly.
And then they're going to appeal a ban. Probably using a recording of the trip.

They fixed it for the unrootet phones tho

how would I go about rooting my android phone?
haven't done it yet, I want to though.

gps doesn't work on the app when i turn on mock locations

mah nigger, good taste. I love this show.

Are you all 12?


I use Arch and play Pokemon Go. Why you gotta be a hater?

t. 50 year old who didn't grow up with pokemon in their childhood

Apparently it's using HTTPS but not checking certs properly.

So pretty dangerous.

I did. all my "friends" stopped playing mtg to play pokemon.
I hated kids so much back then.

nearly all (if not all) of the pokestops and gyms are from their prior game, Ingress. it's still available. lots of them are at spots that no longer exist.

that said this game is just a fad. once the normies (who have never played a real pokemon game) stop playing, it'll be dead.

I did.

Pokemon still sucks, and spongebob wasn't funny.

Holy shit people...

>playing pokemon
>playing videogames on a smartphone
>worrying about privacy when you're in fact using a smartphone



>Armed robbers used the game Pokémon Go to lure victims to an isolated trap in Missouri, police reported on Sunday.

>In Wyoming on Friday, the game led a teenager to a dead body in a river. “I just got up and went for my little walk, a walk to catch Pokémon,” 19-year-old Shayla Wiggens told local KCWY news. The pursuit led her to a highway bridge over the river, where she jumped a fence to approach the water. She spotted two deer near the water’s edge, and then a black shirt and pants – a corpse lying prone in the water, 6ft to her left.


how do user-kun?


Only idiots get banned for that. I've been using that trick to keep my area resistance-free in ingress for a LONG time.

>force close game
>spoof location
>start game
>hack portal
>FC game
>wait a while
>turn off spoof
>start game

Because spoofing your location is part of developer options for Android, the only method they have of detecting spoof cheating is if your location is reported as being at two different places in an impossible amount of time for ground travel, like logging in and you're at home, seconds later you're 20 Miles away across town.

Pokemon go is literally autism and an NSA honeypot.

I too was twelve years old once. I wasn't a fan of it still..

Oh a free game is gonna ban my virtual smartphone that I room inside my computer for using a false GPS? I guess I'll have to reset it and start again with a different phone. Joke's on you because I'm not even playing to begin with.



> invested
> in f2p

>I grew up with it, so it's ok to like it as an adult

Which is why baby boomers are still playing cowboys and indians with each other on the weekend, right?

Face it: you're a manchild.

Look out guys, it's the fun police.

Jesus, you know how sad you sound in that sentence?

What a bunch of faggots

I actually can't believe how many manchildren play this thing. Since it's not out officially in the UK I cannot wait until they start banning these retards. Hopefully the Mac address.


American are fucking loud.

What's with this "whooooo!!!!" they keep doing?
I never understood why they do that.

This is the future you chose

how is this possibly giving more info than using something like google maps?

>inb4 I don't use google maps muh botnet
why the fuck do you even have a smartphone then?

you must be the life of the party at places huh champ

imagine the amount of crap apps are gonna be in the market with the same idea(collect hidden prizes on the street, etc) I'm committing harakiri soon or moving to a tribe in deep amazon forest

Tell me more hackerman

take it easy with him. this guy is serious shit, top 10 world hacker

>hating fun

It's OK, you'll never have to hear an American say WOOOOOOOO if you stay locked up in your basement.

>projecting this hard.

>le wacky sarcastic asian guy in his 40's

You people are so disconnected from reality that you perceive people having fun as an affront to your psyche.


It's stupid and obnoxious. I fucking hate these people that are slightly younger than me.

Ok we get it, you're too autistic and socially incapable of lowering your inhibitions and having fun with like-minded adults like yourself.

Stop being a bitter piece of shit.

Serious question here

What's their economic model? How do they get money from this shit ?

how long till folks start staking out rare spawns to rob people of smartphones

probably already are


More like public parks stopped being empty all the time.

A smart phone was never meant to be a video gaming handheld after all.

money isn't the only thing one can invest

Nintendo is drawing maps of all your movements and checking for maps that kinda look like boners. If yours looks like a boner you should feel embarrassed.

Seriously op it's fucking Nintendo. You can't bellyache every time an augmented reality game is released unless you have legit reasons to suspect the publishers.

you can do this without root you know?
and pokemon go detect it, doesnt work

Dumb kid

Haven't used the app or even looked at it, how does it work?
Pokemon location are added to a map and you walk around looking for it with your phone and try to throw pokeball at it? I'm guessing you have to pay for the pokeballs?
Is there any pokemon fight like the real games?