ITT: we post things we dislike about our own operating system

ITT: we post things we dislike about our own operating system

i'll start

>OSX on laptop
>itunes is a little buggy, even on its own platform
>can't write to most external drives without formatting because they came from a windows system
>can't play overwatch on the go

be honest

Other urls found in this thread:

Found your problem.


your turn

Tfw I'm on Linux and can write to and read from any type of external drive I please.

I dual booted windows 7 and crunchbang once and did this to my main harddrive and cried when i went back on windows

Steam game streaming doesn't work on Linux
Chrome remote desktop is retarded on Linux

Not sure if os-related, but
Tomcat stops functioning if I deploy too many times

(because it had made the drive unreadable for windows)

That sweet sweet ntfs-3g amirite

>literally no complaints
That's why I recommend everyone to install it in every thread

>Steam game streaming doesn't work on Linux
fuck, I had been looking forward to doing that some day

one of the things that keeps me from going full linux on my desktop is how complicated netflix is to set up on there

>sound systems are retarded, conflicting and inconvenient
This mostly

Specifically other people can't watch your stream. Steam link and gave streaming works just fine.

Also, Netflix works just fine on chrome

It has no thumbnails in the file picker for GTK+ based apps.

> Marshmallow on galaxy s3
> actuallyimpressedatfirst.png
> Google changed external memory handling completely just for the lulz
> Almost all file managers including my favourite one bork.

Netflix isn't that complicated to set up. You can just install Pipelight, then use Firefox. Or you can do it the other simple way, and just use Chrome.

Windows file system management is dog shit. That's about it

i tried that, but when i finally got it to work, it played everything at 2x speed

it's probably just my fault though

Windows 10

>UI Inconsistencies/UI
>Paging/Swap management
>Tablet UX/UI
>Performance degradation over time
>Windows Update

> Debian + fluxbox on PC
> E8500, 8GB, GTX 470
> Big map in Cities: Skylines don't run as smooth as in window.

>Windows 7
>no dx12
>attempted forced win 10 updates and telemetry
That's about it

*windows as in the operating system

iTunes has always been a mess because its codebase is over 15 years old at this point, and originally it wasn't Apple's code and didn't even run on OS X. It was an OS 9 music player by Cassady & Greene called SoundJam MP that Apple bought and put a new skin on to make iTunes. Since then it's had feature after feature piled on and can't even use native OS X APIs fully because it has to run on Windows too. It seriously needs to be taken out behind the shed and shot.

As for the drive issue, you can thank Microsoft. NTFS is proprietary and Microsoft refuses to license it.

Overwatch is Blizz going full Activision and cutting corners to squeeze out every penny.

I streamed a game from my windows desktop to my linux laptop and it seemed to work fine aside from controller issues

Oddly enoiugh I got that problem with W10, I installed it just to fuck around with it and for some reason in Windows 10 when I would turn the computer off under shutdown on the start menu it would say it was shutting down but it would hibernate instead even though hibernation was off. It would somehow fuck up the hard drives and make them unreadable until you hibernated back on. Don't know if it was a driver issue or Windows intentional.

The way Microsoft used to be, wouldn't surprise me if it was intentional as a form of retention.

Easier to list things I like about my main OS. Which is games and AHK.
I'd main Linux is it wasn't those two.

Did you remember to do --create-mozilla-plugins when you installed pipelight, and enabled silverlight?

wow, i had no idea about those first two points
thank you!

>Can't play morrowind

>no adobe suite


>galaxy s3


i honestly have no idea, it was a very long time ago

I'll give it a shot


>Set up Netflix
Why would anyone use Linux?

>using ubuntu unity
>on hd 4000 laptop everything is buttery smooth and amazing
>on my gtx 760 equipped pc i cannot move windows while watching videos because everything lags
>while using nvidia 710M on top of intel with bumblebee everything is super smooth too
thx nvidia.
>best part : while using just the 710M with prime-select nvidia everyhting is smooth too , but no vsync
i literally don't know whats up.

Linux 3: twitter not working as expected.

openmw is pretty cool right now and is getting better with every release, no serious mods tho, and fucked up ai in some places.

>Windows 7
>Everything except my Gentoo VM

>installing update
>see downloading kernel-source.4.xx
i know from experience i will need to reinstall catalyst from the CLI

Spotted the problem

No thumbnails in file picker

yes i use the X server.
If you mean windows OS - every pc i have is running ubuntu at the moment.

>Windows 7 + Cygwin + LiteStep
from Asidethemoccosional typical and agiwindandagihardware I'm fine.

