TFW fell for the 21:9 monitor meme

>TFW fell for the 21:9 monitor meme

Seriously Sup Forums, this is the most retaded shit I've ever wasted money on. I miss my old 2715h

Other urls found in this thread:

i have a 21:9 monitor and it really doesnt bother me with overwatch, you don't even notice once you're playing. overwatch is fun.

>21:9 monitor
>game not configured for proper resolution
>all those shitty figures
>that ugly keyboard
>that case
>that wall


>That Keyboard
Thanks, Doc

Overwatch is adding ultrameme aspect ratio support next patch.

You're on Sup Forums, fix your shit

21:9 is the greatest shit ever.

I have the same monitor.
It's not for fps games or fast phased games at all. Also that shit game doesnt support 21:9..
Did you do any research?
Also btw enjoy that 20ms input lag and screen tearing in fullscreen.
This monitor is for racing games and mmorpgs and content creation.

>troubled minds keycaps
At least that monitor wasn't your worst purchasing decision.

Overwatch doesn't support 21:9 resolutions?

What a piece of shit. Even games from like 10 years ago could have been made to support 21:9 just by editing a config file if they didn't have the option in a menu.

Why are games so fucking trash when it comes to settings now days? Is it simply because of consoles?

All it does is take the 16:9 aspect and vert- it.

You lose a SHITLOAD of of top and bottom view, it destroys your ability to play.

Meanwhile I can launch a 2003 WoW Alpha 0.8.1 client and play 3440:1440 no problem.

The chimps they put on the Overwatch team need to be fired.

Multiplayer games won't fully support it because the FoV cannot be increased so 21:9 players can take advantage. The standard is 16:9 nowadays. Of course for instance, TF2 supports the resolution but unless you like tampering and being at risk of a vac ban your limit for FOV is 90. Also Big Picture doesn't support it either.

I use my ultrawide for different things. You should know that 21:9 is not supposed to be mandatory or standard so when you buy it you know that you're getting some specific shit. It's like 120hz when it came out and the dozens of games limited to 60fps or even 60hz. Like Crysis.

>Multiplayer games won't fully support it because the FoV cannot be increased so 21:9 players can take advantage.

Funny, not an issue for plenty of other games, with more serious competitive sides like CSGO.

Seems to be a Blizzard problem.

>Multiplayer games won't fully support it because the FoV

Meanwhile League of Legends, one of the most played games as of now that even has a faggy e-sports scene, supports 21:9.

It is, because CS:GO has also a limit on field of view. You won't be able to take any more advantage than a 16:9 player. You could say it's partially supported.

That entire image reeks of someone who makes nothing but ignorant purchases. Advertisers must love you.

Not at all, I have proper displays and good games

It doesnt you fucking retard.
It just stretches the game and it looks like shit.

Haven't had a single game that couldn't handle 21:9. I don't play shitty tf2 clones though.

>Multiplayer games won't fully support it because the FoV cannot be increased so 21:9 players can take advantage.
No, they simply don't implement it into the game because it takes time and not many people have it.

Why am I not surprised that mouthbreathing idiots like you don't know how to google as well?

>it takes time
Yeah I'm sure it takes a lot of time for Valve to change the allowed limit from 90 to 110.

>Multiplayer games won't fully support it because the FoV cannot be increased so 21:9 players can take advantage.
Holy shit. Just make your games for fucking consoles if you aren't going to fucking support different hardware.

>not everyone has 100000 dpi mice so we will force all mice to run at 400dpi!
>lets make the game simulate some input lag because not all people have X!
>not everyone has gtx1080s so lets cap the max framerates to 45fps!
>its only fair!
Fuck off.

FOV != rendered resolution you mongoloid

The guy is talking out of his ass anyway. He didn't even fucking LoL had support for it. You can only expect so much from actual retards.

Also, checked.

