Technology and science is growing more and more elaborate, yet most of the population is growing dumber and dumber...

Technology and science is growing more and more elaborate, yet most of the population is growing dumber and dumber. How do we stop that, Sup Forums?

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>yet most of the population is growing dumber and dumber
Eh really?

>yet most of the population is growing dumber and dumber
No its not. When exactly has the general population ever been smart? The average person is dumb and probably always will be.

it´s simple
we construct an end of humanity scenario ie a meteor is flying directly towards earth on it there are aliens that once in a while teleport to earth to rape our wymins and traps
and the only way to defeat them is to push everything we have into the research of some über teleporter that can get rid of the meteor

of course none of that is true and would require a worldwide conspiracy but if the dumb populus were to believe that you could get a storm into science similar to how it was in the cold war

Yeah really.

you need to change the way of how the knowledge can pass into the next generation
1)build schools around the kids not around the education
2) let the kid experiment see what he likes try to steer them to it
3)provide a free educational system for EVERYONE
4)improve your way of life
5)promote facts instead of imaginery friends

and most importantly

we dont live enough to make a difference

we kill everyone who can't fizzbuzz and install gentoo

It's just that information is much more accessible now.

The percentage of dumb people has been costantly high throughout history.

If you change the school system to be more proactive with kiddos you will still get 80% of dumbasses who can't into anything scientific, 15% of average people who get through without effort and 5% of smart nerds.

>yet most of the population is growing dumber and dumber. How do we stop that, Sup Forums?
build massive countries composed of scientists.

in regards of your last point
don´t forget the promotion of the need to progress humanity even if you will never see the fruits of your work

Pretty much. People are just as ignorant as they always have been, maybe even less so due to accessibility of knowledge. It's easy to assume things are getting worse simply because you read about it all the time thanks to the Internet where as before you simply would never know.

That being said, our reliance on technology and loss of skill sets could be perceived as a problem. If a machine wipes your ass all your life then how will you ever be able to wipe your own ass if you've never done it? I don't suppose it's really a problem anyway because if the support infrastructure completely fails it'd be Armageddon and we'd go back to the stone age.

The population is growing and growing whilst a small subset of those are brainiacs. One days those brainiacs will rule the world instead of us having Trumpets for presidents.

>The decline between 1889 and 2004 is − 13.35 points.
It's important to note that sample size aka our population and general longevity also increased significantly from 1889 to 2004; ignorance is more than likely the same as it was during the past but the sheer world population makes it appear more relevant.

>Republic (Plato)

Invent a way to kill everyone on Sup Forums

kill the poor

>yet most of the population is growing dumber and dumber.
Euphoric post, fellow scientist(TM)!

I bet half of you shitheads have never even skimmed a preprint.

t. milennial

Terrorist attack on Technology and science to recreate the balance

>yet most of the population is growing dumber and dumber.
Spoken like a true teenager.

>the population is growing dumber and dumber
Some of the youngest bright people I've met have been at TRIUMF. These kids get into physics so early and now there's more of them than ever.

Is that a Doom map?

TRIUMF cyclotron beamline map. (Out of date)

We need the youth in Asia.

If the population is growing dumber how do they create more elaborate technology and science? Retard.