Why arent you using the best non-autist(emacs & vim are autistic) text editor?

Why arent you using the best non-autist(emacs & vim are autistic) text editor?
>Faster than atom
>Has awesome packages
>Simple(no retarded keybindings)
>Dont have to learn a language to use it(in case your time is actually valuable)
>Can make it look however you want
>Dosent lag after 500 lines of code
>Works on all platforms
>Can use all of it for free with 70$ to disable the once in the blue nagware
>Has features for normies and autists alike

Other urls found in this thread:


>Dont have to learn a language to use it(in case your time is actually valuable)
>in case your time is actually valuable

And here you are.

No built in auto complete and the community packages for auto complete are absolute garbage

>Implying one can't use a site to entertain oneself on free time
>Implying occasionally posting on a site is as time consuming as learning a programming language

>Needing autocomplete
How's atom pajeet?

How can you be elitist about a IDE feature? No devs have so much to complain about

sublime text's autocomplete is goat. visual studio BTFO

its not Brackets

This. Shits never failed me

Just learn vim instead of using some meme editor you fucking pleb

Can you run sublime over tmux in a SSH shell? No? Into the trash it goes.

Brackets, Visual Studio Code, and Atom all look the same. Do they use the same backbone?

The keybindings don't even make sense on a non Dvorak keyboard

What are you talking about
Most commonly used keys are either on the homerow or right next to it

>why learn how to ride a bike when you can just use training wheels forever
>haha bike plebs are autists don't value their time


Use byobu.Enjoy life.

No, and they don't look the same wtf are you blind m8

how does sublime compare to notepad++?

all you need are nano for tty and np++ for desktop
vim is the most retarded editor i ever used

Emacs and VIM are as autistic as you make it to be. You can literally spend 30 minutes copying and tweaking a configuration file from the internet, memorize about 10 shortcuts, and still be very efficient with it.

But I do
Soda theme is the best theme

All keys are either on the homerow or right next to it

Does vim have auto-complete? If yes, how do enable it? I hope it's doesn't require a plugin or a keybinding that involves Ctrl

I want to like emacs. But the learning curve is steep for me. I'd like to be able to compile C code inside it right now and I don't know how. I'll stick to GCC

>not solarised-dark

Can't see shit

Damn what is this retarded atom clone?

>paying $70 to stop spam messages from a text editor

But I am, user.

Yes, vim is entirely autistic. I have yet to see a single neckbeard give an adequate explanation as to why it's worth wasting so much time just use that garbage.

emacs is okay

Are you running Mountain Lion?

>Doesn't pay for software.
You're part of the problem.

>Why arent you using the best bottom-tier text editor?


I think that Mountain Lion was the peak of evolution of Aqua

Why aren't you running El Cap?

I just can't find a use case for it
an IDE
>Terminal use
>Everyday use
doesn't matter so whatever the DE has as default, currently kwrite

Font rendering
Some people say it's slower

sublime text
>terminal use
tell application 'Sublime Text" to open ...

>everyday use
Sublime Text

Support for my language of choice is not as good as it is in emacs, unfortunately. I'd love to ditch emacs for a variety of reasons. I love it, and it's the best option out there for me, but god does it suck.

I'd love to use an editor/IDE that looks good, handles fonts properly and even allows for ligatures, has sensible keybindings by default, and has a good scripting language.

Not had any issues with speed vs older releases. I can't willingly run an outdated OS, makes me nervous, all those security patches.

Mavericks is still supported though

Some people still run snow leopard, today

>Some people still run snow leopard, today
So people believe in religions as well, doesn't make it okay


Also most people still run an OS which was released before Snow Leopard, and think that it's the best one (Windows 7)

Windows 7 should not ever be described as the best, even in jest.

how to get this gray over black colorscheme in vim

>no syntax highlighting
Why would you want that?

Syntax highlighting is a crutch for babbies.

>crutch for babies
>doesn't even know how to remove it
Who's the real baby here?

>not wanting to have beautiful code

You're missing out, user

Dear OP,

Caring this much about a text editor is pretty fucking autistic.

The World

is this the gruvbox theme?


Not only is this statement stupid, its also wrong. Syntax highlighting gives you insights that would require long complex messages in your IDE.