I'm not arguing in favor for it. It's their own logic. Remember that stupid trash like modern warfare 2 had a 90fps limit. Why? I do not know as people could only have either 60 or 120hz LCD displays at that time. Ask the developers themselves. Ask Valve which is putting a completely arbitrary limit they could just take away in a second.

They could just change that little bit right now. The rendered resolutions for 21:9 are already supported in source games, what is not supported is that outside of single player games or non-vac servers on these.

I do not play hot garbage so you can't expect me to check whether a moba has support for it. I'm not the poster right here if that's what you're thinking.

>what is not supported is that outside of single player games or non-vac servers on these.
Wtf are you on about mate, I have a 21:9 and I played CS:GO, and since the beginning it rendered fine. What doesn't work ARE THE FUCKING MENUS. Because again, it takes time to implement and they just don't support it. They used some crappy flash based solution at first and they switched over to another system, and ITS STILL FUCKED

Literally pointless, just makes stuff smaller thus harder to last hit or path to A-click

hahahaha you're retarded.
and yes that is my favorite ratio along with 16:10

I am talking about the FoV not the resolutions themselves. No horizontal FoV higher than 90 is supported within VAC secured servers. The resolutions themselves, 2560x1080 / 3440x1440 are supported.

If you play comfortably that way that's fine, I'm just saying that it is the same as having a 16:9 display and lowering the FoV. You can play like that and it won't look distorted, but you will have definitely a lower field of view than you would probably want for such display.

>your autism

You're wrong, it works in both TF2 and CS GO

Quake engine games and their derivatives such as above use a 4:3 section to calculate the FOV setting, and any wider resolutions always expand your viewing angle

So, if you have a 16:9 monitor and use 90 FOV in console then your FOV is actually about 106, and in ultrawide is even wider, even though your setting is still set to 90

Even surround ultrawide works

See No higher FoV SETTING than 90 is allowed
But, FoV setting in Source game results in higher actual FoV if your aspect ratio is wider than 4:3

thanks doc

Better hardware always brings advantages in games. Nothing wrong here.
Gaming tournaments use the same hardware for everyone anyway.

I fucking hate that the HUD doesn't play well with such a wide FOV. I play on three screens and the HUD takes up like 75% more screen real estate than it should.

You know there's a cvar for scaling the hud, right?

Try hud_scaling 0.5 or less

don't play meme games and you're fine

Stop lying faggot, if it was true, pros would be using ultrawide, but they aren't

That's because pros tend to know where their enemy is without even seeing them

Most pros play 4:3 stretched on 16:9 monitors actually

safezonex "1.0"
safezoney "1.0"
add and modify these to your autoexec

43" 4K master race.

Want 21:6 ratio? Just change resolution and voilá.

You could do the same on any 16:9. Either way you are giving up pixels.

jealous of all of your shitty stuff?
of course


>wasting money on shitty figurememes

>play borderlands 2 windows
>does weird shit when going across 3 monitors

>play borderlands 2 in wine, trick it to think that its just one super wide monitor
>works flawlessly, except you can see the gun in the gun's own scope
>even supports physx

>play borderlands 2 native linux port
>wont go across 3 monitors

Some things are weird.

The 90fps limit may have been because devs were idiots and the game would have bugs at high framerates.
See fallout 4 and its weird physics bugs at high framerates.

Devs can be fucking idiots when their primary development platform wont go above 40 fps 900p

You do fucking realize, that Overwatch is like the ONLY title in the recent years that's got ONLY 16:9 support... right?

It runs like shit on 5:4, 4:3.
Just because Blizzard cannot into games, your aspect ratio and resolution is just fine.


>shitty tf2 clone

Sorry Kiddo this is an objective based shooter not a team based shooter. You seem confused.

Overwatch does support 21:9


4:3 master race reporting


War thunder and Fallout look stunning

>this is the most retaded shit I've ever wasted money on. I miss my old 2715h

Congrats. You're an impulse buyer. A consumerist whore. You should feel bad.

