What is the state of computing in Japan? How big is their market for software engineers?

What is the state of computing in Japan? How big is their market for software engineers?

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They get paid shit and are a dime a dozen.

If you're fluent in COBOL you're sure to land a job

Isn't that pretty much the same as the US

I was just watching this


For normalfags computing Just Works, ie
>Windows XP works just fine, we have erotic games and Excel

For academia and research, Japan's CS actually does some revolutionary work.

You mean diamond dozen.

>Japan's CS actually does some revolutionary work.
Prove it

No . Fuck you.


You'll have to spend some time in the CS community. I've seen all kinds of researching involving OS, robotics, HCI, ML, AI

Just show me some papers or articles


Japan is one of the most tech illiterate first world countries, believe it or not

>What is the state of computing in Japan?
They still use flip-phones because having a real pocket computer is scary.

ITT: Generalizations and parroting shit from uninformed Sup Forums users

Looks like Visual Studio, awesome!

Must depend on location, I'm self taught and am just above mediocre and get paid 100K, most people I work with make more due to longer experience.

>How big is their market for software engineers?
Understand that, by emigrating to work in Japan, you get only one chance at a job. Japan has a "hired for life" policy which most of the companies are VERY strict about.

Leaving your job or being fired is essentially a death sentence as no other company in the industry will hire you there. You will have to change industries or move a very long distance to be considered hireable again.

no they do not want your pale fat ass to show up there.

not him, but what are you looking for? a paper saying "wow japan sure is great"? a paper from a japanese author?



you seemed to kind of skim my post so i'll highlight the main question.

>what are you looking for?

I can't get them now. I read them online as a part of my study and research. You'll need to start doing the same to find them again.



is it enough to tell you to look at basically anything Jun Rekimoto is a co-author on?

Do you need a specific paper in every sub-field? Do you need a compiled table of these papers and their measured impacts?

I'm asking all this because usually vague posts like yours tend to come from trolls who are just waiting to move the goalposts. if it seems like i'm not trusting you very much, it's because you're offering as little as possible to seem like you're actually interested while baiting the rest of us along.

I'm working for a major company in Tokyo. New grads get paid around 50k and progression is slow as fuck. Unless you learn Japanese you won't really be respected, but the tech they use is pretty cool

>is it enough to tell you to look at basically anything Jun Rekimoto is a co-author on?
I'll give it a look later.

>Do you need a specific paper in every sub-field? Do you need a compiled table of these papers and their measured impacts?

No, just from these:
>I've seen all kinds of researching involving OS, robotics, HCI, ML, AI

>I'm asking all this because usually vague posts like yours tend to come from trolls who are just waiting to move the goalposts. if it seems like i'm not trusting you very much, it's because you're offering as little as possible to seem like you're actually interested while baiting the rest of us along.


yeah i'm not going to bother. you claimed to understand my reluctance to give you more than the time of day, and your response to that concern is basically nothing ("OK").

i hope you work up the energy to look up rekimoto's work. his stuff is cool and he's been pretty influential.

Bye reddit

been here since robot koi. you seem kind of like a tumblr faggot though

Literally only weeaboos still believe they're doing relevant shit.

He's full of shit.

>yeah i'm not going to bother. you claimed to understand my reluctance to give you more than the time of day, and your response to that concern is basically nothing ("OK").

You sound like my ex gf.

Is this still a thing? I heard that this practice is fading.

like everywhere else
really shocking


>Japan has a "hired for life" policy
this is not the 80s anymore

motherfucking piece of shit. stop ruining Sup Forums



there is no other board like this

so college question usually go on /sci/
and tech related employment questions usually go on Sup Forums
and I bet questions about the 3D / 3D animation industry would be pretty well received on /3/

i don't know why you have such a big problem with this

>let me spew some bullshit maybe someone will believe me

Yes but much different than the US. Most of it isn't consumer oriented but business oriented, also a lot of embedded programming. A college buddy of mine moved there and now works programming Fax machines and such.

Neet pride amarite?


I'm self-taught, and I only making 50K. :(