Use Dolphin.

It's gotten much better in the past couple of years. Give it another go and see if it works better for you this time around

>>Windows on desktop/laptop
>It's Windows
>Command line environment is ass (even powershell)
>Usable remote access facilities are bulky as a result
>8 and 10 are totally half-assed from an interface perspective, not unusable, but feels in definite need of improvement

>>OS X (PPC) on desktop/laptop
>Interface doesn't feel as efficient for CLI workloads (bulky dock)
>ancient BSD/GNU utilities and sometimes awkward terminal emulator

>>Solaris 10 (SPARC and x86) on desktop/server
>Sun raped CDE with the web meme and never fixed it again
>OpenCSW has shit desktop software package availability
>Oracle went full jew and locked down all previously free patches and hardware drivers from Sun's site
>Laptop support is garbage since nobody bothered to archive the OpenSolaris site that had numerous essential drivers

>>Solaris 11.x (x86) on laptop/desktop
>CDE deprecated and removed for an even more deprecated GNOME 2 package that looks like total shit out of the box
>Wifi support is absolute shit from an ass
>Shittiest package manager I've ever seen
>Can't even operate usably on display hardware 10 worked with flawlessly (with fucking CDE and all)
>Everything is shit
>Why, Oracle, why

>>OpenIndiana on laptop
>Current/rolling release is literally called "Hipster"
>Ships with a version of Firefox that feels older than fucking OpenSolaris itself
>You don't realize how nice the Solaris-specific CDE ehnacements were until you have to use the open-sourced "standard" version
>"At least it runs all three Solaris x86 applications"

>>Fedora+KDE on desktop (at university)
>Crashes when X forwarding
>Crashes when web surfing
>Crashes when existing
>Everything is fucked up
>End my life

Thanks for reading my blog.

>ancient BSD/GNU utilities and sometimes awkward terminal emulator
First is true due to GPL issues but is fixable with Homebrew/Tigerbrew/MacPorts/Fink/etc. Interesting perspective on the terminal though, how did you find it awkward? I always found Linux terminals more awkward due to not being able to use system standard cut/copy/paste shortcuts and not automatically wrapping long lines.

Yeah, Homebrew remedies a lot of that stuff for me for sure.

The terminal thing is a lot of autism I guess, it feels just barely different enough from the standard *nix "experience" that I'm used to, things like the menus and settings not being within the windows themselves, and the default behavior of not closing after you've ended your session, which makes sense, but still kind of messes with that "flow" I tend to get on other platforms.

A lot of it is just default behavior that is generally easy to deal with on your own system I guess, but it makes using university fleet boxes a little discomforting. > Preferences > Profiles > Shell

>opensuse with KDE
>dolphin can't properly into certain mimetypes because of some 11 year old bug
I just want my SPC700 shit to work the way I want it to.
>the clusterfuck that is KDE5 with half its shit still stuck in Qt4 and Kframework4

>can't set the theme to dark grey
T-that's all.

>Windows 10
>it crashes like a motherfucker
>taskbar is too fat
>inconsistent UI
>pc starts in the middle of the night to update
>still needs taskmanager to close crashing programs
Makes me want to use Linux but...

>looks like shit
>doesn't have iTunes

>Works well on my machine
>Incredibly good compatibility with hardware, and no need for installing drivers (either the driver is in the kernel, and whatever I plug in just works or not)
>Chrome works good
>bash (shell with Emacs keybindings) and amazing unix command line and utilities
>I can switch to CLI at any moment
>X is amazing (separate clipboard for the mouse and ability to copy and paste with just mouse)
>Emacs works great
>I'm able to tinker with stuff and discover the way I want my things (like messing around with the interface)
>Learn a lot about the operating system in the process
>Bad performance in (most) vidya
>Native ports of Steam games are shit (I'd probably be better off running games in wine-staging)
>systemd sucks and wastes my time because it complains that I disabled wi-fi
>nouveau can cause problems at times

>ITT: we post things we dislike about our own operating system

Oh, yeah, I remember that setting now.

>>taskbar is too fat
Even with small icons turned on? Never found it supremely huge with that active.

I mentioned problems with arch, read my post.

>Even with small icons turned on?
Oh yes, without that it gets comedically huge but even with, it's just too big. Get's even worse when you put it to the side. I don't get why MS doesn't offer the option to shrink it further.

>Performance degradation over time
that only happened with xp and older

>not mentioning the memory usage
I can open up 7 tabs in Chrome and use less memory than 32 bit version of Windows 10 with nothing but the task manager opened up on the desktop.