You should get a 21:9 keyboard

>playing shitty games that can't into 21:9 support in the year 2016

They changed it, you can't do that anymore and now there is official 21:9 "support".

it's fucking awful though it literally just removes the top and bottom and stretches the game

Enjoy your Vert-

I thought we solved this issue in the early 2000s? How out of touch with reality is Blizzard?

unbelievably that people give money to these incompetent morons

wtf you actually can't see as much. this is some 4:3 bioshock shit

Fucking hell

They don't want to support it properly because it "would give an unfair advantage over 16:9 players" (they do the same thing to 16:10)

It becomes rather hypocritical when they do allow the game to run at 144fps, which would technically give people with a 144hz monitor an advantage over those with only a 60hz monitor.

144hz is arguably a bigger advantage in a FPS compared to 21:9, so it really doesn't make much sense.

>why can't I have a huge advantage over other players in a competitive game?

Read my second post, if they don't want to support 21:9 for fairness then they shouldn't support 144fps either.

They need to worry more about their absolute shit tier netcode. I couldn't tell you the amount of times I've been killed after picking up health packs, gotten hooked around walls, etc. It's unreal. There's no real logic to it either. Sometimes roadhog hooks and Yanks people clear through buildings and other times they just get pulled against the wall in between them.

LoL, DotA, CS:GO, SC2 etc. are all a billion times more competitive than Overwatch ever will be in its lifetime and they support 21:9.

Also it's odd that they would care about something as trivial as aspect ratio “advantage” but ignore difference in mouse, headphone, input lag, framerate, ping, display size, etc.; so I don't really buy that as an excuse either.

The only conclusion is that Blizzard can't program a FoV slider and is desperately trying to hide it under the guise of “m-muh competitive fairness”.

>calls a high definition widescreen display "retarded shit"
>considers it a waste of money
>takes picture of desktop showing all sorts of god damned money wasting plastic TOYS and has the nerve to suggest a working high definition display is a waste
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

>144hz is arguably a bigger advantage in a FPS
Sample and hold motion blurring takes care it isnt.

>falling for the ultrawide anus meme

Every other game solves this by having an FoV slider so an aspect ratio is simply that: an aspect ratio.

overwatch has an fov slider, it's capped to 103 deg though

>103 degree max FoV

Starting at a certain skill cap, 144hz is a clear advantage. Though that certain skill cap is admittedly really high. The vast majority of players wouldn't notice a difference, while the top 5% probably would.

nah 21:9 is great
overwatch is just shit. really dissapointed in blizzard for releasing that peice of shit.

>competitive game

In other words, you dont know what sample and hold is or how there is no difference in motion blur between 60Hz and 200Hz on LCD using sample and hold.

Your premise holds true for decent display tech, like CRT, with scanning (to black) picture mode.

He is right your display isn't properly configured retard


This is a 18+ website friendo.

>reading shill websites about 21:9
>didnt read negative aspects


Is this image a troll? Jesus christ fuck off back to Sup Forums or reddit or wherever the fuck you came from

looks ok.
get a better monitor with thats also 21:9

Is this a haiku?

>says the dcfag.
You're both manchildren.

FoV penalties
why live?

Finally you can be aware in the fucking game

I hate how shooters force horse cowls on you

I think they added 21:9 support in the PTR

overwatch just got 21:9 support on the test server nerd

>that wall

>the test server nerd
who dat?

I want a 21:9 for editing tbqhwyf

It crops the top of your vision.

>losing top and bottom view

how? if the vertical resolution remains the same, how do you lose it?


explain yourself

Don't forget Arma!

>all that capeshit
Absolutely not

>that keyboard
Thanks doc


He's saying they're just extending 16:9 horizontally without factoring in the vertical real estate that will be clipped out. Which is completely retarded if true

did bohemia ever optimize that pile of shit or is the server still throttling the framerate of the clients

144fps means fuckall on a 20 tick server.

>implying a slight FOV increase matters in such a low skill game