Holy fuck, man we've got the same requirements! Don't tell me that your lang of choice is clojure

>Fantasque Sans bro
My nigga

>those quote glyphs
The author released a new version a few weeks ago changing these to straight quotes.

>"IDE, I need to know whether this line is a comment or not!"
>"IDE, tell me the keywords of the language I supposedly know, I forgot them xD"
>"IDE, I can't tell the difference between a class, function or variable in my program because I have give my identifiers shitty meaningless names"

had some autistic intern that wanted to work in vim to show off or something.. vim Is great but just use an proper editor for big projects..

Do you know why people use vim? Have you tried it out yourself?

You're a moron. Colour is incredibly important and purposefully excluding it from your dev environment is a sign you're trying to hard.

>he doesn't know about the glory of modal editing, text objects, and ex-commands
>he pays for his text editor
>his text editor is proprietary


Close. It's Racket Lisp.


color gives visual cues for better and faster readability of the code without actually looking at the meaning of the text

what is the color theme? feels kind a like visual studio dark instead of that light blue it would go dark blue

> being too stupid to spend on hour going through vimtutor

Menlo font

looks like the granger theme for emacs, or the light table default theme

i didnt ask about font user




The theme's called Bliss.
I modified it a little bit so that it shows comments in italics.

>that font rendering
sasuga default linux
install the infinality patches

name of that theme pls


>not Neka

it's like you want me to accuse you of having no style


Protip: If you need to press a key, it's completion, not *auto*completion.

Vim only supports completion out of the box, but there are plugins for autocompletion.

Autocompletion is overrated, I prefer being able to press a key to complete instead of waiting half a second for the autocompletion to kick in.

thank you so much


Syntax highlighting is for homo sapiens who are not color blind and still possess the neural faculties for subconsciously processing visual input.

I'm sorry that this doesn't apply to you. I hope you still have your brain stem, at least.

oh now i see that html is pretty ugly :/

only code should be on the screen, nothing else

I appreciate your trying to help me, but I don't see anything wrong with the font rendering. Should I be looking for anything in particular?

>inb4 some jackwagon just quotes me back to myself

you posted the wrong image, op.

Not only that - it also wastes a lot of space. Compare the two

Your renderer is currently set so that it does neither hinting nor smoothing.
You should at least try fixing one of these issues.

Yeah it's... a bit plain.
I haven't modified HTML yet cause it's been a long time I last wrote something in that language, but I did change XML so that element contents are shown in white and bold.

you know you can resize the sidebar, right? lmao

What are you using RacketLisp for? Asking because I want my next side project to be in a functional language

You can't resize it so it'd take less vertical space lmao

Muh vim-dvorak brother

the picture was important, the font was for the curious about the picture.

besides, I can't find the theme. just copy these colours: github.com/owainlewis/emacs-color-themes/blob/master/themes/granger-theme.el

I'm not going to bother doing either of those, but thanks for letting me know!

>bragging about being faster than atom
my fucking sides

>ignore the text
>ignore your actual program

made me laugh, but ~,-,= and numbers 1-0 aren't right next to home row

Can use all of it for free with 70$

guys it's free, all you have to do is pay them!

shit i forgot my meme arrow

>Can use all of it for free with 70$

>Can use all of it for free with 70$ to disable the once in the blue nagware
>with 70$ to disable the once in the blue nagware

Just use a universal license key

archive link: archive.is/Nv3Wb

There is no executable code in this link, so you don't need to worry about malware. It's just a license key. And it's a master key, so as many people can use it as they want.

>still no editor which properly aligns text with proportional fonts, or can properly align text at all without relying on the font itself for alignment
>still no editor which can properly handle images or other non-plaintext-data, despite the fact that many programming languages contain libraries or otherwise support creating and manipulating images or other non-plaintext-data
>still no editor which properly supports textual ligatures required to render non-Latin fonts correctly
>still no editor which represents tabular data correctly
>still no editor which does highlighting correctly, via language semantics and not hashing symbols arbitrarily to colors (I know what defun is, emacs, don't fucking highlight it. Highlight the use of global variables/constants, or local variables/constants when they're used within their respective scopes.)
Every editor sucks. Some of the larger code-editing platforms support some of these features, bu there is not a one which supports all of them. Particularly correctly aligning and rendering fonts.

Atom + Vim Modal Control masterrace

Paul Allen's is the best 2bh