What do you dislike the most about Python Sup Forums?

What do you dislike the most about Python Sup Forums?

Lack of GUI support (as in no one bothers to write good documentation for the many python bindings that are out there.)

Only one guy replied to your thread because it wasn't that clever

Whitespace as a syntax.

I was just curious, seemed to me people disliked it and I wanted to know why.

I'm talking about this You can't really judge a language by syntax. Any syntax that isn't language breakingly bad is good enough

Plus, you get used to it very quickly


Ah, my bad.
Keeping the thread going, is it true that if you start learning how to program with Python you develop bad habits that can hinder you when working with other languages?

As someone who likes method chaining map, reduce, filter, and so on, one-line lambdas kill the language for me.

Also, this doesn't seem to be as true these days, but people who wrote in Python were so smug about only doing things "The Right Way™", and you were a fool if you didn't write in imperative style.

i agree, but i like python on the whole


Not really. If you never bother to keep learning, then sure, but it won't stunt your growth as a programmer. I started on TI Basic which is even worse in that regard and I turned out just fine because I kept learning and pushing myself to try new things.

I really don't like that python 2.7 is still a thing. having two different pythons to support makes it harder for library developers and it means that some libraries only work on python2 or python3

As I recall, the limitation is that lambdas have to be an expression (rather than a statement).

The thing I dislike the most about it is dynamic typing.

This. No real multithreading is insane.

python is fun but once you get more into things you start running into shit like i actually like that you can use python both imperatively and functionally, if you want to use pure functional use a functional language or go back to js

I like mixed paradigm too, but Python's functional is crippled pretty hardcore compared to something like Ruby, or even Java.

I generally write functional on the small scale and more imperative OO on the large scale.

I love python but we need to be curt with what it is.

I think best case we are using it to write backend code or quickly write readable and shareable code for enterprise business.

>salesdude: "Oh yeah can you make every third cell say ''bob' + store number?
>I also want them to upload to MySQL

What python lacks is GUI for end users and RAD IDE's which would seem more native to C-branch developers
I think C developers have a hard time coming from IDE driven to JIT compiled languages. IE python's strength is that you can use it like a command line to delve further and get-help() on modules/functions/classes etc where in C I believe that is more dependent on the compiler and IDE. C isn't my native language so I will leave an user more experienced to speak on their behalf, but above is what I gather from myself working in Python and my coworker using C++.

>Python seems to be harder for a legacy programmer to grasp as it is intended on reducing hurdles

agreed, python is great for coding up a quick script
where it really shines is in an interactive terminal, if you do any sort of data analysis work ipython notebook + scientific python stack is loads better than rstudio and comparable to matlab

Too many normies using it.
Too beginner-friendly.

I was surprised to learn so many people hate this. I thought it was the defining feature of Python and why everyone loved it so much. "Omg why didn't anyone else think of this? It's so intuitive and you save so much typing on braces."

so...the language is disliked because it is not hipster enough for you.

You fucking suck. This is why there is 30 different languages with sloppy half-made projects.

It ain't Perl. I just don't need another language that does same things.